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Posts posted by ChasSomT.

  1. An update on the fuel 'starvation' situation - I finally got round to extracting the pump filter, took it to work, and gave it a 'great deal of attention'. Refitted it tonight and she goes like 'a dream'. Thank you to all who gave advice - 'Always I am learning'


    At an 'H 4 H' event over the Bank Holiday week end, I had time to sort through one of the bins on top (FV439 Message Centre) and found nearly all the cables and hoses to connect up the gennies. I had time tonight to fit most that were needed, and, 'Wot's think'? I actually managed to fire up one of the gennies ! Result ! One 'trivial detail', the fuel return hoses weren't there, and the vehicle-end connection has been blanked off, so we've got a bit of fuel running out of one of the gennie housings , and down the side of the vehicle, but 'Chuffed'? I should say so !

    I don't know what to do with the 100 Amps of 28V I am producing, Or capable of producing, but as the BV doesn't seem to work, maybe I shall try and hook that up!


  2. I have in my possession a tool that may be an extractor of some kind, Maybe Ferret, Saladin Saracen era. I'm no good at posting pictures so I will try and describe it:-


    Cylindrical, just over 5.5" long, with a 1/2" sq hole in the central 'web'

    One end is 3.25" dia. the other 75mm dia.(Sorry to mix units, but nearer 75mm than 3")

    Both ends have 6 'lugs' 5/16" wide, 3/8" long, as if they unscrew a bearing, or seal retaining ring.

    The only markings are " KENT M(?)OORE Z 80 79A " The 'M' could be something else.

    Just possible someone on here may be crying out for one of these, 'Wot's think'?



  3. I nearly replied to your post- probably nothing like your problem I thought.

    'My' Fox when I was in 'The Yo-Yos', had a habit of the charge relay 'dropping out' after 30-40 mins at tickover. I gradually 'twigged' that the whine in the headset had disappeared when this had happened. Just had to be brave, and stop and restart the engine. The first time I realised what had happened I remember looking at the Volts on the 353(?) and seeing 20v! All on our own, deep in a German wood, I hoped the engine would restart, and it did. Writing this, I think it was because the radio wouldn't go to 'send' - the radio experts will probably know what voltage that happens at.

    Sorry if I've bored anyone


  4. Andym: You have wiring diagrams for the gennies on 439s? Wow! Any chance of a copy?

    Dieseldemon: There's Definately a fuel pump, and Another filter, on the R/H side, on the tank. Not certain if they are Onans, look Very similar to Petter AC1s to me. Plessey Aerospace (or something) data plates on them!

    Thanks lads!

  5. Thank you for your replies, very helpful. Clever, that, about swapping the plugs around.

    Will try that asap!

    I actually managed to trace the gennie fuel pump cable back to the board, and found a 'trip' out, but still no 'joy'! Will try the switch you mentioned.


    Thanks again.


  6. Maybe I should have posted in 'I may be stupid, but. . ' instead


    We've got a blocked fuel filter in the collecter tank of our 439, WE THINK.

    The book keeps on about a drain valve, accessable from underneath the rear of the vehicle.

    We've taken out both brass plugs and found nothing. A few drips of fuel, nowt else.

    Drain valve, what drain valve? Any suggestions, please?


    And while I'm on, has anyone any idea how to switch on the fuel pump to the gennies on 'the roof'? (439Message Centre)

    A long shot, I know, but someone may know! We may have some harness missing, but can't find a switch specifically for the pump. Maybe the pump only runs when the gennies are started, but then, it would take a while to prime the fuel lines I would have thought.


    Thanks, Chas.

  7. On my recruit firing at Warcop on Saladin in 1975 I managed to hit a poor Conqueror bang on the nose with my 1 Hesh round, sending the I.G. 'wild'! Firing semi-indirect certainly left me in awe.

    If memory serves me correctly, the Rarden on the Fox had an mv of 1220m/s on some ammo.


    Yet another fascinating thread on this forum.

    • Up 1
  8. moz-screenshot-26.pngMontie, that's wierd, you not getting the first picture. It was a closeup of the front of an ACV being worked on, but showing the BSA gennie on the right wing.

    Like your comment about 'pressure' !

    I will try again from the other computer.

