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Posts posted by Stone

  1. I did identify the manufacturer for a few of those connectors - I'll see if I can dig anything out for you when I'm next at work (Tuesday). Looks like it might be in the same series as the ones on the radio relay PSU (240V->24V at 60A) which are very substantial waterproofed connectors - there was a manufacturer that still made them...name totally escapes me though!



  2. I think that a combustion engine runs more efficiently with hydrogen added to fossil fuels. This fuel cell is in the air intake and increases the hydrogen level fed into the engine by converting H2O

    Like you say, it'd be interesting to see the numbers. The only way I can see it working is if it was using electricity from the battery/alternator to split the water (from the air or a reservoir?). With more load on the alternator you'll be burning more fuel...



  3. Both had their oil sump bungs missing and one the oil filter missing, seemed odd, do they "kill" them????

    They have their CES checked when they're backloaded but some things don't get checked thoroughly (or aren't on the list...) so they 'vanish'!



  4. I reckon we got about 2h each driving alone which was plenty of time to get comfortable with vehicle control. I still don't know anything about maintenance or what some of the controls do but it's a driving test, not a vehicle familiarisation test!


    I'd have an ask around somewhere like here, there must be plenty of 432 owners who'd let you have a go :)



  5. My mates 439 (Message Centre) has the two Gennys on top, presumably the Onans (They have the screw-on silencers)


    Has anyone got a link to any Instruction book for the Onans?

    If they're the same as the ones formerly fitted to the Bedfords (before their upgrade) I posted the manual in the Plant/Equipment subforum, have a peek.



  6. blimey it sounds like a stalwart..

    Not sounding very Swedish either, did they make them here under license or something? :??? Their stuff's normally pretty bombproof, I thought.


    (I know Hägglund are part of Big And Expensive now...)



  7. Thanks for the info Mike ! Maybe the "ran from 51/52" means that this is when they start using those numbers and they then keep using those numbers for that particular model regardless of its year of manufacture until those numbers are all used up and then they allocate a different batch for further vehicles produced ! Just my interpretation , not sure really !:sweat:

    Sounds plausible, I've seen an awful lot of FV432s with an ##EA## reg...including some mk3s!



  8. Is the back-board on the bed cut down from the normal ones or are all the crane-equipped MJs like that?


    Also you have a jerry can rack by the spare wheel that I've usually only seen on the other side in front of the tyre inflator...



  9. Mind you a pink tank :argh:


    I heard there was also an armoured vehicle that got stretched, pimped with a hot tub in the back.

    I've seen it :D Same bloke owns the pink Abbott.



  10. Yes it would be good to see the set up. any chance of a pic of the interior of your Bedford?

    Not ours, but inside the one with the generators as above:

    (best I could manage, there was a Siggie chap breathing down my neck!)


    Ours is in the car park!


    I believe these were 3-man dets.





  11. After my experience on Thursday, I'd have to ask:


    In a 432 the designers provided for the possibility that the throttle linkage would jam or break by providing a little hatch by the driver's left elbow which lets you access the throttle lever where it's attached to the pack. After going to all that effort, why not route some air past it so when you have to use it it's not hot enough to burn your hand? :argh:



  12. I think I go with this one:

    But I think an owners vehicle is his and they can do what they want because:


    - it's his/her money

    - a least it's a vehicle saved, to some extent instead of being scrapped (gone forever). I hear there is a bright pink armoured vehicle driving around in the UK. Once that owners group gets weary of it I am sure it will be rebuilt or parted out.

    There's at least two, a pink Abbott and there's one or two pink T55s :rofl:


    I can appreciate all the hard work that goes into putting together the carefully-reconstructed, well-researched art pieces that end up at shows (not so much the 'bought from Withams, jetwash, display' brigade, but hey) but equally if someone wants to paint their ZIL orange then why not? Maybe it's the engineer in me but I'd rather see a neatly-applied fresh paintjob than keep a festering rusty patchwork 'because it's original'. Likewise why not have a Russian tank representing one of the Finnish Defence Force examples because you prefer the camo scheme? It may not be as it spent the first part of its life but that doesn't mean its history is lost, it just gives you something to talk about at shows :)


    Flame shield up!



  13. Agreed if the procedure has been followed, but if no notice was given to the original owner of the vehicles, he still remains the legal owner and can claim them back. Which might be interesting if they were scrapped!

    I think in that case the owner'd be looking at suing for compensation for having HIS property destroyed by another. If it was something rare/useful/interesting (with evidence to prove it, obviously) it could get quite painful for the landowner!



  14. Didn't think they allowed you to rob other vehicles up there.

    They don't, it was a bit complicated...(we bought vehicle including box but left the box there as we already had our own fitted out as we wanted)


    I have a couple of pics of the inside of the box on a relay somewhere, might be interesting to compare...



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