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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. I always think that haynes manuals should grade jobs by the number of skinned knuckles and blood lost and expletives used


    "Ah yes starter motor removal and refitment "


    "It says here 3 plasters, 2 knuckes, a couple of f**kin' s, 3 cups o' tea :-o and bang your head on the bumper getting out from under the car each time until dizzy :-D



    Hmmm, no first aid for me this time.

    Got lucky when extraxting a cotter pin on the starterlinkage I slipped and hit my elbow, luckily NOT very painful.


    However lost of nasty diseases :argh: shouted when yet another thing didn't go my way...

    Did enjoy a nice cup of tea and bisquits. :cofee:

  2. You may remember my topic about my 6 volt WC 21.

    The starter turned veeeery slowly, about 1 turn per pressing of the button. :banghead:

    After checking leads and stuff some thought it may be the startermotor itself.


    So I bought a NOS one.

    What a %$#@$#% to get the old one out!!

    removing oilfilter and tubes, horn, floorboards and more I got the old one out and put the new one in.

    Remember, no garage so working outside, luckily its warm about 15-17 degrees centigrade.

    Well, first tested the horn....nothing (sorting that out later).

    Then sirene...OK.

    And finally the starter.


    EUREKA, turnes like crazy. I've done it!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:


    Thanks guys for all your help!!! :tup: No more handcranking.........

  3. That's the one! I subsequently modded it to look a little more WW1 for a BBC production last year, as seen at Beltring.


    I normally do go to Beltring, though this year was the first I have missed for years.


    My sherman was there last year.







    I got to go in the arena in a Sherman named "Zemsta". Great fun.

    Show us a pic of your vehicles...

  4. Just a thought - would not the public be interested in seeing how things changed over the years?? DUKW beside Stalwart, Bren beside 432 to use Johns examples. Equipment that has a common purpose but has changed - sometimes radically - over time can generate more interest than just seeing equipment of the same era. The differences can make good conversation points for those who've come to see the vehicles....


    Would be nice to see MV evolution like that.

    Lots has changed and sometimes not much att all.

  5. Hi Chris

    I bet in her mind she was sitting next to you driving offroad like mad....good on you for keeping your promise!


    During the commemorations in Den Bosch last October I made a Welsh veteran happy.

    We had spoken a year earlier about Recce badges (he was a Recce). He couldn't get a original one.

    I had forgotten (my memory is shot).

    This year he reminded me and I promissed him a original one. He had a replica loaned form someone else.

    So I brought the badge which I wear daily on a black beret and gave it to him.

    He was very pleased.

    When another veteran asked how much he had paid I just said it was a gift.

    I got a new one through Ebay.

  6. I love all little incey wincey furry creatures




    And put them in the pot with the carrots, just as Uncle Hugh shows us on telly.


    I've allways had this burning question for a vegan about his sex life............................


    If you know what i mean??


    Hardyferret : film star, tabloid celebrity, lion wrestler,snake charmer, maiden deflower,


    Ha ha, sick minds think alike; I also wonder about vegan's :rofl: :naughty:


    I LOVE animals......,they taste great!

  7. Is the ignition dry? Moisture can be a pain.

    My brothers M201 ran a little rough in the summer.

    Replaced the spark plugs by the CORRECT ones and now seems to be OK.

    Are the plug leads OK?



    For MOT that's not a problem is it?

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