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Posts posted by woodsmoke7

  1. Hi all,

    Can you take a moment to check out this website for an online petition to ask the MOD to grant a licence in order to make another attempt at recovering the human remains of Flight Sergeant Eric Williams and his Hurricane before the site is redeveloped and disappears under a block of flats.




    There's also a Facebook page at ... https://www.facebook.com/BBOBH?fref=ts


    They've made two attempts so far and dug in the wrong place each time. If they could be persuaded to talk to some independent researchers who have eye-witness information, they might have better luck.

    The whole sorry saga is detailed in Andy Saunders' book 'Finding The Few'.


    Ta much,


    I hope it helps

  2. The story about buried vehicles in the Bristol area is interesting. When I went down to Southampton to collect the Clarkair one of the dockers was interestted in it and said


    "When the americans pulled out of the Bristol area they drove alot of vehicles full of kit into a disused quarry and buried them"


    He did tell me exactly where but I have forgotten. I do however have his hone number somewhere. This would have been around the end of '44


    Another story I personally heard from an old boy fifteen years ago was that at the end of the war all the takes form Sutton Hoo tank training range were driven to some crag pits and buried with tons of other kit. This can never be proven as just after the war the area was made into an RSPB reserve. A good way to cover up!!!


    That's what they did down in Devon on an tank old training ground near Bovey Tracy, once its its declared as RSPB or National trust you have a slim chance of doing any digging. It probably would be in an agreement with the US government so you cant pinch their gear, no matter how long ago.

  3. Clear skies ?

    I'm sat on airfield north of Scampton and can assure you the weather is fairly crap.

    cloud base of 2500-3000ft, broken in places, scattered showers and due to get worse later.

    However, there's still a chance it could break if the wind pushes it out.

    We've just stuck the covers back on the aircraft.


    I spy a bit of blue sky...


    I ment off the coast of Iceland smart guy.

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