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mick garner

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Posts posted by mick garner

  1. Hello,

    It would be really good to get in a convoy on the way there. I take it Richard you would use the A141 to get towards huntingdon area, we could meet there then go the A1198 way, then get on the A505 and get to Duxford. Sorry if this confuses you. I was just trying to think of a good route and thought that the A1198 would be a good road for driving the MV's.


  2. Hi all,

    In my opinion a Stalwart has to have one of the nicest sounding motors of all time, must be better than a Zil!!! :roll: :wink:

    Here are some of the best sounding vehicles:

    1969 Dodge Charger. A friend has one.


    ferret whilst accelerating hard in a low gear.

    Centurion tank! Saw the one at Duxford roaring round the arena..magnificent!


  3. Hi Jack,

    I shouldn't think it should matter that much, anyway I've seen plenty of GMC's in CMV with kit bags and things like that on the wings. If it does interfere put the kit on when you get to the show (if you're going to a show of course) and then when you leave take it off.

    Cheers, Mick.

  4. Hi Shane,

    11 if you include the spare!!!!!!! I suppose people say this because they just don't bother to include the double wheels. Anyway it would probably sound a bit odd if you said to someone 'look at that ten-wheeler truck over there.' Most people would probably think you were very drunk or having hallucinations! :lol: I think thats probably why.

    Cheers, Mick

  5. Hi Lee,

    Thanks for that but I think it's 'out of range' for me. Not sure about the others though. I would like to come but 30 miles is about my maximum mileage I'd like to do in the beast. It gets uncomfortable and starts to eat away at the wallet..........


    I'm sure you all know what I mean.

    Cheers, Mick.

  6. Hi all,

    That sounds good, hopefully things will really start to get off the ground now. I think we need to establish ourselves and get the group together, do some events, before we create a website, that way people will start to know us in the MV community and then hopefully go on our website.

    Here are some aims I've thought of:

    Try to get a place were we can hold the event (richards aquarium?) :?:

    Try to get some more members (adding to tylers 14 or so he's already thought of.)

    thats all for now I think, I'm sure you people have got lots more ideas.

    This bigger than beltring thing could even become reality!!!!! :lol: :wink:

    Cheers, Mick.

  7. Hi all,

    I think that if you register your vehicle as an 'agricultural tractor' (if you can)!!! you can get out of that 7.5 tonne limit. I've heard of a few Stalwarts like this. Obviously this will only apply to certain vehicles although I don't really know exactly what 'is an agricultural tractor' and whats not. And of course if you have a diesel motor you get red diesel!!! :D:D:D:D:)


  8. Hi,

    I always used to drive my Jimmy around with basically the whole child population of my town in the back, drove past a few police cars and nobody said anything.

    I know that if you own a vintage bus you can only carry a maximum of 8 passengers.(I think.) I'm not sure if this would apply to other vehicles or not.

    Cheers, mick.

  9. Hi Chris,

    Your quite right about recognising the first picture. It was the picture that was advertising it on Milweb. I bought it from a guy named John Dews in North Wales. She had been stored in a gigantic shed full of MV's for a couple of years, I bought her in the condition you see her now and road registered her in 2002. I can remember looking at quite a few Ferrets but when I noticed that one on Milweb I just fell in love with it and bought it. I liked the green over sand camo, it looks really effective on most Brit post war kit.

    Cheers, Mick.

  10. Hi Lee,

    Your absolutely right imagehosting is rubbish. At least I know I'm not a complete idiot with computers and it was the site that was letting me down. I think I'll just delete my account on imagehosting.


    This is a really awful picture because Monty managed to stroll in front of the camera. But it's the only picture I've got at the moment apart from the one in my last post. I'll try and get some more on here when I can.

    Cheers, Mick.

  11. Hi all,

    I haven't a clue why but it just comes up with a link to the picture not the actual image. If you click on that link it just takes you to the base page of http://www.theimagehosting.com (the site I am registered on), it is quite different to photobucket in the fact that if you click on my images in the 'management' section it comes up with a thumbnail of my ferret, the image name ( if you click on this it brings up a larger picture), the time it was uploaded, the 'get codes button' (I think this is the way forward) once in the get codes part it no longer displays a picture of the ferret and it basically asks me where I want to paste my picture, this is what it says: Link your image to a personal website or E-bay auction. All others are 'hotlink' ones apart from post your image on message boards one, this must be the one we need so I highlighted the code in the box below the heading, then I pressed the copy button, then I go to my post on HMVF and click paste and sure enough the code is there, but when I click on preview instead of bringing up an image of my Ferret it just brings up a link. :? :?: :x

    Cheers guys, Mick.

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