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Enigma last won the day on June 25

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31 Excellent

About Enigma

  • Birthday 12/04/1870

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  1. I'll be at a encampment on the Island of Lent (basically the North side of the Waal river). We will do the Waalcrossing and battle. Maybe I'll see you crossing the Bridge we'll liberate for you?
  2. The simple cross jerrycan is a bit of a mystery. The first German ones were like this but they had clear markings on them. Similar ones are mentioned in a Jerrycan book as Unidentified/unknown. It is suspected they are from 1940/1941. But no proof that I am aware of. Interesting item.
  3. Well done. Must have been rewarding driving it at A&E.
  4. Damn, we had a lot of fun. There was even a rumour going around I was spotted smiling and grinning... I ofcourse deny everything..😀
  5. I think Adrian B. or Adrian S. has or had a multibank in his Sherman.
  6. A pity you can't attend A&E. Too many events in too short a time...
  7. Yes, that is a Dodge Weapons Carrier, a WC 52. (A WC 51 is without winch). Looking forward to more photo's.
  8. Damn, that could have been a big accident. Good you are alright. See you at A&E?
  9. I agree about costs. But a organiser could choose someting Newfangled called....communication, communication and communication.... Be clear and honest. Explain why we the exhibitors pay more than before. I am sure most will understand the rise of costs and also its a income for the organisers.. Also we'd feel appreciated more and not like a cash-cow. We attended W&P 20 times or so. After the first few years we took a modernish car because travelling was quite a way (Dutch) with the added costs of the Channel Ferry. But for us it was a holiday and frankly nothing similar in our area. After Corona and the extra hassle due to Brexit it was doubtfull we would have attended in the last few years.
  10. Basically the costs went up for attendees so a lot were giving it a miss. Less attendees is less visitors and less traders etc. So it started cirkeling the drain. Last time we attended was in 2019 and noticibly more space on the fields and less armour. Then Corona more or less killed it off.
  11. Problem is there are reproductions. A mix of original and repro is well possible. Best thing is to do research on these so you know the differences befor inspectin/buying one.
  12. You may be a bit late considering the posting was from 8 years ago.
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