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Posts posted by tinweasle

  1. Here are a couple of photos of my new toy behind my defender


    Its basicly solid with a little rust along the front of the tub and around one wheel arch, I will be setting a sand blaster to work on it soon and I have a full set of bug eye lights to go on just as soon as I get the time




    The plate states was covered in sand coloured paint

    Trailer, cargo, 3/4 ton 2wh.-Sankey

    Cont. No. wv/5307

    Vehicle No 24 ET 87

    Chassis No 212

    Code No 2855,0790

    Covered by ces No P/33984/3


    And on the side is a small brass plaque which reads Assembly no FV392970


    Hope this makes sence to you all







  2. Hi, seeing as I have just picked up an N/T sankey but dont know to much about them I thought I needed somewhere to ask all the silly questions I may come up with, many thanks in advance What year did they start making N/T trailers? How do I find out which company made my trailer? its reg number is 24 ET 87, am I right in thinking it was built in 1968?

  3. Hi, the other night I was chatting with a mate about selling my td5 landrover and wanting to replace it with something intresting, and joking about the subject of something military to go with my lightweight came up and im now trying to talk myself out of it :D.


    If I did go for it my main restriction is that I have one of the new driving licences that only go to 3.5T, second I have limited parking so cant get anything too big anyway, and last it needs to be easy to get bits for and fitting them shouldnt be too hard.


    So can anyone sugest anything that fits the bill?





  4. Can anyone tell me about this?

    I got it to use it this weekend as as it is its of no use




    Its dated 1979 and it opens down the middle, but there is no zip so is it a stand alone item, or do I need a perticuler sleeping bag for it?






  5. Hello everybody,


    My lightweight was in use between 1985 and 1993, can anybody tell me what uniform, webbing, berguns ect would have been used at that time?


    I'm not really trying to represent a spesific regement, I'm just trying to give my display a realistic look and get a few bits of kit that will fit in





  6. As I understand it anything that is made to look like a gun counts as a replica and if you want to make, buy or modify anything to look like a firearm you need to be able to prove that you are using it as a prop for film or theater, that you are part of a re-enactment or living history club or that you belong to a registered airsoft site, you can get an airsoft gun without any of this but it will be in bright colours and painting it to look real is against the law.


    A deac is not an imatation firearm it is a real one that has been modifyed so as not to fire or even chamber a round and as such you or I can go out a get one without problem.


    What gets me is that even if you are licenced to own shotguns or say a winchester .308 rifle you still have to go through all this to own something which isnt even a gun and is probably less dangerouse than a walking stick! Now having sead all that I wouldnt want a airsoft gun stuck in my face as im walking home



  7. Yes there are seats for the lightweight that have a clamp and legs fitted so they can be set up in the back of the lightweight or when used as a radio base station but they arn't common, I have possably tracked one down if the owner is willing to part with it that is!


    I might be able to sort out a meet, Im over in Hertfordshire though, I do have family in near gloster and tend to head out that way a few times a year, so I will let you know.

  8. To be a faraday cage it would need to compleatly surround the radio's, and it would then stop any elctrical signal from affecting anything inside it, think of the Will Smith film Enemy of the State, I know they work because from time to time I have to clean out the silo's at work and you cant get a phone or radio signal inside them!


    As airportable sead what is fitted to the radio table is realy only a frame with a mesh roof to protect the radio equipment when the lot was slung under a helicopter


    My unitary kit looks to have seen some heavy use and isnt as streight as yours airportable but with these you get what you can, not that I was even thinking of getting one before I found mine, and I really wasn't thinking when I decided to buy it :D:D:D two reasons for that 1)My lightweight is 12v, 2) I dont have anywhere to keep it!!! :blush: but at £75 it seemed to good to miss


    I have 2 possable ways around problem 1 the first is that the unitary kit was (so I'm told) somtimes fitted into a 12v using the batterys in it to run the radio's, or some units found it more adaptable to fit the kit with a genny into a sankey the RM's aparenty did this and a mate at work remember this beind done in the grenaders thinks he can remember this too.


    Oh and before I forget cheers fore the pic's I hope I can get mine to look half as good!





  9. Ok I'm getting to the point where I'm begining to think about fitting radio's to my unitary table, I'm told that a common combination of radio's fitted to landy's in the 90's was 2 x 353, 1 x 351/2, and a 320, I'm also told that everything needed to make the radio's work was fitted to the radio frame so it could be used on its own as a base station, but that seems like a lot of kit in a not very big space, so did the lightweight carry fewer radio's than a 109?


    If so were was there a common combination for the lightweight?


    If it makes any differance my radio table has the cage over the top but I cant see how you would get 4 radio's, all the tauum's, initiate box, ect into that space





  10. I have just picked up one of the old type flack jackets as used in NI, as you do I had to have a little play with it and putting it on I started to wonder just how populer these would have been with the soldiers that had to use them?


    Now anything that may save your life is something your probably going to want to use, but I found that with it on movment was much more difficault and using a gun must have been really difficault as I found eye alinment a real problem with my scoped air rifle, it must be easyer with open sights but still........ And I cant see them being very comfy after you have had one on for any amount of time, let alone in the summer!


    So did anybody use them, if so what were did you make of them?





  11. Hi. Never seen any bracket for a 349 only webbing kit. 350's, there was is a mount but it is fitted to the front wing.


    Ok, just an Idea. I dont think I will ever find out what was there, but in this photo


    A = Random hole, there is one both sides the other is hidden

    B = For bottom of the seat back

    C = Shows the rough size and position of one of the now missing brackets, the outline of the other can just be made out by the marks where the paint has rubbed off under the other rifle mount.




    Cheers again



  12. Mine is a 12v, the brackets you can see me holding in place are the correct SLR ones for a lightweight just to give an idea of scale and will go back on when I get around to fitting a sheet of alu over the speaker holes, I did wonder if it may have had somthing like a 349 or 350 clansman fitted between the seats, but I'm comming to the conclusion that probably I wont find out what was there as its past is a bit hard to track down and inless I happen to bump into one of them and they feel inclined to tell me I wont ever find out :-\ I will try and get another pic tomorrow


    Of course being a 12v I have no Idea what to do with my unitary radio table but that is another story :-D

  13. Mmm so nobody has come across anything like this then? That just makes me want to know more :D


    TBH I cannot see picture in my mind how you could mount an SLR there


    I don't see that what ever went there would have been any form of gun inless it was mounted verticaly, I was thinking more about a radio or some such but I have no idea that sort of mount would bolt to those holes or leave those markes?





  14. On my lightweight there looks to have been two brackets of some type fitted between the driver and passinger seat, you can see where the paint has rubbed off, ignore the big holes they are probably for speakers.






    The marks left make me think they were the same width as the SLR mount and used the same holes to bolt on the bulkhead, at the bottom of the bulkhead there are also two holes which dont seem to have a use (not the ones for fixing the bottom of the seat back) which may or may not have anything to do with anything! Also being in the hands of the SAS from 85 to 92 probably means it could be anything.


    Any idears anybody?












  15. Just a bit of idol intrest but what can anybody tell me about the unitary radio station kit that fits into a lightweight?


    All I have found out so far is that they are quite big and heavy there is a little bit in Mark Cook's book but not much, how were they fitted, what was fitted too them?


    Anything you can tell me will be of help.





  16. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get to w&p but I'm would like to it all depends how much I spend at Billing :D but if I can get there I will take you up on your offer


    I'm going to be on the EMLRA stand this weekend


    Thanks again for your help



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