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Posts posted by minn200

  1. In case you didnt know, its a Lucas CAV DPS pump. Theres tonnes of stuff on the DPA as found on 2.25s but I couldnt seem to find a lot on the DPS otherwise I would have attempted to do it myself. Got fed up of it in the end and got a recon part exchanged


    Oh also, its worth whipping the head off to check the precombustion chambers, I found mine ran well but they all had massive cracks running across them


    Thanks for that :) I have a friend of a friend who apparently refurbs them so hopefully sorted there but I am still considering a tdi transplant...

  2. [h=2]Dirt & Leaks.[/h]The 110Posted by Nicky Smith Mon, October 19, 2015 18:32:58

    Having got home with a time a little light left in the sky and feeling something like a human I took a little pleasure in exploring Pukka from Bonnet to Boot.

    The engine started easily enough and smoked like a pig when revved but the diesel seems old and the oil is black so hopefully a quick change on both will sort the problem but lets not get ahead of ourselves here there is plenty more to do before we get to the point of driving him around.

    Now how do I know the fuel is old well it's because the injector pump is leaking like a pig and the fuel has almost turned thicker than oil...



    The engine and it's bay are filthy so a new jet wash will be bought at the weekend to give a good clean out so I can see what I am dealing with rather than fumbling through the oily mass...



    I did find this attached to the passenger wing and have not got a clue what it is...



    The new welder is sitting waiting so I am looking forward to getting that set up this weekend for the first time and breaking it in on the chassis. I am in two minds whether to patch up the pillars on the bulk head but they are pretty rough so maybe replacement repair panels may be in order instead.


    So he is filthy oily and leaks like a pig at the moment. There are more holes in him than a sink sponge and he seems to soak up as much water but I have to admit I like him. I get a good feeling when I am sat in him and as I look around I can see what he will become, it's not the quick patch up and go that I was expecting but I really do think he is a keeper.

    Let the fun and games of a cold winter rebuild begin...

  3. [h=2]It Has Arrived...[/h]The 110Posted by Nicky Smith Sun, October 18, 2015 15:46:47

    The day did not start well.

    Last night when I went to bed at a far to unreasonable time for a weekend, 9:20pm, I was feeling pretty rough and it was not through anything fun that I had done like a quick drink at lunchtime that turned into a bit of a session oh no it was because I was aching from top to toe as well as feeling exhausted.


    Don't get me wrong here I am not moaning there are plenty of bugs doing the rounds at the moment and it seemed it was just my turn to have a go no dear reader I am just pointing out that this is where it began and carried on throughout the night giving me little sleep and making me feel worse and worse as time drew on until the dawn broke and sweating like mad whilst feeling cold I had disturbed Wifey enough by my constant tossing and turning that she got up and us a cup of tea.

    As I lay there I realised that I wasn't going to be getting up any time soon in fact I had not felt this ill for a great many years even the prospect of taking delivery of my new project 110 couldn't drag me from the confines of my pit and I lay there until three minutes before the 110 actually arrived outside of my house on the back of a trailer that was being towed by the sellers girlfriend.

    Before I go on I just want to say it's great meeting new Landy folk and it's even better to see that the Land Rover brand still attracts the younger generations because this will ensure of beloved green oval motors carry on for years to come!


    As I looked out of my window at the 110 the adrenaline kicked in and gave me my first boost of energy in 24 hours so I threw some clothes on and headed outside to meet the folk delivering it for me.

    I knew this 110 would need some work because the seller had been brutally honest on the phone had sent me numerous pictures of what needed doing and it does indeed need a fair whack of welding along with numerous other things doing. In fact I thought I might have just been patching this up then running it but having had a closer look I will do a bit more than that! I will do a basic system overhaul weld the bugger up then get it MOT'd so it can become a running restoration.

    This one will be a keeper for me I have worked my way up to it from the Series 3 to the Discovery and now my 110 pre Defender which was what I always wanted in the first place!




    www?ShowFile&image=1445178991.jpgwww?ShowFile&image=1445179025.jpgSpecs then! He's a 110 obviously running a 2.5 n/a Diesel lump is ex MOD thankfully running on 12v. I have yet to send off for a merlin report to see if I can get some history on him but I will sort that out soon enough. The tyres are shot but the rims are good, the welding is mainly located to rear cross member and of course the bulk head. I will patch to begin with then see if I can source major replacement parts later.

