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Enigma last won the day on August 3

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About Enigma

  • Birthday 12/04/1870

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  1. We were at attention for Roll Call on the North side of the Waal at Nijmegen. I heard and saw the tanks, halftracks, trucks and more rumbling over the bridge. Well done to all.
  2. Guess they could be used as a ground anchor for pontoon bridges.
  3. During last A&E I was sitting (amongst others) with Jack, Jim, Jaqui. We got talking how the forum started and how he found my email adres to spam me. (he still doesn't know, probably via friends). Anyway....on the 5th of August 2005 at 10:18 I got the email that changed my life for the better... It was Jack explaining he had started a forum and invited me. I was probably like;, ahw ok. And thought it was only the polite thing to join and post a few things. Well I didn't realise at the tima how big the forum would get, how much I'd post and how many friends I made because of it. I was allready a annual visitor to W&P and we did a HMVF group photo there which was great. When there was talk about organising A&E I thought it would be cool to drive my old Renault Express over to Dorset and hope for a (tank) ride. Good decision on my part. Been to all 5 editions and was so glad different people were gracious enough to give this Dutchman a ride in their Jeep, truck, wrecker, halftrack and tanks! OK, why this sudden trip down memory lane? WELL.......I still have the original email!
  4. Wow, cool. Have fun with your project, I'll check the topic as it progresses.
  5. Could be interesting for a interior designer or such.
  6. Guess you'll have positive and negetive reactions. If you do it as good as possible you can explain critics why you made it. In the end its your vehicle so your choice. If someone is really persistent you are wrong they can offer a better alternative or even a original one at their own expense....
  7. I have a couple of US helmets converted to take a stick to empty out a well or septic tank.
  8. Sorry to hear Mike. Hopefully the both of you will make a full recovery soon. I won't say BS; ah its only damage to a vehicle and can be fixed because I can fully understand how gutted you must feel.
  9. And if you want it gloss then jeust overspray with Gloss varnish.
  10. I have a German helmet on the Dodgé spare wheel for the last 20-25 years. I call it Wilhelm (pronounces in German), realising later that sounds like Wheel helm in English..
  11. Oh, boy. Another big project! Cool!! Have fun and good luck.
  12. Years ago I got a photo through email from a 43rd Recce veteran. He was in a Half track called Advocator (he was in Able 4), hence the name beginning wit a "A".. The photo was taken in the Netherlands, Zetten village, between the rivers Maas and Waal in 1944. The HT is a International Harvester.
  13. Love these photo's. We're watching the series Anzacs again, like it.
  14. Finding parts is difficult. Did spot some on ebay but very expensive; Brake handles; https://www.ebay.ie/itm/156282603472?itmmeta=01J1ZT25J2NCQCZ5GVMQADY2H7&hash=item24632b47d0:g:Vy8AAOSwnNBmbdsf Decals; https://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_nkw=bsa+paratrooper+bicycle&Brand=&_dcat=57267
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