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Posts posted by Peter4456

  1. Does anyone know what happened to the MK2 Matilda that was on Rainham Marshes in Essex?


    It featured on an 'After the Battle' postcard and I wrote to the editor, Winston Ramsey, asking where it was exactly. A hand drawn map provided the answer and, as a spotty teenager, I persuaded my mother that it was the place to visit!


    This was the late 70s / early 80s and I was amazed how complete the Matilda was - engine fan belts still in place! I lost custody of the photos years ago, but I'd love to know what happend to the tank - surely someone saved it!




    Ferret MK 2/3, 03 CC 42

  2. Fellow Ferret Spotters!


    Ref the Mk 2/4 - Does anyone know what that black box is on the rear o/s wing and also the purpose of the hole in the turret - never seen either before!


    Over to you.....




    Ferret MK 2/3, 03 CC 42

  3. Chris,


    The Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) wear black berets but I think they're the only ones.


    The 'Wooly Pully' (Sweater!) is fine and would go with green lightweights -you wouldn't want to wear a Hairy Mary shirt in California - I couldn't stand them in the UK! You've done well to get a 1966 pattern DPM jacket - they're not that easy to find any more.


    In the 70's Other Ranks wore staybrite badges, whilst officers wore cloth (and stilll do).


    Looking forward to seeing the photos!




    Ferret MK 2/3, 03 CC 42

  4. Hello Chris,


    Welcome to the strange world of Ferrets! I've attached a translation of your vehicle history card for your info. Some points of (hopefully!) interest:


    1) Is there another card or was it really in storage from 1971 until being sold off in the 80s / 90s (quite possible!). If so, you should have a Ferret that's done very little! Being fitted with Clansman radio equipment or any other evidence of later markings etc would indicate later use.


    2) Larzac was an Army training area in the South of France - a bit like BATUS in Canada but smaller!


    3) Beret colours - 5 IDG - dark blue (badge on green backing), 3rd Carabiniers - dark blue, QRIH - Rifle green with green band.


    4) Badges - all made of Staybrite anodised aluminium.


    5) Kit - for the early 70's try to find a pair of green 'Lightweight' trousers, a green combat shirt (don't wear the horrible 'hairy mary' wool shirts!), and a DPM camouflage jacket. All quite easy to find in the UK and really look the part!


    The QRIH Hussars beret might be hard to find - try contacting the regiment (now QRH) in Germany to see if they can help with that or a vehicle pennant.


    Let me know if you need any more help / info,




    Ferret Mk 2/3, 03 CC 42

    00 EC 55.doc

  5. Years ago I wrote a history of RAF West Malling (By Day and By Night) and was horrified at the amount of crashes in the late 40s and 50s. The Mosquito Night Fighters appeared to be falling to pieces by that time (it was said that Termites in the Far East had feasted on fuselages near the tail wheel!) and fuel problems with the Meteor Night Fighters caused a number of fatalities.


    Apparently there is a crash site near Coxheath where it was too difficult to recover most of the aircraft and the site was sealed andd left. Another crash site near Pluckley still has pieces of the 500 Sqn Meteor that crashed there.


    My Dad was at school at Bishops Stortford in 1955 and saw the aftermath of a Canberra crash - you've got me on the hunt for info on that one now!



  6. My wife's grandfather fought the Pellengahr Division in Norway in 1940, whilst serving with the Green Howards.


    He was at Otta during the very heavy fighting there and I'd love to visit the area and see if there's any sign of this heroic, but largely forgotten battle - it seems to have been eclipsed by the action at Narvik.



  7. Have any of the CVR(T)s used by the Blue & Royals in the Falklands War survived into preservation?


    There were apparently two B Sqn Armoured Recce troops - a total of 4 Scorpions, 4 Scimitars & 1 Samson. With so few vehicles, it should be easy to locate them but I can't recall seeing reg numbers in any Falklands photos and the regiment's role in the war is, I feel, somewhat neglected!


    It would be amazing if one of the ex Withams Sabres turned out to be an ex Blues & Royals Scorpion with a real combat history!