    He does need a name though and Wifey was asking what it was a couple of days ago but I had to get to know the old boy before I could decide I mean it will be with him for a very long time!

    After careful thought consideration and lots of pondering I have decided that I shall call him...Pukah.


    Sounds like "Pukka" which is both a pie I love and an old slang word for "Good" that will embarrass the children deeply each time I use it. So a win win all round!


    Costings will be kept up this time around and yes I know I may have been able to get something a bit cheaper but the way Defender prices are rising I think this was about bang on the money.




    110 PROJECT & DELIVERY £1500


    TOTAL £1500

  4. The Final Chapter



    The Project Has Landed...

    Posted by Nicky Smith Sat, June 20, 2015 09:10:46



    Over the last year or so I have got great enjoyment from rebuilding Mator my Series 3 FFR Land Rover. There have been tears there has been frustration he has taken his fair share of skin and demanded a regular blood sacrifice. I have fought with the DVLA to get him registered and the regular tinkering to keep him running were all part of the fun.

    But I had to have a bit of a rethink when the road tax bill arrived a week or so ago telling me it was time to tax him yet again because as I glanced down to the odometer and realised I had only covered 205 miles in the six months since the rebuild.

    All of my hard work was just sitting on the driveway slowly coming undone as I didn't use him in fact I regularly use Brian my Discovery instead because he's a nicer drive and far cheaper to run. It seemed crazy to go on like this.

    I have had a yo yo relationship with Mator concerning driving him in fact it has been a love hate one. At times I love driving him and then I hated the way he drove. I thought do I need this many cars in my life? and the answer after a few sleepless nights was no, no I didn't.

    I wanted someone else to use him and take advantage of the hard work I had put in I mean why restore him just to let him slip slowly backwards again?

    I placed a few adverts out there and had the usual tools asking me questions that showed they had never driven a Series 3 Land Rover and they had unrealistic expectations of what it would be like but then one chap called who seemed to know his stuff. He knew it would be an ongoing process to maintain an old Landy that it could break down at any time even on his way home from buying it and he was keen to come and see Mator in the flesh.

    A time was arranged and he was over the moon at the condition of Mator as he would become his daily drive for both his large family and to work and back.

    The deal was struck after much discussion on what had been done on the rebuild the paperwork was signed and it was with a tear in my eye along with a heavy heart as I watched Mator drive away with someone else behind the steering wheel.



    I did think as I watched him drive into the horizon "Have I made the right decision here?" but I have had a couple of days to digest it and yes I have. My enjoyment was in the actual rebuilding of him and I have brought an old Military Land Rover back to life when most people who would have looked at him at the start would not have thought possible. He has made me friends and turned me into and published author which I would not have ever thought possible! Lets not forget why I started on him in the first place it was to stop smoking and show what I could do with the money. He kept my hands busy when I needed to and was the physical embodiment of what I would have smoked into thin air.

    He has been an experience indeed and I do not doubt that there will soon be another project on the drive because that is what I love doing!



    Let's hope Mator and his new owner will have half as much fun as we did...







  5. 200 plus



    The Project Has Landed...

    Posted by min200 Thu, June 04, 2015 19:54:28



    I finished work at a reasonable hour this afternoon and seeing as Wifey and the kids were off out this evening to her sisters I decided to load up Mator with my mountain bike then head out to Gunthorpe where the river Trent runs through for a ride out in the sunshine that had been looking at me through the office window all day.



    Ready for the off much to my surprise Mator started right up and off we trotted heading towards the open fields of Nottinghamshire. The last time I tried to do this run the clutch stared to gave out so it wasn't until after I had passed that point on the drive I started to settle down and enjoy the run. He still brings a big grin to my face and all six of the other Land Rovers I passed were happily waving away...must have been a drive out afternoon all round.



    Soon I arrived at my destination and I promise I did not look for a nice parking spot to take a couple of photo's...









