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mick garner

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Posts posted by mick garner

  1. Hi all,

    Even if the government did ban replica weapons and deacts I can guarantee you it wouldn't make any difference to gun crime rates, in fact they would probably go up. Because I know for a fact that no criminal is just going to hand his deac or replica gun into the police or stop waving it around at people illegally. Only us law-abiding people will hand in our weapons and it will be things like our movement and us that will suffer.

    Cheers, Mick.

  2. Hi tyler and richard,

    that can go straight past me. absolutely fine so long as my ferrets on there too! I think Richards Militant or Zil would look good on the badge too. Perhaps we could have t.e.a.m written in a curve and in stenciled type writng if thats possible sort of written onto the MV's. Have the border as our main background, then a couple of MV's on top of that. and finally T.E.A.M written on top. I'll try and get something drawn up if I have the time and then try and get it on here with my amazing computer knowledge of a 44 year old who grew up without a computer in sight. :lol:

  3. Hi Tyler,

    Thats smashing, I quite wanted TEAM to win! Now we have to move on to the aims and objectives of the group. e.g Where, when we can hold an event. People to come. What we can have there. Maybe we could meet up and talk about the aims of the group.

    Cheers, Mick.

  4. Hi Tyler,

    Atomic for the A perhaps?

    We should just keep it as the original TEAM don't bother including The A Team in the draw, its pretty rubbish and I was just sort of thinking back to the days of cheesy yet still quite good TV programmes. Not long now....

    cheers Mick.

  5. Hi Neil,

    I really would buy it if the money was right and I had the time and resources, If I had a large shed, a spray gun, a couple of buddies to help me honestly I would. But I'm afraid that she's going to have to stay sitting in the field. My son says we she just go and shoot the owner :twisted: but things are not like that. All I can really do is try and persuade him to do something with it himself. Or maybe someone else with an interest for military vehicles will take an interest and rescue it from total destruction.

    cheers, Mick.

  6. Hi all,

    Are we an independent group or are we going to represent the Eastern area of the MVT. It's just if we do represent the MVT then they will probably help us out with our committee meetings and the legal side of things when setting up events and shows.

    cheers, Mick.

  7. Hi Neil,

    I've approached the owner twice before and asked him what he's going to do with it and he practically shrugged his shoulders at me. I am surprised that the land-owners have not got annoyed with it standing there for the past 15-20 years. Theres all old mowers and pallets piled around it and metal leaning up against it. And a tree starting to grow beside it. This has made the side go green with moss. He's 'investment' I think is very much going to be worthless soon as you say Neil. When I approached him about 3 years ago he did say he would get it 'running'.

    I still think that 'running' is a lot different to 'restoring'. The cab looks OK according to the son (he knows a lot more than me about these vehicles), this is looking through the window though, all the seats are ripped to shreds and there is coke bottles scattered all over the cab. the hull seems to be in good order but on the right side of the cab the metalwork feels a bit thin. The drop-sides look OK. No rusting through at all. It still can be saved but now I've learnt that the intake at the rear of the cab leads to the fuel and oil tanks that does disappoint me, rust is going to eat it inside and out. And another very odd thing I can't really work out. The top of the exhaust is basically sliced off at an angle. How could something do that?

    Cheers, Mick.

  8. Well done Tyler!:o She looks like a great truck. Will this slow down your Shorland project? I think you'll find that with the austin you'll be able to go to a lot more shows. Because a good deal of the shows throughout the show season are WW2 events. I'll look forward to seeing you at some of the events in it.

    Cheers, Mick.

  9. Hi all,

    I think thats what it should be then if everyone agrees to it. EMVG. EMMA is still good because you can say it as a word. maybe we should try narrowing it down to the ones we prefer. I think your probably the man for doing the badge and things tyler, seen as you are 'supreme commander' and I think probably the best one with computers out of all of us.

    regards Mick.

  10. Hi tyler, richard, anyone.

    Any ideas as to the final name yet? I think that Eastern Bloc heads is a good one! but seen as richards getting rid of his Zil don't you think it would sound a bit odd, (sorry if I upset someone.) how about tyler's EMVG, simple and good at the same time. as for the venue I think Richards aquarium place sounds great, maybe we could hold it at a different venue every time, theres a pub called the anchor in a village called tempsford just down the A1 about 2 or 3 miles away from me, which I think looks like a promising venue, haven't been up there for ages but they have a massive garden, and at the end it joins on to the river, good for stolly and dukw owners! I was also talking to a guy from the MVT yesterday and he said that in beds alone there is 71 MVT members , remember that not all of them have a vehicle, and I think some more than that in herts and cambs. Any ideas as to when and where we can all meet up and talk in person about getting this thing up and running, no rush to anyone, maybe a weekend sometime.

    Cheers, Mick.

  11. Hi Neil,

    I had a look at the stolly and I'm sorry to say that no, the bilge pumps are not undone, I got my son to get in the back and see what state that beast of a motor was in under those plates, and he is stolly-knowledge extroadinnaire, he said that there was a couple of inches of green water in the bottom of the engine bay and also mentioned that the drive joints for the swim gear connected to the PTO were still there, such a shame to see it sit there and slowly rot away, when I talked to the owner about it though he also mentioned that it had a growning gearbox, I was trying to think what it would cost you to restore it the other day, we don't know if the engines seized so lets say £1000 for a new motor, £1000 for a new gearbox, £300? for a new wheel station, and the other thing I didn't mention, the tyres are absolutely knackered, so lets say six new tyres at £150 each, another £900 to £1000 pounds. then £700 for other parts, and of course the £1500 you actually pay for the vehicle the grand total=£5500 astronomical! Wouldn't you much rather pay £5500 for a decent stolly that you can just go straight out and enjoy, or go through hours of tedious work,(from what i here stollies are a pig of a vehicle to work on.) Maybe I will get up there armed with the spanner and socket set and undo those bilge pumps, its just its on someones land and I wouldn't say that they like us going on their land!

    Regards, Mick.

  12. Hi all,

    How about the MEGA's, middle eastern green and sand? I know its not that brilliant but it was just one thought up on the spur of the moment, I'm also trying to think of one like tyler's dirty dozzen, how about Kellys Heroes or even something boring like The A1 group?

    cheers guys


  13. Hi all,

    looks like you've volunteered as secretary, tyler! do you think we ought to have a general meeting locally and weld some of these ideas together and have a more solid idea of aims and benefits for the group and start to sell the group through this show season to all friends on the show circuit and HMVF, perhaps we can look to a solid date in 2007 for a localish venue for a show.


    regards mick.

  14. Hi all,

    I don't know if anyone is willing to form a show for MVT members around the beds, herts, cambs area, maybe just every couple of months we could have a get-together of MV's, I've been thinking about it for a long time, trying to think of a suitable site and thinking of people who could come. There seems to be get-togethers and MVT shows everywhere else so how come theres nothing around beds, herts, cambs. Just an idea, maybe take it a step further if we get a good response.Tell us your ideas.

    cheers, Mick.

  15. Hi Jack,

    Our closed cab jimmy was sold for the 'flags of fathers' movie, the motor wasn't in a great state when we sold it, but the bodywork was still really good, no rust anywhere, not even in that spot under the mudguards where most jimmies rust. I think she's in the back of the photo of the jimmy advertised on milweb, you can just sort of see part of the cab. I sometimes regret selling the GMC's, now I can't go to any WW2 events and a good deal of the shows throughout the year were WW2 shows.

    cheers, Mick

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