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johann morris

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Posts posted by johann morris

  1. Evening All,

    The engine  in went in well, once we had worked out the correct angle of entry, in fact I was surprised how easily it mated to the gear box. Hopefully over the Christmas period I will get it up and running, if my dear wife will let me. I am not sure about the rear light arrangement but I am going to live with it and see if it grows on me.





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  2. Yugo,

    That's a very real possibility and one that I didn't think of.


    Same engine manufacturer different colours and who's to say which one is correct especially during the war. The duck egg one looks like a rebuild colour, possibly.











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  3. Hello Pete,

    That makes you more of a Morris expert than me then.

    I think paint colour is partly down to personal choice and a subject that a lot of people can't agree on. I assume that someone, somewhere has documented evidence, that at that time in history, those engines were painted that colour, or could it be that there is just some circumstantial evidence or maybe someone just picked a colour and everyone else copied it. Personally I have gone for a evidence based approach to the problem. As far as I can tell, my engine had been painted twice, both times when the engine was separate from the rest of the vehicle. There was no evidence of over spray and components hadn't been sprayed as one block but as separate pieces, which would seem strange, as most military rebuilds that I have seen are sprayed one colour and as one large component. The top coat of green was slightly darker than the current body colour but not much and I would assume that this was the rebuild colour of 1952. The base colour was very near to the current body colour which I assume was the original colour and that is roughly what it is painted now. What I do find strange is that the head had no evidence of any paint, the water pump was green, the water outlet on the top of the cylinder head, a separate component, was green, the oil filter assembly was green but the head, rust colour, even under items mounted to it, such as the oil filter housing, there was no evidence of paint. This makes me wonder, was the head painted at all or just left as cast iron colour, maybe as a paint saving exercise.

    Anyway I like it, so that's all that matters.



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  4. Oh no I have been swizzeled I thought it was...……...no I know its a 430 series steering box. The trouble is that although the cvrt range and the  panzer 2 have totally different transmission / steering box arrangements. the cvrt transmission runs across the whole width of the chassis and the drive is positioned behind this, were as the in the panzer 2, the drive is hard against the front of the chassis with the steering box on his right hand side and the drive shaft running across his legs. This box will just fit in the space available, its going to be a tight fit and some alterations are required but I think the  advantages out way the extra work required. As for the transmission, final drives and everything else, we will just have to wait and see.



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  5. Evening all,


    The engine is now ready to be installed, I am not sure what the original engine colour would have been but the base colour of the engine before I sprayed it was very close to the current body colour, so I just used the same colour.




  6. The trouble is, how much do you keep. My wife tells me never to throw stuff away but I have some items that I have no idea what vehicle they are off and the danger is, as I have told her in the past, if one has a random wheel from a dodge, then surly one has to buy a dodge at some point to put it on.  In the case of a 2cm flak 30 gun magazine one has to make a tank.

    Anyone got any Panzer IV bits that they want to donate to a good cause, I know she would love me for that.


    When I am down at the Tank museum next year I will give you a shout.


  7. Evening All,

    I have made a start on the track idler wheels, the initial piece of 180mm dia solid, has been following me around for the last 16 years, many times I have been tempted to scrap it but I could never quite bring myself to do it. It has survived a divorce, I have tripped over it, stumped my toes on it and used it for no end of things but at last it's true purpose has been revealed. How it gets from this bearing house to the idler wheel requires a lot of work, a cunning plan and some imagination. 





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  8. Evening All,

    Between the rain showers on Saturday, we managed to get the body back on the chassis and today I started assembling all the remanufactured parts on to it. I picked the engine up from the machinists on Tuesday, so all being well I should start to rebuild it this week.





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  9. Now that is sexy, a Panzerkampfwagen ll D/E Flammpanzer turret. Very, very nice. Have you got the rest of the tank?

    Sorry to ruin the thread and I don't want to keep asking favours but is there any chance of taking a picture of the of the Morris's tail gate chain anchor on the tail gate and in the rear body, Please!







  10. Thanks  for the pictures Sigve, these will be a great help. Please keep us updated on your progress. 


    While studying the pictures I couldn't help notice, what looks like the turret from a pz38t. Is it, could it be?



    44178266_309643009834373_1670740581631918080_n_thumb_jpg_d861f9699c1ad19c350b146ad575f338 (2).jpg

  11. Sigve,

    Thanks for the pictures, if possible please take one of the passengers seat back rest as I need to make one. Seeing as the vehicle appears to be in such an untouched condition, I think as many pictures as possible would be good for future reference for anyone tackling a restoration. Pictures of original untouched C8's seem to be quite scarce. I would think that the loop is for a cabling route, maybe to the battery but that's just a guess.





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