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juan carlos rodriguez

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  1. Can someone guide me on where to locate an exhaust pipe (only the manifold, not the silencer) for this motorcycle (h 18 1937) would the exhaust pipe of the ES2 be worth it?
  2. Yes, after 85 years, the engine is still in the chassis with which it left the factory. Good news.
  3. One question, I need an oil tank. Taking into account that my motorcycle is from 37, what type of deposit would be the original:
  4. I am fully aware that my fork is not original. These days I have been considering buying an original (Ebay India) with an impressive appearance, identical to the originals. Unfortunately, looking for some information I have read that they are copies currently made through foundries. Poor quality and even dangerous. They even talk about replicating (in the foundry) the lubricators, so when you get the fork home, you find that what you thought was a lubricator is actually your piece of casting. Also the main tubes are not really tubes, they are solid casting. This fork is fine for an exposed bike, but not for performance.
  5. el número de fotograma coincide con el que he anotado en la hoja antigua: 85268
  6. Fantastic, thank you very much, it is the first concrete data of my motorcycle verified. It seems that we found a survivor. I found her in very bad condition, logically after overcoming a conflict and the following years. but the important thing, she has it. The rest of the things will appear little by little. I'll look in that area again, today I haven't seen anything, but I didn't know exactly where to look either. Thank you very much for the help. These surviving motorcycles, at the end of the war, many of them were given a telescopic fork to "rejuvenate" them. The rear chassis was also cut to fit some vertical shock absorbers. In fact, before finding my motorcycle, I visited another one that I discarded due to having the chassis cut. I was young and it seemed too challenging for me to repair that mess. Today if I would dare. My Norton has been with me for about 30 years, during this time I have bought several things (headlamp, tank, toolbox, etc...) and the time has come to recover it and enjoy it. It's my retirement present. I know another one with those typical characteristics (telescopic fork and rigid chassis with suspension) I'll take some photos and show them to you. EStas motos supervivientes, al acabar la guerra, a muchas de ellas se les adoptaba una horquilla telescopica para " rejuvenecerlas ". TAmbien se les cortaba el chasis trasero para acoplar unos amortiguadores verticales.. De hecho, antes de encontrar mi moto, visite otra que deseche por tener el chasis cortado. Era joven y me parecio demasiado reto para mi reparar ese desaguisado. Hoy si me atreveria. Mi Norton lleva conmigo unos 30 años, en este tiempo he ido comprado varias cosas ( faro, deposito, caja de herramientas, etc...)y ha llegado el momento de recuperarla y disfrutarla. ES mi regalo de jubilacion.. Conozco otra con esas caracteristicas tipicas ( horquilla telescopica y chasis rigido con suspension) le hare unas fotos y se las mostrare.
  7. I have written down this numbering on a piece of paper 25/30 years ago when I bought this motorcycle, from the day I bought it, but today I have not been able to find that frame numbering. I'm not sure this number is true, I'll have to check. TEngo anotado en un papel esta numeracion desde hace 25/30 años que compre esta moto, del dia que la compre, pero hoy no he sido capaz de encontrar esa numeracion de bastidor. No estoy seguro de que este numero sea cierto, tendre que comprobarlo.: Nº motor: 81409 - VA – 79 .( por) 100 Nº cilindro: 75899 Nº bastidor: 85 268.- The rest of the numbers match, so there is a good chance that the VIN is mine, but I couldn't find it today... el resto de numeros coincide, asi pues hay muchas posibilidades de que el numero de bastidor sea el mio, pero hoy no lo encontre...
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