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Lauren Child

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Posts posted by Lauren Child

  1. Theres a good free PDF creator called PDFill. I use it a lot to "print" PDF files from word, as it shows up as a printer.


    If you scan in documents to PDF they will likely be quite large sized as you scan them in as graphics rather than text, so it records every dot that makes up a letter rather than just that letter. You can do character recognition with some software to avoid that problem but thats not 100% reliable so you need to proof-read afterwards.

  2. Thanks to all that came - its the vistors and the participants that make it and we all had a fantastic day with a great atmosphere and some excellent visiting vehicles.


    The mystery vehicle is an Astros rocket launder ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astros_II_MLRS ) and has seen a lot of work. We've had to delay showing it off as it has some new inhabitants. Once they've flown the nest we'll be able to display more of it and put the finishing touches to the restoration.


    The crane looks to have got too hot and suffered from fuel starvation on the cavalcade. She started and ran perfectly after a brief nap while the Scammel gave her some help and she cooled off.


    If anyone got some good pics of the Gecko I'd love to see them - she was my ride and unfortunately was the second casualty of the day when we had a re-occurence of tyre pressure problems and had to leave the arena unexpectedly. The show saw the return of the "women drivers" curse, as one of my colleagues also missed out having tripped over and done herself an injury just before the cavalcade. Both colleague and Gecko are due to make a full recovery however :-D


    Again many thanks to all that came - I'm sure we'll all be discussing our favourite vehicles for many weeks to come, and the prize winners were all gorgeous. The show team all put in a lot of work and the end result made it all worth it. Even the weather held off until the end of the day, giving us a nice summers day despite the predicted forecast. The heavens openned just as the last vehicles were packing up.


    Plans are already afoot for next year and I hope to see you all there again:yay:

  3. I think money is short for everyone, public funding or not, and we all need to make sure we support our museums in any way we can.


    Different museums have different strategies and constraints on fund raising, but at the end of the day if people don't support the museums in one form or another they may not be around for future generations.


    Shows are one way of supporting any museum, and this weekend I urge anyone reading to consider attending or displaying, whether it's at Duxford (Military Vehicle Show), Shuttleworth (D-Day Air Display), Debach (Airfield Open Day), or any other museum. We all need all of the help we can get.

  4. Glad to see all of the interest!


    It should be a good show - we have more vehicles pre-registered this year than we had last year, and more armour.


    Chev & Rambo you should have PM's. Hope to see you there.


    The last few weeks have been insanely busy, but if I get a chance I'll try and take some photo's of the setup to whet your appetites.




  5. The Water & Power tank is a PT76. It's the same one as one of the ones that was on Tank Overhaul. Sub girl offers to let them "do it up in my garage", and they turn it into an M5 Stuart.


    Presumably this angered the soviet union who applied pressure for sub-girl to get cut out of the film, hence no sand-digging submarine and a re-hashed ending.




    and the original ending with sub girl



    Now if I had that kind of paint, I'd be "doing up" all sorts of vehicles :)

  6. The 6th of June is now confirmed as the date for this year's Duxford Military Vehicle Show. More details will follow during the next couple of weeks. Please update you calendars!








    The 2010 Military Vehicle Show is commemorating the D-Day Landings of 6th June 1944, with military vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Exhibitors will be able to:[/Quote]

    • display their vehicles in a special area between the American Air Museum and the Land Warfare Hall
    • join the traditional cavalcade around the airfield, including driving along Duxford’s historic runway
    • watch tank demonstrations in the arena at 3.30pm, after which there will be an opportunity for exhibitors to take their own vehicles around the arena, at their own risk!
    • ride in an AFV 432 in the morning (£5 per head- a minimum height restriction applies)
    • visit the various militaria related trade stands located within the display area

    Additionally, MAFVA will again hold their National Championships at the event plus a Military & Aviation Book Fair will take place within the American Air Museum during the day (run by the Provincial Booksellers Fair Association).


    As always, the museum is open for all exhibitors and their guests to enjoy, including the UK’s largest D-Day Landing exhibition in the Land Warfare Hall. The show ends at 5pm and the museum closes at 6.pm.

    Please note: All activities/events/participants are subject to change without notice



    Vehicle owners wishing to exhibit shoud apply before the 30th April for free entry.


    Camping is also available for those exhibiting








    Special Offer! Camping is available on site at Duxford for the night of 5th June for just £6 per person! This will include:

    • an exclusive camping area, near Duxford’s renowned Land Warfare Hall,
    • a private access gate to allow you venture off site in the evening.
    • admission to the Military Vehicle Show on Sunday 6th,
    • access to the whole of Duxford’s award winning Museum after 1200 on the 5th June, which is a saving of £16.50!

    This is the only event at Duxford which offers public camping, so don’t miss out on this unique opoportunity! Why not split your journey, stay overnight at Duxford, and enjoy the 2010 Duxford Military Vehicle Show. For further details please see the attached booking form, or visit http://duxford.iwm.org.uk. Please note that camping is by advance booking only.


    At the moment I'm trying to organise something for the Saturday evening while we've got a collection of owners camping over. Ideas are welcome and I'll post more info as and when I have it.


    Hope to see you there!



  7. Tank Girl does rock - I know the words to that film almost off by heart! Glad to see more girls following in Lori Petty's footsteps! :-D


    Glad to see you liked Duxford! You'll have to come back for our show in June :cool2:

  8. I enjoyed both series (two series of 4 episodes each), but they have been edited for a mass audience and sometimes things get lost in editing. Actually quite a lot does as they filmed *loads* of footage. The guys that do the filming are pretty knowledgable and were great to work with (though my some total on-screen is as a yellow dot during a pan shot), but if I remember correctly I think they said it gets edited by a different team when they get home. Interestingly they did mention that they do different edits for different markets, so the US show will be slightly different from the UK one etc.


    Looking at the Duxford one, our show got mixed up with the tank museum's "Tankfest", and I'm pretty sure they re-dubbed the sound on some of the vehicles and mixed up Centurion and Chieftain, but the result is an enjoyable watch and I'm hopeful that they'll do a third series. It's always nice to see more of our hobby on television, and overall it did a good job of being educational at the same time as being entertaining.


    As Steveo mentions, a tank restoration does take several years. The Centurion Mk3 is still in the workshops being worked on now with probably another year left to go. That puts a complete restoration out of the scope of most documentaries. It is a shame as it would probably be very interesting.

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