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Posts posted by m109a3uk

  1. Andy,


    Yes whacking it with a sledge and block of wood is another way of achieving the same result as what I plan to do in what I feel is a bit more of a controlled manner.


    Don't forget we are "employees" and I have to be wary of "work place injuries" to myself and my fellow employees while achieving this result. While we do not suffer quite the same from H + S wombles, safety is a consideration.




    Easy sub it out to a couple of Poles and let them do it:laugh:

  2. In 2009 my Sabre was runner up in the Best British Tracked Armour category. The winner was an M3 Stuart built in the USA and imported from Brazil. I think the judges need reminding what they are judging.


    My Rapier was runner up this year:-D Nice to be in the arena again for an award and shake the hand of a Vet! not been in there since the AA Jeep won best runner up:cool2: a few years ago.

  3. Tony,


    when will you be adding a call sign and its army registration?


    Nice to see you having fun with your kit, even if I could not make it.



    Hi Craig not sure on what call signs to add! I have the military reg but only gave it a quick tosh over before Beltring:). I may even blast the whole thing and do it in Sand as there seems to be loads under the green(might have been over to the Gulf at some point).

    About time you made another apperance over here:)

  4. Yep its based on the M548 which is based on the M113. Nice pics like the one of the old girl drifting:cool2: The fault turned out be a snapped:shocked: Supercharger drive shaft. Managed to find one local to Beltring with the help of Mitchell Diesels and ALD Automotive in Horsham. Its a hoot to drive but you can see burger:-X all with the doors closed.

    It also got an award for best runner up Post war Armour.:shocked:

  5. Gents,

    7 For my part the opportunity to sit and chat with people who share kindred interests and look at their kit is what it was all about for me.


    Now where is Sean Connors in his pinny with the bacon sarnis and where is Tony Knott and his tribe? If you werent there you wont understand this bit!



    I'm still here and still going to W&P. We have moved to the back of quiet camping:cheesy: I still go to W&P as its a great social event and would have the same amount of fun with or without the vehicles. I attend a couple of Military shows each year but attend a fair few shows with the AA Historic fleet again its fun with a great bunch of friends and would be the same whatever the vehicles were its the people and the social scene that we enjoy.

    Saturday Helen and I are flying to Germany for a long weekend with a German Family we met at Beltring 10 years ago again its the friends we have made in this mad hobby.

    In June I will be at a commercial vehicle show at Gaydon again a very different type of vehicles and people, but what a great bunch of guys and girls. Pop up and try this show its only small but has the making of a fantastic show. If you do go dont miss the Steel Boys show on the Saturday night:-D.

    I for one will still go to Beltring as long as its with mates this is what makes it special for the Wife and I.

  6. So we have decided to go along the route of using a tow pole is there anything to watch out for. Well yes actually quite a lot. The tow pole used to one of the most abused pieces of equipment on a recovery truck. Just have a look at any you come across on the back of wreckers and see how many are bent or twisted or have kinks in the tube near the fixing eyes.

    The biggest inherent danger with Tow poles is they lull people in to a false sense of security thinking they can go and stop quickly. Ask anybody who has worked in the recovery industry for a while they will all have stories about this or that going wrong.

    As I have mentioned previously the recovery industry rarely use poles in today’s world but if you do see them they will be usually travelling slowly with say a huge mobile crane on. They aren’t going slowly because the machine is heavy today’s heavy wreckers could probably tow them about at legal speed limits. No they travel slowly because that’s the way to go with poles.

    So straight away that’s one thing that’s helping people on this site the machines they are towing with and are towing aren’t flying machines

    We still use poles(AA) and you are right they can be a very abused peice of kit. People you tow dont seem to listen how many times I have heard "i will be fine I have been towed loads of times:undecided:" they then spend time on the phone drinking the coffee they bought. I tend to just slap them on a dolly rather than risk them wrapping a pole round the back of my van:shocked: One we had a customer decided to take a left because he new a short cut.:-D rumour has it it made a right mess of his car:-D

  7. Could do with it around Sandhurst as the woods are still on fire>:( And the little s~~ts have been out starting more all the roads in the area are rammed with a couple of the busy cut throughs closed and all the traffic on the smaller roads 1hour 45 to do 7 yes 7 miles yesterday>:(

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