    Over to you guys,




    Ferret 2/3, 03 CC 42

  8. I've been carefully removing layers of paint from my Ferret prior to a full respray over the Winter and so far I've found 4 RTR 'Chinese Eyes' (the vehicle's last unit in the Army) and 'RT S (or 8)' stencilled twice on the upper nearside of the hull, between the driver's side hatch and the spare wheel.


    I've seen all types of stencils there before, but never RT S / 8 - any ideas what this means?






    Ferret 2/3, 03 CC 42

  9. Yep, that's pretty much how it was on Saturday - some very good living history displays, but very few paying public indeed (despite good weather) - it was heaving the last few times I've been. The MVs - such as they were - were parked around the road in a far corner - so 'far' in fact that I wasn't sure if they were really on dispaly or not!!


    Still a good (but expensive) show for living history, quite good for stalls but forget it as far as MVs go!



  10. Hello Matt,


    Did you get the translation of your vehicle record card (sent to you via Yahoo Ferret group)? Most of the info you require is on it!


    Let me know and I'll send it again if required,


    Best wishes,




    Owner of Ferret 2/3, 03 CC 42

  11. The low point for me was in 2007 after all the mud and rain when I went into Trap 2 and some filthy b*****d had evacuated both ends and left it there!


    This year was a great improvement and having been forced to use the disabled toilet (both wrists broken!), I cannot thank the Eastern European lady enough for her sterling efforts in keeping the place clean - it was spotless most of the time.


    It's easy to blame the show but we all keep going there and I wonder if we'd get better facilities if people treated those that we do have with a bit more care!!



  12. After my accident at W&P I had a 'funny feeling' it was my turn to win the 'WW2 style' Jeep. Sadly, it must have been the medication as a bloke called T Price sneaked in there and won it!! I assumed it was a Hotchkiss but it was definitely announced as a 1942 Willys in the arena. So what was it and has T Price been even luckier and won a real WW2 Jeep - or would he have been better off with the Hotchkiss?!



  13. I fell off a T34 at Beltring on the Sunday before the show and broke both my wrists. A plain and simple accident - yes, they still happen you know!! - I was probably he first of many. The W&P medics were on scene within 2 minutes and were superb and I was in Maidstone Hospital very quickly indeed. I have only the greatest of praise for the Marshalls, stall holders and everyone at Beltring who made the rest of the week such good fun.

    I too have been the victim of drunken Green Goddess driving and other inconsiderate yobbery in the past, but credit where it's due - The W&P machine worked when I really needed it. I suspect the 2 two people stung in the throat by wasps (potentially life threatening apparently) would say the same!!


    (and I still bought a Signal Pistol for my Ferret!)


    All the best,



  14. Quite an unusual regiment (I think the museum is at Duxford) and the four digit service number could well indicate a pre war Regular. This is perhaps confirmed when I looked at his Medal Index Card (www.nationalarchives.gov.uk) and saw that he transferred to the Labour Corps as 415434 later in the war.


    You can download the cards for £2 but it sounds like you have one of the the three first world war medals (1914 /15 Star - or 1914 Star for an 'old contemptible', British War Medal & Victory Medal). Depending on when he first entered a theatre of war, he would have been awarded all three or just the last two.


    Always try to keep them together, along with any documents etc you may have.


    Hope this helps!



  15. My Ferret 2/3, 03 CC 42, served with 16th / 5th Lancers in 1983 /84.


    I know they feature in the CES, but did Ferrets of the early to mid eighties actually carry a No 1 Mk 5 Flare Pistol and two ancient looking Thermos flasks?!


    Also, when did the ANR (yellow faced) Clansman boxes begin to be fitted in Ferrets? I'd like to fit them but only if they were used at that time.


    Over to you guys!



  16. The Servicing Schedule (Army Code 14000) shows


    0122.4120 Scout Car Recce .30 in MG Ferret Mk 1/2 and

    0122.4120 Scout Car LRV 0.30 in MG Ferret Mk 1/2


    The Code 0120.4120 is not shown in either edition that I've got - a minor redesignation of the vehicle perhaps? At least you know it was fitted with a .30 Browning!


    Good luck!



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