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Posts posted by paulob1

  1. cant make out the plane, not enough detail for me...the wing inspection or maybe machine gun access panels may be helpful but it will take a bit more searching to find out...could do with a few more details to give us a better chance of recognition...

  2. Thats all well and good to have a static display but I had a friend from Rhode Island who believed in a bit more portable although non-operational missile I think it was a former training aid of a deactivated Minute Man missile shown here transported in two pieces to a local parade a number of years ago .friendsmvs-2.jpg


    Thats not a minute man its a Nike Hercules...of the 50's

  3. I can see a bloodhound in the background...and the t34 85 is a beaut..not sure of the gun but I have seen that before, not good with me guns...ooh I missed all the other pages on this silly me...it is a T34 85 and the bloodhound is a cracking missile for the back of one of my zils...where are these...

  4. I like that...too many toys in my yard mind....got to get my 432 sorted and my zils sorted and a few other toys all up and running but that does look like a nice truck for someone to repair...

  5. okay ...I have to arrive on the SATURDAY MORNING, I have committments on the friday and so cant make it then...where do i go...i will be hauling my stolly to site, easier quicker and a lot less expensive....mind you i will fill her with a good tank full...not often i do that..

  6. yes got you, I will keep getting them via sales...I am assuming that if I have say two or three spares stuck to the vehicle if i take her out on the road that should be enough...I have never worked with tracks before and am very wary of them....(apart from my JC130 but that only does slow and very slow)


    I have a lot to learn, am looking forward to meeting some of you lot on salisbury plain....

  7. ooh sounds good, am getting my stolly cleaned up and tidy, giving her a full oil change and making sure she is running okay...going to get my air pack cleaned up and make sure it is all running ok......I may bring the 432 too if i can get a low loader to carry it...or if anyone has a spare place on a trailer for a 432...

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