    I then set to going for a nice ride along the riverside. With my change in roles at work I am not getting the exercise I did before and I do miss it in fact the lack of it can make me feel quite rough so I put in six miles of off road biking trying not to get mugged by the many many cows I passed with their calves in tow, the views were outstanding...












    But time flies when you are having fun and I was soon back to the old Landy and I enjoyed the view of my two toys...






    As I was heading home I happened to glance down just as the trip clicked over two hundred miles since the rebuild, that was back in January, when I paid my insurance with estimated yearly mileage of four thousand....






    I think I may have over estimated my usage a touch!

    Still not to worry I will know better next year. The mileage should increase steadily now though as I seem to be using the old boy a bit more often but hell he drinks some petrol when I do!




  6. Autokana & The Force



    The Project Has Landed...

    Posted by min200 Sun, May 31, 2015 18:12:59



    Well Mator got a good run put today to display at the Autokana show in Wollaton Hall Nottingham with the NLRC.



    Typically when ever you have to spend the whole day standing around outside it was raining heavily. Still this was not going to stop me and I packed up the stove kettle and some food to cook jumped in the old boy and set off for the six mile drive to Wollaton hall with the fast steamed up windows that you traditionally find in your Series motor. I have learnt quickly that you have to have a rag on the dash on standby at all times for an old Land Rover so I found myself quickly wiping the inside of my windows as often as the wipers were doing the outside but I didn't care as I was soon at the show and found another member already there standing in the rain with a cup of coffee at the ready!...






    The other folk soon arrived in dribs and drabs and we were soon sniggering at the great old cars that were arriving and skidding/slipping around on the hill side along with the look of sheer horror on their owners faces as the went in any direction but the right one in their pride and joy! Sounds like I am being mean but that is not my intention it was just comical to see all you needed to do was add the music from Benny Hill.



    It was cold and wet most of the time but good company and a wander around helps out no end and the stand looked pretty good...






    but my photo's don't do it justice edit just knicked this one off of someone else...






    All seemed well but then the Empire turned up in force hankering on about something we had done but none of us were going to argue with them...





















    It was indeed a good day, bloody cold but a good day! If you live in or near Nottingham you should look up the Nottingham Land Rover Club because they are a great bunch of folk and there is always laughter going on somewhere with them! We are off again in a few weeks for our first caravan trip with them so that should be some fun :)




  7. Plastic bags & Pipework



    The Project Has Landed...

    Posted by min200 Sun, May 24, 2015 08:24:40



    Mator has been true to Land Rover form he has run faultlessly for two drives out and now is demanding more of my attention for repairs but we will come to that shortly.

    My young nephew arrived around lunchtime and his first stop after getting out of the car was my Series 3. He was straight in it looking around saying how much it had changed since his last visit with a massive grin on his face that some how got even wider, which seemed an impossibility seeing as his face had by now run out of room, when I told him we would go for a run out in him later in the day.



    Lunch eaten we decided now was the time for a drive to the woods for a walk so my brother nephew and I jumped into Mator and had a blast of a drive for the eight mile trip and all jumped out of him happy as kids in a sweet shop. It was at this point my sister in law who had been following us in her modern day reliable boring car asked "Is that water supposed to be coming out from under the engine?"

    Now as much as my pride wanted to say "Yes yes it is woman it's a Land Rover they all leak a bit" due to the amount of coolant pouring forth I didn't think I would get away with it without cooking and destroying the engine on the way home so I pooped the bonnet and assumed the standard landy position of standing on the bumper bent at the waist with my head in the engine bay.

    It was only a top hose that lead to the useless standard landy heater that had a hole in so I closed the bonnet and carried on with our woodland stroll while contemplating what I actually had in the back of Mator to fix him because I had typically removed the tool kit earlier in the day while pottering on the Disco and forgot to put it back in.



    Upon my return I hunted around and found a plastic back and a single cable tie....challenge accepted!

    I shut down the heater valve by turning the temperature lever to cold restricting the flow and then tore the plastic bag into wide strips wrapping it around the hole in the pipework and tying it off on itself. I didn't even use the cable tie at this point I saved that in reserve in case my initial bodge didn't hold...






