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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. Like Joris said nov 11th hasn't got a meaning for Dutchmen since we were neutral.

    Still because I know several British veterans I wear the Poppy which does get people's attention.

    Question; on British TV I see people wear Poppy's days before Nov 11.

    When does it start and why are they worn days earlier?

  2. it is different but easy to listen to.

    coming from someone who loves ska & greenday etc that is a compliment





    Cool musical taste!

    I like Metal... :evil: :banana: :banghead:

  3. A Dodge is somewhat easier in size and fueleconomy.

    A WC 51 or 52 shouldn't be too expensive either.

    If a Jeep is too small/expensive and a GMC too big a Dodge is a good vehicle.

    Also a Dodge is reliable like a Jeep and GMC.



  4. People taking a vehicle SHOULD NOT be chharged money !!!!!! It is just not on. So, as you will no doubt say "dont go then" . Well I do not. If only no one else would then the charges would be dropped to 0, like they used to be.

    Our club shows are run without such charges. I just think someone is using our vehicles, to display to the public, is getting rich !!!

    There, had to get it off my chest



    I agree, we are making the show along with the organisation.

    A SMALL fee for services like water, loos and cleaning OK.

    For us going to Beltring is our holiday so we'll go anyway.

    At least the Ferry was very cheap this time.

  5. On Monday 18 sept is the parade in Eindhoven, also cool.


    The Parajump on 16 is cool, lots of vehicles present.

    It's held in the morning, after that a few different programmes.

    I'll go drive the parade through Ede and the static display there.

    British vehicles will leave the Ginkelse Hei after the jumps for a drive to Arnhem.

    It's best to dress accordingly if possible, lots of people come in repro/original uniforms.


    Maybe you can go to the Ginkelse Heide where the jump is held and ask for a ride with somebody? Don't forget to ask if they return to where you got the ride.

  6. Here the memoires of a Recce (A4) from 43rd Div.

    I've known Mr Surrey for some years now over the internet, never had the privilege to meet him in person though. Consider him a close firend.


    Mr. Surrey has given me permission to share his memoires;


    "I don.t mind if you share any of the information i have given to you its nice to think some people are interested in what took place all those years ago. saddly to say a lot of the youth in England are not interested in what happened. if you need any further help just ask if i have the information i will gladly pass it on. Ray. "


    Hope you'll enjoy his story.







    [attachment deleted by admin]

    ray his story.doc

  7. From the dictionary.... one form of slag is....(.in the informal tense) a promiscuous woman :roll: :-o,


    But in general banter this term can be used to either male or female gender, usually amongst friends





    :tup: OK, got it!

    Thanks, Ashley :banana:

  8. I have the memoires of a 43rd Wessex recce (A3).

    He tried to get it published but didn't succeed as the publisher needed a guarantee he'd sell a whooooole lot of them.

    A shame really because its well written with lots of funny anecdotes and detailed info and easy to read.

    Unfortunately he passed away last year. (Fred, rest in peace).


    I also have a brief memoires of another 43rd recce (A4) in a word document.

    He is still alive and consider(ed) both men as close friends even though I never met them in person.

  9. Don't forget a Navy without strong airsupport is very vulnerable.

    In the Pacific 2 battleships (Prince of Wales and Repulse) were defeated by the Japanese Airforce.

    If the Germans had defeated the RAF as planned the Luftwaffe would have attacked any Batlleship. Off course it would have been very difficult but with help of every U-boat available the Royal Navy may have been destroyed or at least heavily mauled...

    I don't think the Navy alone could have stopped an invasion.


    Then the German invasion could have begun, if they would win the landbattle is another story.

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