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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Yes well done Richard you are there really. It is a Hot Air Disinfestor & the round things are braziers fed with air from the pipes. There is a railway truck with racks onto which clothing is placed & it is wheeled into the hot house disenfestor. The full diagram shows a set of points leading to "undressing room of the bath house". The other track leads to the "dressing room of the bath house". This begs the question how do the men with no clothes in the undressing room then reach the dressing room & they surely must get rather cold waiting for their clothes to be treated? As for era, the diagram appears in a 1934 manual. However it is taken from a "Orr's Hot Air Disinfestor " diagram in another manual dated 1921.
  2. There is no hooper, the round things are something else. Yes but it is not just for drying as such. In the final bit, wrong commodity. Although it would be an ingenious cycle of events, rather like perpetual motions ;-)
  3. Wait a minute, I ask the questions round here ;-)
  4. If it was, I would certainly like to have one of their peswari naans! It would even beat the 20 inch naan I had in Glasgow once, better than the things you get round here, about the size of a side plate :-(
  5. Oven? Yes you are getting warm! Well deduced.
  6. Try don't try to mess around putting an ammeter in circuit, that creates all sorts of problems. Far simpler to make deductions from voltage measurements. You said you were measuring 27.5 volts from your batteries fine. Rig something up so you can measure the battery voltage as you try to start up. If your battery voltage drops significantly during this then the batteries (or part thereof are knackered) or there is a poor terminal contact or earth. If the voltage remains pretty close to this level there is a fault in the switch panel or the starter or wiring. I merely suggested the inspection socket as a convenient place to plug in a voltmeter (or for most people the voltage range of a multimeter. You would not be able to measure current from here)
  7. Yes but are they doing this when you try to start it? Or is that the voltage you read with a multimeter? You could have the correct voltage when there is minimal current drawn. One of those voltmeters that draws many tens of amps are good test of what the battery is actually capable of delivering. Maybe plug your multimeter in the inspection lamp socket & see how much the voltage drops when you try to start it.
  8. Nope Nope they are for air Yup Well thought out, don't give up!
  9. Yes but I'm saving that if people run out of ideas. Nope I don't know about Kineton. I thought it was Longmoor was the military railway area. As I recall it was used for scenes in The Great St Trinians Train Robbery & in a Morecambe & Wise film where it was meant to be a railway in S.America.
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