    We then set off for the drive home and I now had my niece and nephew riding along with me with the plastic bag bodge holding the cooling system together and much to my surprise it did hold all the way back into the city. We had only one more set of lights to go and a three hundred yard run home when I noticed the main ring road had been closed off due to an accident!! Talk about pushing my luck!

    I looked down at the temp gauge without trying to look concerned for my young passengers it was still running just fine but there was now a bit of a queue and a back road maze we had to travel to get back without killing the old boy...I didn't think my luck would hold that long but with no other choice onward we travelled!

    We sat waiting a while then squeezed between parked cars getting back to the ring road just behind the road block much to the surprise of the police officer who was there. I explained what we were up to just trying to get home before killing my motor and he grinned saying "The accident is past your house you will make it" and with a wink he moved the secondary cones that he had in place and we we away!



    So we got home and Mator was still running at a normal temperature and much to my surprise he had most of his coolant still in place my plastic bag bodge had held for over 40 minutes! SO it goes to show that these landies do always want you to be tinkering with them but by god they are easy to fix and keep going no wonder our forces love the bloody things!




  8. Tyres & Rims



    The Project Has Landed...

    Posted by min200 Fri, May 22, 2015 21:11:09



    After getting the old wheels off of Mator during his rebuild I was happy to fit the big chunky mud wheels to him but I have had a change of heart of late because now I am keeping the old boy I quite fancy putting him back towards his military roots because I like the look!

    There was and is no rush for this bit of a backward transformation so I have been just keeping an eye out for the right tyres to come up seeing as I already had a set of Series rims in shed 3 (yes I have that many sheds now that I number them) I was in no hurry but as is always the way a set of part worn G10 security tyres came up for the princely sum of £60 so I snatched them up quickly. Yes they are part worn's rather than new but the mileage I do in Mator is minimal so they are more than good enough for my needs but I now had to get them fitted and being the lazy bugger I am I could not face that back breaking chore of taking off old tyres then fitting the new ones with levers and hammers and bangs to hands wrists and god knows what else so I had a quite chat with the tyre fitters at work who agreed for £30 they would deal with the issue for me and dispose of the scrap tyres on the Series rims...sounded good to me!



    So this morning before I started work I dropped them off with the chaps then swung back around at lunchtime to pick them back up again on rims and half of the rubber returned home with me this evening.

    I was in an odd mood when I got in and I cannot say why if I am honest I was just feeling a bit grumpy under the weather and after catching myself growling at my family for the smallest of reasons I took myself out of the equation back outside to get some proper physical exercise in the form of changing the wheels over and putting the ones removed into shed number 2 (told you there are a few).

    I sweated the wheels off and on again the bloody things do really weigh more than you realise then stood back to gaze upon the backwards transformation...









    Not bad at all really but I have not taken him for a spin yet as the light was getting low I am tired and it will give me something to do first thing in the morning because my young Landy mad nephew is returning to see me, well to see Mator really, and is looking forward to going for a spin I cannot let the kid down!

    The wheels that came off of Mator will be going onto Brian the Discovery once I get the lift kit bought and fitted but I am going to have to save up for that because we have now officially become shed dragger's...we have bought a caravan so when we go out with the Notts Landy Club we can join in properly and socialise in the evenings...but shed dragger's none the less.



    The wheels will look good on Brian though...







  9. Been Published in a magazine!



    The Project Has Landed...

    Posted by min200 Sat, May 16, 2015 20:36:32



    Isn't it amazing what a year can bring to you. I have quit smoking, built a Landy, published a book and the cherry on the cake is having an article I wrote about Mator's rebuild being published in Land Rover Owners International!



    So here's a big thank you to all of you that have followed my drivelling rambling also for your responses encouragement and general micky taking because without them I wouldn't have come this far. Mator's journey is not yet over by any stretch there is still plenty to do on him and the astute among you will see and advert for his sale at the back of LRO but he is not for sale any more. I cannot bring myself to part with him after all of this hard work and now he is actually running well I have got to kinda like driving him without the fear of catastrophic breakdown looming over me.



    Thanks again folks and keep your eye out for more updates...







