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Posts posted by antarmike

  1. Gone into silence mode on this thread so

    Shall be taking my showmans living van + 9x9 and as such all Diamond T entrants may use as open house getogethers etc" beer drinking not excluded." Graham aka "EGG 159" is travelling down with me as second man and will be bringing his Diamond T photo albums and hopefully some of his excellent Diamond T models for us to look at.

    Does any one on the forum have the capability of recording on disc or video of what could be the biggest gathering of Diamond T,s ever since WW II ?. Maybe as a commercial venture

    i know i would purchase a copy.:-D


    Not Silence mode, just nothing to report. I can go no further until I get entry forms, which I will send out ASAP. GDSF is one of the last shows to send out entry forms, and I am waiting for those.


    All contact details sent to me will be followed up, but I am not the one driving this, it is normal for GDSF to send out late March, early May. I will try to get forms before t5hen, but so much with GDSF has to be agreed safety wise, planning with LOCAL authgorities etc, and until this is nigh on completed, forms will not appear.



  2. Need to read the Highways Act on this one.

    Even if you can interpret it to allow you to park on the footway there is a bit that you cannot misinterpret, which is basically

    "It is illegal to drive a vehicle on a footway other than to cross at a designated vehicular access point"


    Therefore parking on a footway becomes tricky when you cannot drive on it.


    Mind you that is a bit off topic.

    Legally you can park anything on a Public Highway (Road) that has the relevant MOT, Road Fund Licence and Insurance as long as it does not cause an obstruction.

    However IIRC you cannot leave a trailer on a highway if it is not attached to an appropriate vehicle.



    Could you lift a vehicle on a hi-lift jack and topple it over so it falls onto the pavement, then retrieve it by the same method?

  3. You cannot legal replay recordings of anything received from a radio (there may be an odd exception, but generally true.) , If you require "chatter" technically you will have to set it up and record it yourself, to represent the type of thing that may be heard.


    It is illegal to tune into Military radio traffic, but if you "Accidentally " do tune into such traffic, it is against the law to pass on to anyone else what you heard. This fairly conclusively prevents you legally playing a recording of Military chatter.

  4. What the regs say about B&W plates


    2. A plate displaying white, silver or light grey letters and numbers on a black surface having every character indelibly inscribed on the surface or so attached to the surface that it cannot readily be detached from it, which may either—


    (a)be made of cast or pressed metal with raised characters, or


    (b)consist of a plate to which separate characters are attached, or


    ©consist of a plastic plate having either reverse engraved characters or characters of a foil type, or


    (d)consist of an unbroken rectangular area on the surface of the vehicle which is either flat or, if there is no flat area where the mark is required to be displayed, an area which is almost flat.



    Section(d) above refers to "an unbroken rectangular area on the surface" as opposed to a plate. This is the section that I understand allows the mark to be applied directly to the bodywork on a painted area.


    I think the problem with adhesive plates is that they are designed to be retro-reflective, but may not actually be able to met the required standards for retro-reflective materials.

  5. number plates can be painted on over here too. The rules that apply re size and spacing of letters have to be adhered to. Plates should be vertical but if painted the wording is something like "vertical or nearly vertical" or "vertical, but if this is not possible, as near vertical as can be achieved". That from memory, it is in the regulations somewhere, but I will leave it to someone else to find it and post it..

  6. Parking a vehicle wholy on a footway is an offence -a vehicle less than 1.5tons (cars & lt vans) may in some circumstances park with 2 wheels on a footway -as long as sufficient footpath remains for free movement of pedestrian, wheel chairs and prams etc.


    There has been something in the news recently that new legislation is on the way making it an offence, in any circumstance, to park with two wheels on the pavement. (or was it just the existing legislation is now actually going to be enforced?)


    Since I never do this, I was only listening with little interest, and little of what was said was actually processed and stored in my brain.


    Can someone fill us in on the changes which are on the way?



  7. One perhaps for our very own Antar Mike to help out with!!! :cool2: :cool2:



    I don't know why I have been brought into this,


    My advice to the neighbours probably would be , if they really want it moved then they should point out to the Police it is over width, and technically it should never have been road registered and clearly it doesn't comply with C and U regs. The Police may then decide to take action, but will probably still not want to get involved....


    My advice to the owner would be buy something you can keep on your own property, and stay clear of over width tracked vehicles, because you are in a very bad place legally.....

