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Posts posted by LeeEnfield

  1. Its amazing, there are some really tallented people out there, (also some with DEEP pockets)...............

    Typing this before sitting down to watch a (sadly departed) guy who has given (gave ?)so much to the 'preservation', heritage type 'industry',............yes, I'm talking Fred Dibnah..................


    Anyways, back to subject being talked about, here,.............How about vehicles, that are left, parked up, and slowly rusting away,.......only to be informed by owners,when approached with a view to restore,......NO............NoT For SALE,.etc.


    Fairly near to me, I know of a halftrack and a stolly. Sitting out in the open deteriorating. NOT FOR SALE.

    I'd be the first to accept that the owners have that right, to decide that, but it does seem very short sighted, esp in relation to WWII vehicles.

  2. Sounds like a good enough reason, to me, Berni. :thankyou:


    I tend to find that most metals, I wore,............watches (until I stopped wearing them) the backs ended going black and getting 'eaten'.


    Have you still got your MW ??



  3. Anyone local to this company ??...(castletown, portland)

    If so, anyidea why they are not answering their phone,(or getting back to left messages, for that matter)


    I know, a while ago, the dukw was awaiting seals before venturing afloat, but not being able to contact them,....and the web site not available, seems to me that they've gone PHUT...............


    Was hoping to book a trip as a supprise for me dad, who instructed on them........






  4. Hi Del

    Welcome to the forum, as Degsy has said, its a very big question.................

    How much space do you have, to park said vehicle;................I'd just love a Matador, and could (just) afford to buy one,........but I'd be stumped to store it when I'm not using it;.and the cost's involved, unless your lucky....... :roll:

    Landrovers are (probably) the easiest way to get involved,.spares back up is very good, and there are quite a few guys 'out there', who can rebuild/work on them, if needed,...also, they CAN, if ness, be used as day to day transport............


    Valid point made by Enigma, by the way :tup:


    Come back to us with the period your interested in, and someone here will be able to helpfully give you some more specific info.



    All the best.



  5. Newhaven Fort, in Sussex. (to the east of Brighton,for anyone not from this area), is holding its Battle of Britain day, on the 17th Sept.

    Normaly a good do,.........although could always benifit from more vehicle/reenactor's attending.

    Most vehicles can drive in to fort, itself.............GMC's WILL get in JUST.- Reo's certainly not.



    There is also another do, in East Sussex, happening later in Sept, details of which are being worked on as I type,.PM me if interested. (please note, I'm away from keyboard week starting sept 3rd)




  6. Item on the news tonight,....................."the Royal Navy were responsible for the non invasion, by the German Army, in 1940, due to it's formidable naval force............." :? :?


    Interesting viewpoint, I guess;


    Correct me, (please, :-))if I'm wrong, but were'nt their main ships anchored off Scapa Flow, at the time ??

    Now, I'm certainly NOT saying that the Navy did nothing during britains epic period, but, to my mind, they DID NOT stop the invasion.


    Its a shame that 'so called', historians, sitting in safe and peaceful surroundings, that ALL members of the Forces, and civillians, fought and in many case's, died, to allow such free speech and thinking, can't 'engage briain, before putting mouth into gear'.......


    Any one, any thoughts ??




  7. Yup,.I'm a member also,.that remind's me, must be renewal time,.and yup,.I've also 'misplaced', my membership card, although still get magazine.

    well worth joining, if you live reasonably close, simply as you can get in for nowt, as many times as you want,.even taking guests in a couple of times,(I think)............also, if I remember correctly, you get access to the archive.



  8. The latest issue After the Battle,(no 133), has a good article on the above film,.produced in 1949, and, to my mind,along with Theirs is the Glory,produced in 1945, far and away better than (almost)anything thats been produced since.


    Also in same issue, some amazing (if thats the right word, in the circumstances,)photo's of the german retreat from france,........a convoy caught in the open, and distroyed by fighter bombers...........the brackets above are there because some of the vehicles involved are ambulances...............


    All in all, this issue continues the high standard this publication has already achived.



  9. Half way through this little book,published, I guess, not long after the end of WW11.

    " the story of how a loyal company of british men and women lived through six historic years".

    Basically a look at the war production of The Nuffield Organisation, under the inspired leadership of W.R.Morris, latter known as Lord Nuffield.In my 'umble opinion, well worth looking out for,.......mine came from a charity '10p item',box.

    details as below.

    Calling All Arms. by Ernest Fairfax. pub by Hutchinson & Co.



  10. Just finished Poor Bloody Infantry, by him;................a dam good read.

    Re the Battle of the Bulge book, already mentioned, I'm certainly NO expert on that battle, but it was good to find an author stating that British forces were involved;..........most other authors,(american mainly) ignore this fact.

    to date, I've read quite a few of his titles,(thank goodness for a good local libary), and would rate him alongside Patrick Delaforce,Ken Tout and Ken Ford,..all of whoms (in my 'umble opinion), are well worth reading.



  11. Matt,

    I've a copy of

    Specifications For The Adaptation Of shotgun Magazines And The De-Activation Of Firearms, manual.

    Revised 1995.

    which I downloaded via the web, (although cannot remember from where... :roll:) which includes, Firearms Law: Specification for the deactivation of firearms.

    Ref: ISBN 0 11 341142 1

    within this, whilst the browning isn't specified, Machine guns, bren type/mg34 type are.

    as follows,



    a) ensure essential components are unsuitable for use in any other firearm.

    b) slot through chamber wall and feed ramp into barrel, and slot full length of covered section.Drive pin through chamber, and weld in place.

    c) over-bore exposed section of barrel 0.020"/0.5mm or weld tight steel rod with ring or weld.

    d) Remove substantial part of breech face.

    e) Remove or shorten firing pin.

    f) Mark barrel,bolt and reciever (near number if possible).


    (1) Remove bolt,carrierand,spring,and replace with tube welded in place. Alternatively cut away bolt face with 45 degree chamfer across entire recoil face, weaken bolt carrier.

    (2) Remove any gas piston.

    (3) Pin and weld barrel to reciever through chamber.

    (4) Weaken frame by removal of the locking shoulders and support.

    (5) The magazine must be deactivated.


    I'm guessing, but I think these are what the proof house checks, before issueing, a deact cert.


    Hope some of above helps.



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