  10. [h=2]Car Boots and Sunshine[/h]Land Rover RebuildPosted by min200 Sun, May 10, 2015 12:21:14

    Seeing as I have a long week ahead and probably should have had a relaxing lie in this morning I awoke bright and breezy at 6am of course. After fidgeting for half an hour managing to get some rather disturbing physically threatening grunting noises from Wifey who was trying to actually have a lie in next to me I got up and decided that I should actually put some oil back in the transfer box after changing the seal again a few days ago. If I didn't get around to it no doubt I would end up forgetting, driving off for a bit then quickly killing the box so it needed to be done right now.


    Seeing as it wasn't my first time filling the bloody thing up with oil I had the process down pat and less than half an hour after walking outside the deed was done. Wondering what to do with the sunny morning that was fast warming up I tentatively woke up Wifey with a brew, one must offer sacrifices when you wake the dragon, and suggested a pootle out in Mator to the local car boot so I could check all was well with him.

    There were no fiery deaths within seconds and she agreed this could be fun so soon enough I was behind the wheel firing up the engine. Mator roared away up teh road with easy gear changes now his gear stick had been replaced and we were soon running up to temperature nice and smooth...well as smooth as a Series 3 109" ever gets.


    I drove through the end of the city out into the countryside with no problems and the steering was better after taking a friends advice and having the tyre pressures pushed up to 40psi on the mud wheels that are fitted at the moment. I wasn't in a state of apprehension waiting for something to break in fact I was smiling away in my noise filled cab as we trundled along at a steady 48mph listening to the fuel in the tank being sucked away quickly by the 2.25 petrol engine.

    We headed into the car boot field and enjoyed the extra bouncing around off road and when I looked back as I was walking away from Mator I thought to myself "He does look bloody good".


    There was more countryside driving back to a supermarket to pick up a couple of bits and the trundle home.

    No problems, no stress, no leaks (for now) and fuel still in the tank...I can honestly say this has been the most I have enjoyed driving Mator since I rebuilt him :)

  11. Clutch Plates & Seals



    Land Rover Rebuild

    Posted by min200 Tue, April 28, 2015 19:01:57



    It has taken me two days to get around to writing up the blog about changing the clutch in Mator solely because it was such a harrowing ordeal I needed the time to recuperate my mind to cope with the ordeal of reliving it!



    Now I know you are all thinking "Come on Nick it's not that hard" and in principle you are all right about that but Mator decided he was going to be a bit of a **** and play up as much as he could.

    Sunday morning started well enough as I got up early the sun was shining as I headed off to my friends who with another mate had volunteered their services to get Mator sorted clutch wise the old Landy even drove ok where as the last time I drove him he was slipping in good style. I arrived just before nine am had a coffee and we jumped on stripping out the flooring tunnel and gearstick to give easy access to the gearbox...






    There were even smiles and laughter at this point...






    It wasn't long before the gearbox was out and it was obvious the oil seals on the crank shaft were fubared...






    Now is it me or is that a LOT of oil! Soon had it cleaned up stripped out new seal fitted along with a new gasket though. Attention then turned to the clutch plates themselves and they were soon removed...






    The picture doesn't really show how much oil was on the clutch plates but there was and they had got really hot before as well as the burns showed when you looked up close. With that lot gone it showed that the oil seal on the engine side had also given up the ghost sharing the love of nasty black oil...

    Cleaned that mess up and fitted the new seal. Out came the new clutch plates which were lined up using my friends fancy new tool...






    Then we set to fitting the gearbox back in place with smug smiles on our faces because we had only been playing for about four hours so far and should all be done in time for an early tea and cold beer in the spring sunshiny day! ...






    But no dear reader that was not to be. We got the gearbox up splines lined up but would the bugger go in all the way???? No no it would not. We pushed we shoved we twisted we raised one side then the other, the front went up and down along with the back but no luck. We took the gearbox back out again to check the clutch plates and sure enough the clutch plate itself had dropped enough to stop the shaft going all the way in. Off it came again to be realigned up and then refitted. Up went the gearbox and after a few choice words some quite considerable time and lots of huffing and puffing it fitted into to place.

