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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. So, I have two plug removal tools in my possession.

    One for sure is the Ferret fluid flywheel tool, in these photos it is the lower one and the one with the external hex shape on the end.

    The other one is of the same style of design but the plug it removes is a larger one and the tool has a different FV number.

    What is this other tool for, I would love to know as it is driving me potty

    plug tools 01.jpg

    plug tools 02.jpg

    Plug tools 03.jpg

  2. Andrew, where do you live, I have some of those parts as used take off parts but serviceable.

    Small money, postage is always the expensive part. If you want a new oil filler I know there are some.

    Best to email me, not here very often sadly




  3. Malcolm, I think I know where his manual went to as the new owner is a friend, I will see if I can get a copy, I had thought your principle was getting a manual at one point. Maybe it is worth mentioning that vehicle is an ex Belgian vehicle representing a British vehicle in case there are any differences,.

  4. Had an engine put a leg out of bed at speed, that was exciting. Late night recovery with a tractor and A bars. Still sitting in the shed awaiting a transplant all these years later. Not my wagon so not my stress.

  5. Malcolm,

    I wholeheartedly support your initial comments, as I thought the same.

    However, I also agree with Chris, and once you know what the wingnut does you get accustomed to it, so ensure it is taught to all drivers.

    I would honestly say that I would be more inclined to put a warning sign near or on the brake reservoirs warning about the use of brake fluid vs the specified fluid before I did anything with that wingnut, because once the wrong fluid has been introduced it is hard to recover without a ton of work and many vehicle operators think they are doing good by doing a first parade themselves without a check of what fluid is to be used.

    Seen it 3 times now, I just shake my head.




  6. Dear Bob,


    I will always be deeply in debt to you for your writings and photography over the years, starting with your articles on military Land Rovers in the model making magazines that I followed and have kept as reference material.

    The attention to detail that scale model making people like yourself bring to the real life 1:1 scale vehicle world that those of us with or maintaining ex Military vehicle strive for.

    Such images as the Series 3 109" towing the 25 pounder on exercise that you took and the Operation Granby detail shots are used over and over again. 

    Bob, don't stop doing your writing an photography, maybe we will hook up for a pint and a curry one day again. I must dig out the slide you gave me of the lightweight Land Rover and it's occupant and look at it again, that was a cracker that will likely never make your website!

    All the best from your chum in Canada









  7. Leah,


    I was one of those who commented on the vehicle, my apologies if I offended you at all.

    The value of the vehicle is one of those really hard things to determine. They are not easy to work on at all, I have been involved in a few of that family of vehicle now.

    If yours is ex RCAF then it is unique as to my knowledge it is the only surviving example in Canada. That does not mean anyone is going to pay money for it.

    I have a friend in BC who might be interested as he has a number of that family of vehicles and has the space and the time for bigger projects.

    I am glad to hear that it is still around and has not been scrapped.

    If I can be of any help please contact me. Although in Ontario myself I am not that far away really.




  8. Wally beat me to it, the answers can be disappointing at times so while a positive answer is nice I don't believe them sometimes. I was told one of my former wide track trailers was something else yet the data plate on the vehicle was mint and they said it had never left Germany after initial issue yet it was released here in Canada, go figure.

    There was a change from a manual card system to a computer based system which Wally has plenty of knowledge of, heaps of cards were binned and data was lost.

    I would suggest that the BV202 has been released long enough ago that there may be nothing on the freedom of information request. Sometimes you get lucky.

    The logistics in the Falklands campaign was critical and everything that was available was used to it's fullest capacity. There are new images from that theatre of conflict surfacing all the time. Here are two pictures from the web with apologies to the un named photographers.

    One shows a single axle trailer more usually drawn by Land Rovers being hauled behind a BV202 and another showing casualties being moved by them to a waiting Westland Scout.

    Drop me an email Don (hit the tab within my profile on my name) and I will connect you with him.  




    falklands bv202 sankey.jpg

    falklands bv202.jpg

  9. The Brits use a blue coloured antifreeze and I agree it feels different on the fingers.

    I always advise owners of vehicles purchase from elsewhere to change all the fluids as job number one upon receipt of their new treasure. 

    Having been involved with numerous vehicles arriving in Canada from the UK I would agree that this fluids is usually the most deficient for our arctic climate.

    Nothing more that a 50/50 mix of antifreeze of the common or garden variety is needed as you state.

    I would point out to you that some vehicles are incapable of dealing with the massive temperature changes we endure. Our FV 432 variant has several hose to hard stainless or aluminum joints that the gear clamps seem incapable of following the size changes and habitually dumps coolant on the parking bay floor over the winter.

    Until we can pull the pack out on that one we will never resolve that issue.

    Spring time we top up / refill half the coolant and it stabilises and runs happily all driving season. For this reason we discourage usage in winter.

    You are good to go Malcolm.




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