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Posts posted by WCMatt

  1. So you're in denial again then:nono:


    He's gone for another swim in Egypt? Now that's exotic!:cool2:


    As for uniforms worn with or around the vehicles, Back around '05 a friend of mine & myself drove my restored WC51 in a couple of Veteran's day parades. We wore the correct GI kit for late WWII period as I (we) thought it would compliment the vehicle. people along the parade route kept thanking us for our service. They thought we were active duty?! We found this very disconcerting as we had a mutual friend who was serving at the pointy end over in A-Stan at the time. Needless to say that when I'm out & about in one of my Mvs, I wear regular street clothes that are seasonally appropriate. The last time I had a vehicle out for display (M151A1) I was wearing my usual cargo pants & button down work shirt.



    I'm now in my early to mid 40's a little doughy & with a goatee that I don't care to shave off so I'll forgo the uniform next time around. As for those that do wear them, I think if worn properly & the wearer is not trying to pass his/her self off as something they are not, that they do compliment the vehicle.



    'Had a co-worker who drove a corvette once tell me that whenever I drove my "Army jeep" (M151A1) that I should wear an M1 steel helmet. When I asked why would I want to do that? His reply was "because it's an Army Jeep" or some other such nonesence. My reply was "Well, you drive a corvette. Oh, is that why you stuff a sock down the front of your pants?":-D


  2. Joe

    You will also want to add to your ferret library Pat Ware's book "The FV701 ferret scout car in British Army Service" . There is a soft cover book on ferrets in Canadian service. I'll get the title & Author for you I'm embarrased to admit that I can't remember right off hand :blush:.


  3. Hello

    Didn't see this posted anywhere but then again, I didn't really do an indepth investigation. Last Sunday ( 1st of Dec.2013) Edward "Babe" Heffron who served in Easy Company 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment during WWII passed away. He was 90 years old. E Cy of the 506th was made famous by a book written by Steven Ambrose which was later made into an HBO mini series "Band of brothers". http://www.breakingnews.com/item/2013/12/02/edward-babe-heffron-of-the-real-band-of-brother/



  4. Gents

    First off, let me just say a giant Thank you to all who posted on this thread. Your words of encouragement & support were much apperciated. What I've desided to do is paint my friend's name in 1" letters followed by a cusifix on the flat plate below the right side view slit on the ferret's hull just above the large storage bin. ' think this will be a fitting tribute to a friend who was supposed to be the "second crewman" on board.




  5. Darin

    as of the last year or so Dave's been overrun with Saracens. They also haven't been all that expensive as well. Seems all of the guys that have 'em in the 'States are dumping them. Not sure why, maybe ecconomic reasons?


    You can also contact Dave Uhrig and tell him that your looking for one, what you want to pay & condition wise & he'll keep you in mind. He usually keeps a "shoping list" of people looking for specific MVs & tries to match them up with their desired MV.



  6. Oddly enough it's not shown in the illustrated parts catalogue... Where it would be if it were would be the connecting pin for the inner steering levers (illustration G3) to the steering shafts in the steering bevel box (#22/39 in illustration G2). I believe the linkage pin part #s are FV50837 & FV9872




    Yes I'm aware that these parts are available but for someone outside the UK it's difficult at best. There is a parts supplier in the US but he doesn't seem to ever have any of the parts I need or return emails. Guys like Banister's or even Marcus Glenn really don't want to sell to people across the pond. It makes for a slow going.....




  7. Guys

    Nor sure if this is the correct forum to ask this or even if this is in good taste. A very close friend of mine passed away suddenly last night.


    I'm in the reassembly phase of my ferret's restoration. I know nation's AFV crews are well known to commemorate fallen crewmembers on the hulls of their vehicles. Is there a history of this practice in the British Army? I was thinking that I'd like to paint his name somewhere on my ferret when it's closer to being ready. Still pretty numb as I type this....




  8. Robin

    Thank you for replying. I'm not in a great rush as the ferret is not my daily driver (would be cool, though :cool2: ). The resto has come to a stop because of it. I don't have any pictures of the pins in question but I will get you the part numbers & the page number showing the exploded illustration from the EMRS manual tomorrow when I swing by the shop.




  9. Hello List!

    Is there anyone on the forum who is doing a complete tear down restoration of a ferret scout car (other then me)? I seem to be missing the inner steering box linkage pins that connect the steering box to the pitman arms. If anyone has these pins out & handy would you mind taking some measurements for me? That way, I can have some made....


    Kind Regards,




  10. Matt. Thanks for the reply. Earlier in the year, I tried to purchase one of the Canadian Ferrets from a gentleman in the U.S. but that deal did not work out. Best Regards, Terry.



    When the Canadians surplused out all of their ferrets, the vast majority wound up down in Texas (at Red River Parts Depot?). Kind of a shame in a way beacause if you were a Canadian & wanted a Canuk ferret, you had to "re-import" one from down south back into the great white North. I purchased mine from a guy less then 100 miles away from me. He brought in four from the UK (All Mk.1/2s). Shortly after I purchased mine, he sold the remaining three to Canadian buyers.



  11. ..............................Rover porn..............:cool2:


    Well I removed the radiator today. Some of the coolant went in the bucket while some wound up on the shop floor.... Didn't see a drain plug on the bottem of the radiator (I unhooked the hoses to remove/drain). Hopefully, The bulkhead will come off tomorrow.


    Has anyone had any experience with the reproduction wiring harnesses that are available for the lightweights? The original wiring in mine was pretty crispy & canabalized to boot.


  12. Matt,


    You might want to update your profile so the rest of us see where you are at on the globe. You might have the guru of Land Rovers living next door and able to help but because we cant see where you live . . . .


    A power pack in my mind would be a complete engine with ancillaries and gearbox that comes out in one, an FV432 (or variant) or a Ferret or other big armour share this feature as it is a swap out and back in in the field made easy.


    For your delight here is a Ferret "powerpack"





    Just updated my profile. I'm in sort of in a landie dead zone over here as aparently, I'm the only one who seems to like them. That's alright, though. What you describe as the powepack is exactly what I was thinking & thanks for posting that image of the ferret as I'm neck deep in the resto of one of those as well (Mk.1/2 00EA85). I'm headed off to the shop now to drain & remove the radiator & start working on the bulkhead's removal.


  13. Hello List!

    Well, I've got everything stripped off the frame of my lwt save for the bulkhead & drive train. I'm planing on removing the bulkhead sometime this week and was wondering (this is my first British vehicle) can the powerpack as a whole be removed from the stripped frame or does one have to take it out in separate components? By "powerpack" I mean: rad., engine, tranny, X-fercase. My plan was to have a wrecker come in & hoist the disconnected powerpack out & set it down on a pallet in my shop. What say the experts?...........



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