    We were chuffed we felt like we had achieved something as we set to refitting prop shafts gearbox mountains and handbrakes. Soon enough all but the slave cylinder was in place the slave cylinder though had pushed its calliper nearly all the way out and it took some effort to get it back into place and fitted...






    That done I fired Mator up the pressure plate span as did the shaft so I engaged a gear and....NOTHING. Nothing happened at all. There was no drive at all. All of our hearts sank we could see it on each others faces how much we really did not want to take him apart again. My friend then pipes up "I did put the clutch plate back on the right way around didn't I?" We then had three grown men looking in the inspection plate to try and determine that without lugging what was now being referred to as "That bloody gearbox" out again.



    We decided between us that it indeed was on the correct way so it must be something else. We pushed and pulled levers around to no avail and then we settled upon the slave cylinder again. We had to loosen up the bleed nipple to relieve some pressure to get that calliper back in place so some air must have got into the bloody thing. Out came a fancy air driven vacuum bleed kit and that folks is singularly the best bit of kit I have ever seen! It bled the clutch system in 30 seconds flat! Thank God my friend had it! That done all was sorted the drive engaged no problem at all much to three sweaty dirty grimy blokes relief.

    A quick look at this point at my watch revealed we had been just over ten hours on this the sun was setting and we had all had enough so we set to popping the floor and tunnel back into place with me insisting "just two bolts per panel so I can get it home" and to my surprise the lads wanted to carry on "getting it right" but no enough was enough these guys had given up their Sunday for me already we were all getting hungry because we had eaten the sugary treats hours before that I had brought with me so I made them throw in the towel.



    One trip around the block to make sure all was right and with the tools all put to bed we had been at it eleven hours!!!!!!!!!



    I still had to put fuel in as I was on fumes and drive one of the lads home and this was all without any major issues we had done a good job. Well I say no issues but after I dropped the lad off I noticed that when in fourth gear and letting off of the gas there was a knocking noise on the gearbox just a clunk nothing massive and I realised as I got home I had not tightened up one of the gearbox mounts I was supposed to do so hell after a day like we had just had I could live with that.

    So I have still to refit the floor properly along with the tunnel and tighten up that mounting bolt but that can wait until the weekend when I can motivate myself to get the tools out again.



    #### A quick afterword here just to say a massive thank you once again to the guys who helped me out on a Sunday in the blazing sunshine for the whole long day. You guys are the true spirit of friendship and restore my belief in humanity as a whole! Beers are on there way boys ;) ######




  12. [h=2]Summer days and Slipping[/h]Land Rover RebuildPosted by min200 Tue, April 21, 2015 20:30:31

    If I am honest I have not done a great deal with Mator of late. I put him up for sale of course but after several rather insulting offers by folk over the net and then the usual folk not turning up I have ended up not being that bothered about him going in fact I have been enjoying him a lot more than I had before with little trips out at least once a week.


    Well today Wifey decided it was a pleasant Spring evening and quite rightly we should head out for a walk to enjoy the sunset so I took this opportunity to grab the keys to Mator and take him to the riverside. The drive would be about ten miles each way no problem for the old boy of late and soon enough we were heading out and breaking his 100 mile barrier of miles done since the rebuild.

    After we had settled in shouting a sort of conversation across the cab noise you know the usual for a Series when I noticed the revs seemed a little higher than normal so I took my foot off of the clutch pedal which is a bad habit I have got the revs stayed the same.

    You know that stomach churning feeling you get when you realise that something is wrong? Yep I had that bugger in droves at that moment because in a split second the little issues that I had seen ploughed through my mind...the little oil drip coming out of the wading hole, the clutch adjustment on the master cylinder a few weeks before and the action of putting my wallet down on my bedside cabinet when I got in from work with no recollection of picking it up again three guesses where the RAC card was I would need for recovery home should it get that far!


    No need to panic though I just went back in time twenty years or so in my head to when I was young care free and didnt give a monkeys if a motor was dying I would just try to nurse it back home with the only problem being the sodding great hill that lay between us and there! Wifey did point out at this point we could just go the flatter countryside way back instead which we ended up doing keeping the revs low along with the speed because the mud tyres that are on it are bloody awful on tarmac anyway and the old boy just plodded on noisily the ten miles home through very pleasant sun soaked Nottinghamshire countryside which was really very relaxing considering he could have decided he had had enough at any moment.

