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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. A good technique! Often I've noticed people put a lot of work ferreting through details & easily ending up getting bogged down in the detail of a blind avenue, yet someone more detached has an overview of things & comes in with a googly & gets it!
  2. Of course there would be no pictures like this on the real machine, but this drawing illustrates the appearance of some targets & their behaviour. The double lines are moved over the particular trace to get an accurate range reading. I am not clear how the spacing of the display relates to object size & speed. But I suspect the slow moving soldier, has bigger blips than the faster Rover or even a tree blown in the wind. I suppose an enemy unit would be best advised to congregate around wind swept trees to minimise detection, before the final assault? I think it would require considerable operator skill & experience to untangle what is going on by just staring at these lines. With many targets of different types the screen could become quite chaotic. But I suppose the idea is to alert a unit that something untoward is soon to come upon them.
  3. Radar - yes, Doppler - probably. In the sense that it displays the distance of an object that has movement, but does not measure the speed with which it moves. That is done by moving the double lines over the intermittent lines which are contacts that have movement & the operator assessing the speed with which the line moves down the screen towards you. Lee was onto things with perimeter security & so nearly there when he mentioned "Doppler counter" but I tried to press him on what he meant by that. Because Doppler shift can demonstrated & even measured on audio frequencies not just microwaves. I didn't rule out Doppler as a principle but just indicated it was not for measuring velocity, unlike the hostile fire & mortar locating radars. As a 2kW X-band radar it will detect a whole range of items it is pointed at, there are algorims within the system that only evaluate & display something that has moved. I am not clear from the from the manufacturer's description whether this is actually based on Doppler or that the fact that the radar detects something that has changed in the split second from the previous scan. This system is not exclusive to movements away or towards you. It can detect a tree blowing in a wind or a man who is in a fixed position but identified as he moves to stand up. His movement geographically is determined by seperation where his dotted line is on the display.
  4. Yes! Any ideas what the mechanism might be?
  5. Correct but I didn't say it didn't track movement. Correct Well it might do in assessing the size of something, knowing how tall & wide it was. Yes it is in metres & the range can be adjusted in bands from 10,000m to 50m with a resolution of 25m. As you can see the greater distance is at the top & as someone pointed out earlier the position of the parrallel pair of lines corresponds to the reading on the counter at the top. Yes Yes, but why just a sniper?
  6. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Correct Incorrect Correct, although nearest is at the bottom of the scale Nope
  7. No vectors were harmed in the operation of this equipment. Ingenious, but nope.
  8. Many thanks Lee, yes there should indeed be grub screws. I've only just come in & hadn't seen your post. As the needle tube kept spinning, I removed the circlip holding the needles in. Under that was a thick disc with protrusion into the hammer mechanism. I could then see the black threaded bush which was spinning inside the red outer tube. I squeezed the outer tube in a vice, I could then unscrew the complete assembly. Looking at the holes, I could now see a thread in each. Looking at the large threaded bush, I could just make out marks that must have been made by grub screws. The link you put confirmed this. Unfortunately once I had dismantled it & put it back together it all kept undoing quite quickly with the vibration. So I need to sort out some grub screws. It all seems very easy now I've seen inside! Oh the object was to use the tips but they gave less access ito narrow spaces, so bit of a wasted exercise! PS Nige thanks as well, our posts crossed.
  9. Thanks all. I can't remember having had instructions with it. Even so it just says unscrew the needle assembly but it doesn't unscrew just goes round & round. I assume that I should be turning the red barrel & seperating it from the butt, rather than the needles in the inner collar from the grroved tube (#17). The odd thing is in the diagram, item #17 which I take to be the red grooved tube has no hole in it, yet the bit that seems to stay (#15) has a hole at the side & I assme 4 in all. I don't know what the holes are meant to do. ISTR when I first had it that the needle holder did tend to unscrew with use. Perhaps now the thread is either graunched or jammed with debris?
  10. It just goes round & round. It seems to be restrained by the large circlips at each end. There are 4 small holes about 5mm diam mutually at right angles to each other around the needle chamber. You can see one of them in the photo, they have no obvious purpose. I'm glad this isn't a mystery tool question question, I wouldn't be doing very well!
  11. Nope, this predates the satcom era. Much more mundane task (in case you are worried, nothing to do with latrines)
  12. So Richard how would one remove the 'needles' to accomodate the tip?
  13. Nope, nothing to do with bullets, shells, mortars, rockets, etc. or any form of ordnance. The purpose of this equipment is quite straight forward & is not some unheard of system or purpose that never saw the light of day.
  14. I've been using this needle gun successfully for about a year. But I have discovered it came with 3 accessory tips & a rather curious spring. I cannot see how I might attach one of the tips. The needle assembly is held in at each end of the main barrel by circlips that are recessed & not easy to get to. As for what the spring thing does, I cannot visualise!
  15. Well noted but nope not aircraft. Going off air for a few hours, the needle gun beckons!
  16. What is the context of DDE? To me it suggests a place or function that is a Design & Development Establishment. Are you sure it is not DOE as in the Defence Operations Executive?
  17. Nope, not to do with bullets, mortars, rockets etc.
  18. Correct Nope wrong conclusion I'm afraid.
  19. Not just close but correct! You were about 50% there Neil Nope
  20. Well I've seen one of those painted OD with D-Day markings on.
  21. Come to think of it, there was a similar thread about corrosion on CVR bodies about 6 months ago & I think at least 3 types of products were identified.
  22. 33H has the sound of a RAF DMC to it but I can't make any sense of the item by cross referencing to a NSN. Although Barium Chromate appears as Duralac by Lewelyn Ryland as NSN 6810-99-001-6288.
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