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Posts posted by supertrack

  1. Thank's Robin to speak french . Your french is better than my english write .


    Yes for restore a big vehicle you need big tools , or you need good friends :-D


    You need some money too .


    The most important you need is courage and determination . after you just need to work , and work , and work


    Working on old vehicle is more interesting than the new truck . I'm a mecanic , i work on bus , now it's crazy to work on bus , some time i considering killing my self so that the repair of buses is difficult .

    Work on old américan véhicle is very interesting ! ( i say that because i don't know about british made vehicle;))


    The parts are more biggest , you see what you made , but you need an lifting machine all is heavy .

    My brother help me all the time for a lot of made , because you must be two . A small team but powerfull

    I'm32 years old , i make mistakes , i'm learning all the time .


    We are lucky to have Beke entreprise . But now they are closed .


  2. Thank's for your comments

    the ward is interesting for working on the other vehicle .

    For the ward , we change as possible the french parts like american parts .

    The front bumper , the work head lamp , the tools box ,may be the the tire.

    I wait a good weather for to finish painting .

    After i don't know what i will made . :D




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