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Posts posted by cordenj

  1. Richard,

    I've found several steel data plates (or their remains) over the years, manufacturers certainly didn't all make brass ones as seen on the Electrical Repair Trailer.

    I think the "OE" number is Orme Evans contract numbering.

    But they produced Binned Stores trailers on contract S7141.

    X numbers allocated where: 5842857 - 5843196

    Brockhouse also  made Binned trailers to several contracts, but their X allocations started with 4 or 5

  2. Evening Jurgen,

    The key card is interesting.

    If I'm reading it correctly your trailer was from Contract number: S8055 and had the previous serial number 6212185.

    It would have been marked up as X6212185. I'm sure is was built and used in WWII.

    Have a look at one of my trailers to see what I mean re the numbers:



  3. 1 hour ago, matchlesswdg3 said:

    Just read the Classic Military Vehicle W&P report in the new Sept edition.  Highly..........uncritical?  As I supposed it would have to be?  

    I read it today and wondered if I went to the same event as the author. I know the magazine has to make the best of it....but need to retain credibility too


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