    To my surprise he even backed up the driveway with no fuss at all!

    A kind friend has already volunteered to help out with the replacement because I have never done one before on a landy and do you know what I think Mator might just be a bit happier then just pottering around once every week or so.

  13. He knows what I am thinking...



    Land Rover Rebuild

    Posted by min200 Sat, March 28, 2015 19:08:50



    My vehicle collection is getting bigger and all of this without the added extra motors that will turn up when the kids start driving heaven knows what we will do then! There is now a new game called musical motors I have to play depending on which one I would like to use and seeing as I had to move Mator anyway I decided to use him to run an errand of dropping a parcel off at a collection point a few miles away.



    I think he knows I want to sell him to go towards the house deposit because he normally has some sort of issue just for the hell of it you know like a new strange noise or running a bit rough but this morning he was a pleasure from the first turn of the key until I parked him up. Having set the carb last week he ran like a dream drove even better with smooth steering nice gear changes great acceleration and I swear he was even being as quiet as he possibly could be. In my minds eye he was acting like a dog that has been a bit bad and is now looking at you from the side of his eyes with a bowed head being as good as possible so you will love him again. He was faultless...








    There was even a chap who walked up to me out of the blue at the parcel drop off point asking if I owned Mator complimenting me on what good condition he was in can Land Rovers pay people to say nice things about them?





    By 'wreck in Northern Spain' I thought for a moment you were planning to go live in a rusty landrover on a Spanish mountainside...... :D




    Now there's a thought :) ... I will be sad to see it go but hey ho needs must. I have loved the rebuild and no doubt will be doing another soon enough!

  15. Times are a changing.



    Land Rover Rebuild

    Posted by min200 Wed, March 25, 2015 18:05:52



    Things seem to be changing at the moment and quite drastically to boot! I have started my new job which will hopefully send me off in a new career direction with new challenges then there are the plans to move to a new home in Derbyshire next summer and it is this that has us really thinking.



    We rent at the moment and the plan was to continue renting up in Derbyshire because we did not think we would A) get a mortgage or B) want one anyway as our plans were to buy a little old wreck in Northern Spain to retire to. The problem now is we have found out we can get a mortgage so perhaps we should buy a house next summer in Derbyshire instead of renting then if we want to move out and retire to Spain in our later years we sell up and do so or maybe we will be happy in our little home in the countryside...



    So after much thought we have decided to buy a house and act like we are proper grown ups...pfft who wants to be a grown up anyway?? Joking aside it makes sense as we would get a mortgage that would be about the cost of rent then we get to sell up at the end of it and spend any inheritance the kids think they will be getting and post it all online just to rub their noses in it a it lol.



    Can you see where I am heading with this yet? No? then I will enlighten you :) The only problem initially with buying a house is that you need a deposit and we will save hard for this over the next year but there will be a chunk left missing and if I am honest there is only one thing we have of value and I thought I was going to put him away for a few more years while he raises in value but needs must.



    I am going to have to sell Mator.



    Now I could drive him for a year then stick a Fresh MOT on him and sell him then but I have bought the Discovery to play in and Mator will not be getting much use anyway so after I have swapped his wheels over this weekend he will be going up for sale on the market as teh fresh new rebuild he is.

    It is with a heavy heart I do this but I know it is the right thing to do because I don't want to leave him sitting around wasting away again after all of the hard work and effort I have put into restoring him and any potential buyer is in a unique position of seeing exactly what I have done to him over the course of the rebuild online someone should really get the some pleasure out of him.



    Yes I am sad as he helped me keep off of the cigarettes kept me writing and made me a few friends along the way but the future calls I am getting older and the idea of eventually paying no rent appeals to me for my winter years.

    So keep an eye out tell your friends that something good is coming up and once the pictures have been taken and the adverts written I will let you all know but whoever buys him don't look back when you drive him away I don't want you to see me crying...




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