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les freathy

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Posts posted by les freathy

  1. How many of you remember those shilling war comics back in the 1950/60s, i had em piled to the ceiling and re read them over and over,one the GMS picture combat library ran a series of cut away drawings on military equipment. for interest here is one on a 1940 Vosper MTB. Whilst on the subject of cut away drawings whilst in Asda ( yes i do have to go there) i picked up a super book on a lot of those illustrations from the Eagle it was reduced to £10.00 and i think a super buy on a nostalgic subject


  2. Whilst attending the annual classic truck show at Gaydon last year i found in the main model room a guy who builds or rather engineers classic trucks for radio control and on his table was this excellent model of a Diamond T in Pickfords livery. I am sure i can safely say it is the best model i have ever seen of this truck and i have seen a few more so because of its large size where no mistakes can be hidden, after my initial views i was then treated to a authentic sounding Hercules engine and even air brakes blowing the valves believe this is the best

    models 008.jpg

    models 001.jpg

    models 002.jpg

    models 011.jpg

    models 012.jpg

  3. Somwhere on this site i mentioned my dads experiences in WW2 and thought it was on this thread but cant see it so we must have something else running on the same type of subject, I have found a few snap shots he took at the end of the war when the flotilla ended up at Cuxhaven and were assigned the job of clearing mines and explosives in the waters around the area. In the photos you will see some captured E boats that were also used for this purpose along with mine sweepers, i remember the mention of employing some of the germans to assist in this job The photos show some of the motor launches, e boats and minesweepers












  4. I thought it would be interesting to run a series of photos on lessr known british military vehicles there were lots of them from the early years through ww2 into the post war period. they would be types where it could be difficult on individual vehicles to sustain a good thread which would run out of steam quickly but grouped together there will plenty of meat in it. Some can be prototypes others run of the mill that seem to get little publicity for instance in WW2 Dennis, Maudslay and dodge kew built various vehicles for military use, so to start a little known Britsh attempt to match the US Dodge 3/4 ton weapons carrier was this prototype Austin K7



  5. Diamond geezer Tony Graves has bought Bishops T so its in good hands when researching the book i took a number of photos of the truck and only used a couple in the the book so will dig them out and add them to the thread i also copied some of Bishops photos of her in her working days unfortunatley these were sealed behind a plastic cover on a board and are not the best quality but will put the best up



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