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john fox

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Posts posted by john fox

  1. remember seeing a propaganda/training (?) film clip once of Soviet T34 crews doing a Le Mans style mount where the driver cleared the floor and was in his hatch without touching the sides and, IIRC used only one hand on the gun barrel to spring up there doing a sort of twist and fold in mid air.


    The grab rails helped the turret crew get in but even so they were all rather fast


    can't be bothered to see if its on the net somewhere but was very impressive. of course helps if you are only 20 something and fit (and less rotund than this correspondent!)

  2. I thought 2 pack paint was very dangerous to use and that the activator is the poisonous bit?

    When i used to do spraying at the museum we were never allowed to use it even though we used full forced air circulating facemasks not basic respirators.

  3. are you sure of the nomenclature of the books you refer to?


    be careful :stop:


    - a technical description book is not the same as a workshop (repairs) manual

    - the description book is exactly that , it describes the components and how they work , it does NOT give you an explanation of how to do it, that is given in the workshop manual


    - the user handbook does not list the oils etc you will need. They are shown in an entirely separate book/list called the maintenance schedule


    given the above, the recommendation is correct:

    restored vehicle = user manual or

    work to do = workshop manual

  4. IMBSB .. having got one I cannot fgure out what you do with it :???

    Are the 3 round clips supposed to fit in it or just the shells alone and what do you do then?





    (PS - as i say I have already bought one from him so don't complain at having borrowed the fleece bay pic)

  5. Attended a meet today in aid of a local hospice. I snapeed these few.Anyone from here?......


    ,and a QL in attendance,.



    I recognise a few faces and they don't travel far so if that QL was a radio body it looks like Hants/Surrey MVT group from Normandy which would explain why it was not advertised as it would be an approach direct to the group.

  6. Why is it that the forum avatar on my favourites is what appears to be a fuzzy but rather nice Rolls Royce AC but when I come on here all I get is some damm US truck spoiling the view, along with a PW thing as though we didn't have enough of them :-D

  7. How about Comet, I think it was 77mm but can't remember the imperial designation, it was not a 17pdr cos as you say that's the one on the right, I guess from a Firefly? or is it even more esoteric, Black Prince? :-D

  8. The diggers , a group of archeologists , who search on the former battlefields of Flanders may no longer proceed their activity,


    They have been brought to trial by a professional archeolog , and he seems to have the Lady of Justice on his side,


    It's a shame that some people try to deny and forget !!!!!!:???:???


    already discussed under this thread, you have your view about amateur archaeology, others disagree...




    however, no one is forgetting,

    just look at all the excitment over the Red Cross archives being opened up for research and the potential for naming those buried in the graves being dug as a result



  9. besides Poppy Travel, does anyone have any experience of the various battlefield tour companies?


    I won't be able to make Normany for the 6th, :cry: but was thinking about doing an organised tour of there later this year, so, any recommendations for a company....

  10. Okay good idea and all that but would I be right in assuming this applies to our vehicles as well?

    So if we register armour for the first time (after having completed a project vehicle) will it have to be compliant - not quite sure how to fit a front mirror on a Ferret :confused:


    thats the bloke I bought my Fox from and those are the bits I did not want from it - they are the leftovers from the restoration. There's a reason why he took those tyres off and gave me new ones.

  12. The last one i saw for sale was a couple of years back,at a reasonable £11,000.But when i enquired about it the fella withdrew it from sale.


    if you are prepared to pay double what most of us spent, then Helston still has his for sale. I know of one on the market last year for £14k but when asked the owner said he was having trouble selecting reverse :shake:


    Helston's is absolutely complete in every respect and it has simply sat in a (heated) warehouse since he bought it and so would need a good service and checkover but has done little mileage since it came out.


    I looked at it and seriously thought about it but I didn't really take to the man and decided aginst making him even richer than he already is.





    mike. (Ferretfixer)


    :shake: What you may not know Mike is that Lee has seen those vehicles, has had experience of Boyes and knows someone who bought a vehicle from them .... nuff said :cool2: You'll notice that they are still for sale yet i know of 2 others sold since Boyes started advertising theirs...

  14. It fell out when I took the spring out Im sure there must be more of it somwhere!


    Thanks - I vaguely think the manual refers to an interference fit, so I was wondering how hard you had to hammer to get them out. Evidently not very hard at all!

    I had to fish around in the valve pocket to find all my bits, thankfully reassembling the jigsaw proved I had them all and there's nothing (i hope) down in the big ends.

    Don't remove the cover plate (like I did :sweat:) before you have checked everywhere. :shake:

  15. A description which fits both Pioneer and Explorer quite well, does it not?


    I can see that this approach could have advantages for a post 1960 vehicle, but have we not just established that describing a pre-1960 vehicle as a Locomotive gives no advantage over describing it as anything else? :-D:-D:-D


    I do not know Explorers and Pioneers that well and suspect they are not capable of such speeds, but please be aware that how you describe the vehicle can rebound on you when using it on the road because certain descriptions mean your max road speed is limited and you could be prosecuted for speeding. (Section 86 (1) and Schedule 6 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984)




    Motor Tractors and Locomotives (without trailer) are limited to 40mph on motorways and 30mph on all other roads (irrespective of the actual speed limit of the road itself).


    (Ferrets and Foxes are more than capable of these speeds on A roads yet VOSA described both to me as "motor tractors").


    Of course you might be very happy if a Pioneer actually hit 30mph :yay::???

  16. how did you actually get the guide out?


    I have suffered 2 broken exhaust valves so know all about replacing them but for furture reference would like to know how to do the guides also


    Try John Walker from Nottingham - that''s where I got my valves from

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