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The Garrison

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Posts posted by The Garrison

  1. Hopefully the weather is starting to clear up a bit. Have managed to get a few parts sorted out, stripped and painted, but nowhere near the amount we would have liked.

    Anyway our long lost panel beater turned up one day so he was put to work.. The front guards still require some work but the major work is done. We had to fabricate a badge bar (for ceremonial bling purposes but it keeps her happy :angel:).







  2. heheh modern Health and Safety :cool2:.....I wonder how many poor old fellas came home deaf as a post from combat in WW2? you very rarely ever see a soldier / ack ack gunner / waist gunner on a B17 etc wearing proper H&S ear defenders and ordinary flying helmets such as worn in Lancs etc can't have held much of the noise back ...


    Used to know a Lanc rear gunner.. and of the few times he actually spoke about the war he did confirm it was noisey and hot. Had a lot of respect for that man.

  3. The LRDG palyed around with many different configurations on their jeeps and trucks and SAS seemed to follow whatever worked for the LRDG. .30's were the most common along with Brens, believe it or not.

    .50s were, as previously mentioned, not the best addition due to recoil etc.. not to mention feeding the dam things. With twin .50's where do you put the ammo :wow:...


    Firing Quad mount .50's is the most amazing experience i think i have ever had. It was an Anti Aircraft config on the back of an American Half Track.... ear plugs are a MUST with at least grade 5 earmuffs over the top... oh and the brass gets a little warm so do your buttons up :D

  4. Welcome


    Would have to agree with Tony... Pics would be great to start with.. and an idea of what sort of information were you looking for? Restoration, parts of historical stuff.. :laugh:


    Best of luck with the project. Always good to see another staff car in the making.

  5. Military and Civie Law trained in prosecution and defence as well as a MV owner.. so yea i can say its money making..


    Anyway really dont want to turn this thread into a grudge match... so


    Have a great weekend everyone.. and thanks to War & Peace for sending New Zealand its rain, our back yard and driveway looks similar to some of the amazing pics we have been seeing, with another four days of heavy rain scheduled.. Almost need a DUCK to go get the mail :D


    As a comparison 5mil of PLI over here would run over $1800 per year.

  6. This rediculous form of blatant money making makes me sick. What ever happened to being responsible for your own actions?

    If i trip and hurt myself who do i have to blame? ... ME!. My brain didnt send the signal to my body to lift my dam feet and watch where i am going... It's called an accident.. And if i trip and smack into someones MV... ME again.. Like we are supposed to blame the owner of the vehicle for parking it hours ago, in a public area whilst on display... We need some decent high court judges to start throwing out stupid claims and get back to the real world..


    Sorry.. rant over.

  7. You can't blame gypsies! This was a professional job carried out to order,which means someone who's into hmvs is involved,de activated weapons ain't goin scrap nor have they been taken by someone to hold up a bank,it's sat somewhere being stripped down to rebuild another maybe any really distinctive parts that can't be altered/reprinted to disguise them will end up scrap,hard as it may be to face but I still reckon someone from within the hobby has had this truck not gypsies for scrap!


    Finally someone is starting to think like an investigator. Sadly i know what the police have got on with the games, however i would have thought they would have had a semi dedicated auto theft department. From a qualified Investigator this is the exact 'top of the list' scenario.

  8. If you are wanting to age white markings the method is very simply. White is the worst colour to use for any military application as, due to typical circumstances, doesn't stay white for long. Simply begin (or go over) with off white. Don't be to pedantic about small runs and bleeds as they were never perfect in the first place. The tea bag or coffee staining will work on many surfaces but some paints will not take the staining. And make sure when staining the whole area is stained gradually, nothing worse than a stark white number with the bottom corner stained to look old and the rest is brand new.

    You can take things further with a paint scraper or knife and gently chip the paint edges as if used. This will expose 'new' paint underneath that will then require darkening or staining to look realistic.

    Other methods are to simply overexaggerate the daily use. Bump into it with a spare jerry can (on purpose) find a dusty dirt track and have fun ( I understand the hop farm may have some suitable areas about now :D)


    Best of luck

  9. I think she simply was NOT going to be upstaged by that (can't bring myself to say the words) HD.. :D


    On a technical note.. i would be leaning towards the mag breaking down. It doesnt take much. But then again my Indian starts fine one day and just sulks another..

  10. Bleep bleep.. words do not express the disgust we are feeling for this act. MV's tend to be more than just a car or truck but in many cases become 'family'.

    I have contacted my friend Chuck Chriss, owner and webmaster of Olive-Drab.com in the US and advised him of the theft. He will no doubt keep a lookout as much as possible.


    I would be canvasing all the shipping companies, scrappys and asking museums to put the international word out.


    Best of luck team

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