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Posts posted by JonP

  1. Hi guys,


    Out of interest, for general workshop maintenance and repair what sort of jack would you recommend for use with a CCKW sized vehicle? There are bottle jacks capable of lifting up to 7 tonnes and I've also noticed there are trolley jacks capable of lifting similar weights (but more expensive).


    Is one any better than the other? I get the impression the bottle jacks have a longer reach than the trolley jacks (so ideal for a tall clearance vehicle) as on my jeep I find my trolley jack doesn't reach every high point (chassis for example).


    What about stability? I don't know how things are now but in the 70's it seemed for lifting trucks you'd use a bottle jack.


    Obviously the vehicle would be lifted and then put onto suitable axle stands.


    Any other advice on maintaining one of these beasts and the tools required would be very welcome as I'm thinking of getting another vehicle and the GMC is one of those under consideration.. I'm just a tad nervous about the weight of the thing (compared to a jeep)





  2. We're going. Last year we were unable to book in in time but we were told there wouldn't be a problem. On the day we turned up in the jeep and some smiling faces directed us to where we needed to be! Not a problem.


    Great day! :-D Looking forward to this years.



  3. Hmm, being new to the maintenance front when I repacked my wheel bearings I used white spirit as a degreaser... seems to shift a lot of stuff whilst not being as nasty as petrol or parafin... eats through latex gloves though!!


    Takes a while to evaporate after cleaning so need to make sure you've got all the stuff off before applying fresh grease.

  4. Hi,


    This is a bit of a long shot but I hope someone out there may have some old pictures/photos of my jeep?!??!


    Here is a little of its civilian history that I know of:


    It was released from the British Army/Government in 1958 and was bought as surplus by 'Jenners Garage' in Birchington, Kent, UK. A few years later it was use as a breakdown vehicle by a VW Beatle garage in Sturry, near Canterbury. Later on it spent some of its life in private hands in Westgate-on-sea in the 1970s before being sold to a chap in the Tunbridge Wells area of Kent.


    The UK civil registration number was 494 CKP and has chassis number 349277.


    I do know that a photograph of the jeep in 1974 did exist as that is referred to in one of the documents I have. Any photos/further information on this vehicle post-military (or even Military life - I believe the chassis number puts it around June/July 1944) most welcomed.





  5. Hello,


    Can anyone give me an indication of the costs involved in either sand-blasting or dipping a jeep body (and chassis and other bits) to strip the old paint off? Also are there any particular places people would recommend to get this work done? For instance, is this the sort of work that can be undertaken by a standard car place?


    Likewise can anyone give me an indication on the costs involved in having an engine rebuilt by a third party. Again, are there any particular places people would recommend?


    Oh yes, sorry I'm based in the UK so its UK prices and locations I'm interested in.





  6. Interesting! So old bar tread tyres on an old jeep with cracking on the tyre are no different to tyres on a modern car? The MOT test centre should not pass it?


    Believe me, safety is important to me and I would not compromise for the sake of tyres.





  7. Hi all,


    Does anyone understand the laws point of view with regard to old tyres, road legalities and the MOT? For example, a set of tyres that although the treads were ok, the rubber was cracking?


    I once had some tyres that I'd never used on my car and they'd been sitting outside for a few years, the treads were fine. I put them on my car and within a week I'd got a major flat tyre... it turns out the rubber had perished.


    Does this happen with old vehicle tyres or are they made from some long forgotten superformula?





  8. Unfortunately I have already got plans for Sunday so won't be able to make it to Duxford this time :o/ but I'm sure there'll be others :) Would have been a good opportunity to meet some faces.


    Lauren - I just re-read your message. What Hop Farm?


    Anyway, glad to hears there's plenty of MV's around here... I was beginning to wonder where they all were ;o)


    Lloyd, I don't suppose it would be possible to pop up and have a look at your two jeeps as we're off to look at some jeeps for sale next week and it would be useful to have a closer look at a jeep before we go?





  9. Oh don't worry - got no intention of that.


    One final question (which should have been in my initial batch). When looking at jeeps that have been 'resprayed' is there anything to be cautious of.


    I've looked at photographs of some on t'web and although the paint looks lovely and fresh, upon closer inspection there appears to be bubbling or something under the paint. This could just be weld joints but might it be rust? If it is rust what is the consequence of painting over it?


    Does that not mean the rust will soon come through anyway (but then I guess the whole section can be rubbed down and repainted then everything should be ok?)





  10. Steve - Yes, the emails were really helpful so thank again.


    Thanks for the comments on MOT and Registration guys. As I've never been involved with registering a vehicle it sounded quite daunting. Are there any cases where they would reject a vehicle for registration, or do all vehicles get registered (if paperwork all present and correct)?


    I was at a show yesterday (Sunday) and spoke to two very helpful chaps who were kind enough to spend some time talking about their jeeps, and I was able to get a closer look at the more hidden areas of jeeps. Its given me a better idea of what starting condition to look for in a jeep (vs. my ability to repair/restore bits). We even got a ride in one so my other half is now keen too which is great :-D


    Tony B - Good oil and grease? As in castrol gtx or other 'branded' oil rather than unbranded low cost oil?


    What oil would people recommend?


    Thanks again

  11. Hi all,


    I'm a newbie to military vehicles but I'm interested in buying either a wartime jeep (Willys MB/Ford GPW) or a Hotchkiss M201 jeep and I was wondering if anybody is able to give me any pointers/suggestions on what to look out for or bear in mind when looking at jeeps. I've been studying the Jeep Buyers guide so am slightly aware of the differences between the wartime and M201 jeeps.


    I've seen a number of adverts for jeeps that state that the vehicle requires UK registration. How difficult is it to register a jeep and what is involved? Are there any potential traps to fall into?


    Regarding MOTs, what are the most common failures and/or problems associated with MOT'ing an old jeep.


    If buying a jeep that is not UK registered, nor has an MOT, should this ring any alarm bells?


    For a first time jeep owner, would you avoid something that required MOT'ing and/or UK registering? What are peoples thoughs on this?


    Also are there any tricks/scams that people sometimes pull when selling jeeps? I've had a read through the forum and there are a couple of alarming posts!


    How about rust on a jeep - is that fairly straightforward to deal with? If being a jeep that is rusty (and I'm sure most are at least somewhere) what should is minor rust and what would be a major (and costly) problem to fix?


    Finally are they any particular things to look out for when buying a jeep? What are the usual things to go wrong in the cause of running a jeep? Are there any parts that are difficult to source?


    I'm not particularly car orientated (my car is serviced by the local mechanic) but willing to learn,


    Quite a list, but any tips, recommendations and advice most appreciated.





  12. Hi everyone,


    My names Jon and I live just South of Cambridge.


    I've always been interested military vehicles since I was a kid. When I was a little nipper they filmed part of 'Yanks' at the old ordnance factory in my village... I recall the hospital garden party that year where they were giving 'joyrides' in the jeeps and trucks used in the filming!


    Anyway, I'm a big fan of bigband music and 8 Years ago I started to learn jive/lindyhop, and with that came the trips to 1940's events and hanger dances. For the past few years I've fancied getting a jeep and I've finally decided to take the plunge. :yay:



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