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Posts posted by whistlinwolf

  1. Shortly into this latest war over there a friend of mine with a Hummve was approached by a buying agent working on behalf of US Gov who was looking to buy up all tyres for them new or part worn ??



  2. Speak to Tony Sudds at T.S. Autos on 01322 861191


    He always has quality canvas seat sets and tops and just about everything else you can possibly think of for Jeeps.

    He is a top bloke :-)



  3. WOOOO HOOOO !!!

    What a weekend, the 2nd Armored are a great bunch. One wild weekend with 9 tracks in total all kitted out and manned. The logistics alone to shift men and machine across europe must be a nightmare but they have it off to a tee.

    Only one complaint...... no snow !!

    But I suppose we can't hold the 2nd Armored responsible for that. Kinda get the impression if First Sgt Shady said snow, well it would snow.


    width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a270/whistlinwolf/2006_12172006TracksBastogne0120.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a270/whistlinwolf/2006_12172006TracksBastogne0119.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a270/whistlinwolf/2006_12172006TracksBastogne0081.jpg[/img]



    Check out the link below for some hard charging Detroit turbo diesel.


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