  9. Yes, it was a shelter for the job-the chap the other side of the Sarry is a good mate of mine who was a L/Cpl in our L.A.D.

    Yes Richard, well spotted. I believe HRH was Hon. Colonel of one of the R.Y. Sqns. (Not 'A')

    I am getting there, there are more pictures to come!

    I have a picture taken in Germany on Crusader 80, of our Saracen Ambulance (amongst other vehicles) I've posted it on the 'Wot? No Saracen Gallery' thread, but the picture is too small - I Must try harder.


  10. I don't know if it's of any interest, but having just found some old photos of my days with

    'A' Sqn. Royal Yeomanry, I have started listing the Army Reg. Nos. The dates are from 1975 to 1986, and include Ferrets, Saladins, Saracens, Foxes and some 'B' vehicles. I've only found a few photos at the moment, but now I've started, I'm eager to find the rest I'm sure I've got.

    So far, what I have found is :


    Saladin 07BB16

    Saracen 82BA44 (APC)

    Saracen 81BA45 (ACV)?

    Ferret 36BA15

    Ferret 01CA38

    Ferret 01DA22

    Fox 08FD64

    Fox 08FD94

    Fox 09FD18

    Fox 09FD25

    Fox 09FD36

    Fox 10FD44

    Fox 11FD20

    Bedford MK 48GB28

    Bedford MK 00FH90

    As I said, I'm sure I've got more somewhere, If anyone's interested.



  11. Private organisers arrange these events to make money.

    We took the 439 to the Trowbridge 'Armed forces and veterans Day' on June 26/27th, organised by Trowbridge Town Council I believe. The local MVT(?) chap came along, asked the owners name and come back later, asking me to be at a certain place at a given time. I went and was given an envelope - 'Towards fuel costs'

    We were 'Gobsmacked'. I don't know where the money came from, there was no entrance fee. Didn't feel right somehow,when we got back we decided to donate it to the local British Legion Branch.

    If I had been 'on the ball' I would have handed it over to the Help for Heroes tent. (We had a 'H for H' bucket on the vehicle, so feel we did 'something')

  12. Gutted for you Jack. As has been said above, you are not alone. You need anything at all, I'm sure between us, the members on here will be able to sort it out for you. After your resounding success with A + E, and your honesty and decency expressed in your 'explanation', you are obviously a man of rare quality, and I am certain you will come through this, to greater things and enhanced reputation.

    We are all behind you, Jack.

  13. Re fuel consumtion:

    I remember doing a rough comparison on excercise in the TA unit I was in in the 70s-early 80s, and seem to recall the Ferret doing about 4mpg and the Fox doing 14mpg.

    That was a typical (for us, anyway!) half hour flat-out blast, then 2 - 3 hrs hanging about with the engines idling, or the Fox running the BV for a brew/meal. Don't forget they both had 2 radio sets drawing current all the time.

    In 'Civvie' use, on 'sensible journeys' (!) with no radio sets, no prolonged idling, both vehicles would manage far better than the figures I gave.

    Hope this helps



  14. I like Stefano's - 'Funny stuff' - Diesel engines !

    With this, and the 'Overwidth Issue',

    Don't we ''Just' need a 'Simple' (!) Exemption clause to the C + U Regs. :-

    'and previously exempt Military Vehicles ' . . . . .

    Our 'Legislators' can rush through legislation THEY deem neccessary, without 'Full debate'

    Surely a 'Simple' amendment NEED'NT be too difficult to 'Clarify' the situation !

  15. Andy,

    The 439 is on diesel too. Good point, tho.

    I just happened to notice the guage needle flicking when we were having trouble, and wondered if it was all 'related'.

    I checked the wiring both ends last week - nothing loose - needle didn't move when I 'rattled it about'. Looks like the start of the pump's 'death throes'!

    Another pump it is, then!


  16. We've started having trouble with our 439. Seems like the fuel pump. Can anyone tell me if when the pump starts failing, does the fuel guage start playing up? When things start going wrong, I've noticed the fuel guage 'flicks' between the correct level and Off, not empty. I've checked the wiring, both ends, nothing loose, guage doesn't move when wiring 'jiggled'.

    As the pump 'dies' does it momentarily sieze, taking all the current, making the guage point to OFF?

    Probably be easiest to just change the pump!

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