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Posts posted by tinweasle

  1. What Support wepons were used by british forces in the 70's and 80's?


    I know that L4's (Brens modded to fire 7.62 rounds) and GPMG's were carried by troops or fitted to vehicals and some armoured vehicals like the turreted ferrets were fitted with Browning 30 cal MG's (also modded to 7.62 I believe) and the WW2 2inch mortar was still in use intill the 80's when it was replaced bt the 51mm mortar and there was also the the LAW66 and Carl Gustav 84mm to take out armour but was anything else used, say a larger mortar or a heavy MG like the Browning 50 cal, were the 30 cal's ever mounted onto a tripod as infantry support or were they only fitted to vehicals?


    Lots of questions there and I think I know the answers to some of them but its always good to know more





  2. Looks like paint to me, at least on the receiver and the muzzle, the barrel hasn't got much finish left on it to tell, I have read that stove paint will give a very accurate looking finish as will rust-oleum, but I want to see what everyone else thinks





  3. I was havind a look over my deac SLR and its not in too bad condition but the paint finish is looking a bit past best, is stripping the old paint off and redoing it something I could do at home or is it best to get a pro to do it?


    Also what paint would be best to use?


    I know these may seem silly questions but haing not restored a gun before I want to end up improving it not making a hash up of it.





  4. Probably a daft question but the Clansman 352 can be used as a longer range manpack, I would assume this was done in rural area's where you would be further away from help. Now I know that the normal 351 antenna's could not take the extra power so a GSA was carried. Now my question is, as the GSA takes time to set up and needs to be driven into the ground to use the 352 cant be used while moving, so would the amp have been disconected and a whip antenna fitted for when you were moving so you can at least get incoming messages and set up when needed, was there another way around this or was the 352 not often used on foot patrol?





  5. Fantastic info gents, I'm thinking a paper clip used to hold the strip in place when you turn it through 90 degrees may hold it in placeand stop it comming lose, to be honest I dont think I am ever likly to put them on other than to give it a go when I get my DMS boots through but I do like to at least have an idea how these things were done







  6. I have just picked up a pair of the short post war putties, and for the life of me I cant work out just how they would have been worn and made to stay looking neat for more than the time it would take to walk out of the barraks. Can anyone tell me how they were supposed to be worn and what tricks were used to make life easier?





  7. I have a 58 patten holster for a browning hi power which I would like to fill for my display, but I dont have the funds for a deac so what is a good way of filling it and staying legal?


    I could go air soft and im not to worryed about the colour as I cant see the need to take it out the holster. but even cheaper and in keeping with the military mind would be to knock something up the right size and shape with some scrap pine and a jigsaw but would that count as a replica, would I be better to paint it blue?





  8. Hi Shaun. STOP. I would not try to break and strip the weapon before correct conduct is understood. I have Army code book No.71012....Infantry training Vol II for 7.62mm SLR. The chapter and cleaning runs into a few pages. Not at all a expert on cleaning etc. But before removing any part, clean ground sheet. Safety catch is at safe and the rifle is cocked, again check safety is on. Then stripping, cleaning can start. Sorry, to much to type here. If you want a copy of the pages concerned please PM me and will see if I can help. Is your SLR a Enfield one? love to see a pic or two.


    Very sound advice, I have some expereance with shotguns, sporting rifles, and air rifles so I know a little bit about stripping wepon's down, but nothing like this so when I do strip it I want to be sure I know what im doing.


    Mine is a BSA made in 58 with plastic furniture which someone has put green paint on in an attempt to camo it up. A friend of mine got it on the spure of the moment as old memorys flooded back when he looked at it, got it home and his wife wnt spair by all accounts and wont have it in the house:rotfl: so he offered it to me cheep :-D

  9. If you mean 'Why has it git, or GOT even, USAAF markings, then it is a PRU unit. Note colour, and no guns, the USAAF used them.





    Sorry whats a PRU unit?

  10. Cant help with the who because when I did a serch nobody could find my old girl but I did have a soft top 90 which had "RECCE" stancled onto the front bumper on the passenger side if that helps any

  11. I seem to remember the normal tire pressures for a lightweight are 25 and 30 front and rear but when I sanded down on my landy to get ready for a repaint I found




    The front looks to me to be 28 and I cant make much of the rear. These seem to be on first coat of military applyed paint, anyone have any sugestions why mine is different? Unfortunatly I wasnt paying attention when I did the other sides so they have now gone.


    My ideas are that I dont know the correct tire pressures for a lightweight, it had something other than 6.50's fitted, my merlin report shows it sat in storage from 83 to 85 when it was sent to 22 SAS and there is no way of knowing what they did with it, there are also some odd holes drilled in the back that seem to be from its time in the military, which fit the last theroy, possably turning it into a brew wagon or somthing just as daft





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