  8. I refer you to paragraph 18 of the Act quoted previously in this thread. Vehicles constructed before 1 January 1973 shall be treated as though they were first registered before that date. In other words, there is no requirement for reflective plates on a vehicle constructed (not first registered!) before 1 January 1973.




    S18 relates to "Saving for vehicles constructed before 1st January 1973"

    It relates to the Finance act 1996, in which 25 year old vehicles vehicles became Tax exempt, and ammended in the Finance Act 1998, s. 17. when this was changed from 25 year exempt to a fixed date Historic vehicle nil taxation class.


    I read S18 as confirming that irrespective of when the vehicle was actually first registered, it will be eligible for free tax, and Historic Vehicle status if manufactured before 1.1.1973.


    It is not, I do not think, to be read in terms of which type of plate can be fitted. It relates directly to the Finance act where it is tying up loose ends as to which taxation class a vehicle falls into, (and hence VED rate is to be paid) if that vehicle was constructed before 1.1.73 but not registered until later.


    The insertion of section 18 into The Road Vehicles (Display of Registration Marks) Regulations 2001, was as a result of the Finance act 1996, s. 19, and amended by the Finance Act 1998, s. 17.

  9. ....As a matter of interest, the law requires you to display the reg no in the correct layout and in the correct place, but does it prevent you putting lots of registration plates on your vehicle (one is real, the rest are just the livery, honest officer). Covering the front and rear of your car with different number plates might be a way to fool speed cameras!


    Does that mean if they are not issued by the DVLA you can put lookalike number plates all over your vehicle ?:nut:
    i was thinking just that , as it was not issued by dvla id be ok :D:D:D

    "Vehicle Excise and Registration act 1994" A person is guilty of an offence if he forges, or fraudulently alters, uses, lends or allows to be used by another person, a registration mark. This makes it an offence to put a genuine registration mark from another vehicle onto your own.


    More likely the offence if non genuine registration plates are affixed may be "Road Vehicles (display of registration marks) regulations 2001" Where S43 says it is an offence for the person driving (or if not being driven the keeper) to obscure a registration mark, or render or allow it to become not easily distinguishable.


    This surely covers plastering pseudo registration plates over a vehicle making it very difficult to spot the genuine one!

  10. As far as I know you would be OK with this, since the military registration is meaningless and hence is just part of the decoration of the vehicle. Others in this forum may know better, though.


    As a matter of interest, the law requires you to display the reg no in the correct layout and in the correct place, but does it prevent you putting lots of registration plates on your vehicle (one is real, the rest are just the livery, honest officer). Covering the front and rear of your car with different number plates might be a way to fool speed cameras!


    Having more than one DVLA issued registration mark on a vehicle is illegal.

  11. I believe it is safe to say the spirit of the law is that black and white plates are required pre-1st Jan 1973, and retro-reflectives after that date. Poorly worded law aside, the intent is clearly that vehicles manufactured when B&Ws were the norm are entitled to have them. If a 432 had been available to civilians at its original time of manufacture it would have been fitted with B&Ws.


    On another tack, does the law specify 'registered by whom'? The British armed services operate registration systems. Does this not mean a 432 has been registered on or before X date? Does the law specify 'registered in the UK by DfT' ?


    - MG

    The law says that whether to use black and white or Retroreflective white and yellow on a pre 1973 vehicle , is the keepers choice and you therefore don't have to use Black and white plates on such vehicles.


    Remember the requirement for reflective plates is to do with safety, and visibility. Black and white plates are not available as aids to visibility when such a vehicle is parked on the road at night.


    This might influence someone decision, it isn't all about appearance, there is a safety aspect.

  12. Interesting photo and please remember you posted it so you are likely now to receive some scrutiny. If I were a traffic cop I would be drawn to your vehicle. The spacing of your number plate would immediately have me wondering what else on the vehicle had been done in an attempt to simulate 'authenticity' rather than with regard to the regs. As far as I understand it you are not permitted to space the four numbers as two pairs of two.


    Why draw attention to yourself?


    Just my 10c.


    - MG


    You can space them as two letters above two numbers above another two numbers, but on a horizontal line all the figures should be in one block.




    See diagrams 7a and 7b


    I have to agree the front plate of this jeep is not to requirements and could attract unwanted attention.

  13. Cyprus based 84 sqdn Whirlwind is moved from Episkopi to Akrotirti by road, a journey of 4 and a half hours. 84 Sqdn ground crew worked hard with their machetes carving away the tree branches as Whirlwind moved on up through the Fassouri Plantation.


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