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Posts posted by MHillyard

  1. Another thing i am quizing over is the ht lead connector to the magneto. It looks as though a bit is missing from the metal piece. Is this the case? also any ideas on where the ht lead connects inside the magneto with the electronic ignition fitted?



  2. Spent today cleaning and continuing to work out the wiring and i have gone as far as i can.


    I took some better quality photos and have worked out a few theories on where bits go but i am not certain.


    The wires below come from the magneto. Am I right in thinking that the red/brown like one connects to the battery (if so possitive or negative)? and the Blue goes to the Regulator? Or could it be the other way round.




    One of the wiring diagrams sugests that one of these wires goes to the Regulator. So i took off the new regulator and all the wires are in use. One thing which i cant work out is that there are two wires ( Brown/Red & Orange) connected to the White and Purple wire which connects to the ignition switch on the headlamp. Is this right or does the brown/red wire connect to the brown/red wire from the magneto?






    I am still tring to find out which hole these go into. When the cover to the dynamo is removed a red wire is inside connected to the hole on the left, does this correspond with the red covered lead ( Green and Black wire ).



  3. last time a couple of lads did the recoed run on welbikes,so you could always stick on some l plates and join in,otherwise there is bound to be a spare pillion on the day


    Its still a way to go as yet but it is definitely something i would be interested in doing

  4. have you checked out the plans for the allied bike tour in Normandy 2014? we went in 2009 for the 65th anniversry and 2014 will be the 70th anniversary ,the aim is over 200 bikes together on the road for d day


    Unfortunately i do not have a motorbike liscence yet and i believe it would take longer than this to be able to ride this size of engine. Shame though, sounds like it will be quite an event!

  5. cant tell you much about the electronic ignition but I can tell you the 2 wires with the bullet connectors on are the dynamo wires and the item with the 2 holes in is the dynamo part of the mag dyno,these are normally attached to a plug which fits into the 2 holes shown.try googling Sean Hawker for electronic magneto conversion,I know he makes them and may be able to help you



    Thanks for your help, i think a have a basic understanding now. Its good to know the supplier aswel, i may have to try contacting him if i have any problems.


    Thanks again

  6. New cork gasket arived and fitted for the chaincase.


    I am currently tring to sort out the wiring. It has been fitted with electronic ignition and i am having some dificulty getting my head around it. There are several wires which i cant seem to identify on my wiring diagram form the manuals, a lot of them seem to be earth wires but i am unsure where the proper earth points should be.


    (sorry for the bad images, taken with my phone, will try to take some better ones!)



    With the points cover and case side removed to see the modern electronics inside. Nothing seems to connect to where the ht lead enters



    From interpreting the wiring diagram i believe these wires go into these holes but it is not clear which goes into which hole, any ideas?




    Most of the earth wires seem to have been connected together and earthed behind the bettery mount, is this correct?


    Aparently the new electronics came with instructions but none were supplied when i bought it and i canrt seem to find it online at all so any help at all would be highly appreciated. Details like how to alter the "points" would be useful and how diferently the wiring acts around and including it.

  7. Looking at a pic of your engine number, I notice the stamp mark in an oval, JLO. This has come up before, it was a German engine manufacturer. It could be that they reconditioned engines for the occupying British Army after the war, or were overhauling engines from captured British bikes.


    It would be interesting if you are right, i might have to look into it.


    Hello, the best source for WD bikes related information is the BSA m20 site. Just have a look you will find a lot of information about m20 stuff.

    Thanks, seems like a good website, will definitely come in handy!


    Just one question:

    What diferent oils do people reccommend for diferent parts of the bike? I found the cork gasket has split in the chaincase ( have ordered a new one ) so it is completely empty. Also it would be good to replace the other oils, what oils are best?

  8. finally got a chance to have a good look at it this weekend. Found a few markings on it, the contract plate on the rear mud guard, a few military markings on the engine, the name on the tank "Marly"?.


    The brake handlebar lever clamp is broken so will have to keep an eye out for one. Found remains of green paint inside the oil tank cap and residue of it elsewhere.













  9. My latest purchase arived today. A 1940 BSA M20.

    Dont know a lot about old bikes really but it has had the engine re-built but the timing needs to be set up and the carb fitted aswel as a few other jobs. It is missing the speedo and bracket and i am not sure what else.


    Does anyone know if any history can be found on the bikes service at all? I believe it was registered in Holland after the war but other than that i do not know.


    Any help would be appreciated











  10. I realise that this question has been asked a lot on the internet with varying answers so i thought i would ask here to get answers from people who have probably had experience of it.


    Come October 26th i will be able to start learning to drive. Of course, i would be keen on driving the jeep or a future vehicle which i am currently searching for.


    Is it actually possible to get inssured at all?



  11. Have been meaning to update this thread for a while so here it goes.


    War and Peace went well ran it several times, i have had problems with the bike not wanting to start and fuel starting to pour out of everywhere in the carb. At W&P i had the strip the carb and clean it out twice tue to this problem. I also got a fiel leak from the "fuel resistant hose" on the fuel line, i also found that i was losing pressure through the hose. A few cable ties are holding it for now.


    When i got home from the show i replaced the carb bowl, the old bowl i was using was the original and had been chromed, i think that some of the plate had peeled inside and the bowl was starting to corode which may have been to blame for my carb problems. The bowl i am now using is from one of the spare carbs i have and is virtually identicle. I have had no problems sinse so hopefully i have cured the problem. Again with the hoses i have left them at the moment with the cable ties, after the show season i shall touch up the paint lost due to the leak and replace the hose with some spare and use hose clips or something so that it doesnt leak.


    Damyns Hall was a great show, met a lot of interesting people and learnt a lot, had someone from the Natural History Museum interested in it and told us they were interested in the posiblility of doing a short time SOE display, aparently the SOE used some of their site there during the war, and took our details as they would want to have the bike there. i may have got some of the details wrong as i was not there at the time. Also managed to give it a good run, i was trying to find out if the carb was ok and that i was not losing pressure and that the tank pump was working as the leather washer went 2 days before the show and i had to quickly try to make one out of an old shoe which actually worked. I am losing pressure from somewhere, i think out of the hoses again but it just means i have to stop every 200 metres or so to re-pump and re-start but it starts fine noe just as long as the grass is not too wet, then it gets dificult!


    I was very pleased with John Blackmans picture and comment in Classic Military Vehicle form Bunker Bash commenting that it was his favourite vehicle at the show. I had a lot of people at Damyns asking if it was me on there, was quite surprised how many people recognised it.


    Again to War and Peace i got speaking to lots of interesting people including Lex here and another person who i may be able to source a mud guard from! Talking of mud i managed to get most of it off from W&P but it was coated.


    Also went to some small shows with a good reception for the bike the next is St Osyth Museum open day on the 19th

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