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Posts posted by WCMatt

  1. Thanks for all the replies. I'm aware that the Sten would have been issued to NCOs while the average Infantryman carried a rifle. Wasn't sure how many mags were carried by the Standard Sten tote'n Tommy, though. So it was five? Wonder if the paras carried more? Would make them come down faster......:cool2:




  2. I was registered over there and posted a few threads. It was a good site but seemed to be more geared towards the civi/ off roader side of LWt ownership rather then the historical. The site went down for "development" a good long while ago and has never come back. Is Lightweightlandroverclub.org gone for good?




  3. Yeah not sure myself if that is (was) a panzer III or a STUG III. Looks like it was a hard target on an impact range for many years. According to the article, the vehicle was found on land that was a former military site now going to be developed into a golf course (?!).



  4. From what little I could make out I think that it's the remains of a STUG III with the bore's head mantlet. Probably a wreck dragged out onto the ice post war to let the spring thaw take care of disposal?



  5. Hello List!

    With regard to the MK.II Sten gun specifically, I've noticed two types of stocks in general use. One is in the outline of a rifle butt stock while the other is a "T" shape. Was the difference in the two the result of different contractors making them or was there some other reason? Maybe one was prefered by the Infantry while the other was prefered by Paras or AFV crews?


    On a similar note: What was the basic load out of Sten magazines for the British Tommy (durning WWII)?



  6. Nice to see the Enola Gay on public display after being neglected for so many years.


    Excellent pictures need to go and visit.:-)



    The Enola Gay receives a lot of attention from the wackos out there which I find curious because Bock's Car the B29 that delivered the second bomb has been sitting in one piece* for years-decades even at the airforce museum In Ohio without so much as a peep from those who would pour blood & ash upon the EG..... .



    * Before the creation of the current Smithsonian avaition museum only the forward section of the fuselage was on display at their old facility.



  7. I wish i had read this thread before i bought mine 2 weeks ago, never mind !

    i will be doing the work myself and hopefully enjoying it.


    Take into consideration that at least you're in the UK so parts should be easier to source, purchase & cheaper to ship. Not to mention all of the Saracen owners & Vets who served on them that are around to help with questions. So things may not be all that bad for you :cool2:.



    There was a saracen about 30 miles south of me for sale a while back. I thought the owner wanted too much for it (around $30k) and I know he didn't pull his PMs on the beast. He finally sold it to someone....I'm actually happy with my ferret Mk.1/2


  8. There was a fellow over on Milweb that imported some perenties from Oz to the UK. I inquired about export to the USA and was told that they couldn't because the perenties were "non NATO controlled goods" or something like that. So if I really want one, I'm just going to have to import it all the way from the Land Down Under myself. I do have a friend there who is willing to help me, which is good.



  9. Wasn't really sure where to post this as it's Land Rover..... so British, but it's the Aussie version & there's no Oz section so.....


    The Aussie 110 perentie is my favorite flavor of D110. I've been looking into getting one but must admit that I really don't know that much about them other than they have an Izsuzu diesel power plant and a few body mods unique to the Aussie's.


    Can anyone out there give me (& the forum) any tips on what to look for on one or what questions to ask the seller?




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