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Posts posted by eddy8men

  1. kevin


    if there's anything i can do for you just let me know, i'm all for helping anyone out if i can. that's part of the comraderie that i think most mv owners share, god knows everyone else thinks we come from mars, so really mate it's no trouble at all.


    all the best



  2. hi fella's


    just a quick update to let you know i'll be going down to southampton on thursday to pick up the carrier with a plant trailer and drag it back up north on friday, so i might have a few pics to post and i'll let you know what condition it's in. hope the running gears good !


    all the best eddy

  3. hi andy


    still not sure, i'll speak to the shipping agent tomorrow and see what's going on, but it'll probably be this week. to be honest i could do with it arriving the week after when my wedding celebrations are over and i can get my head on straight again.



  4. next time i do something like this i'll ask the forum members to help out before i try and do it alone but i'm a great believer in learning from mistakes (trouble is i never do) but it usually comes good in the end.




    by the way i've got something else even bigger brewing that'll make the carrier look like a toy :cool2:

  5. hi fella's

    back from corfu now, no mv's seen over there but i did come back with a mk 1 wife (late production model requiring only minor cosmetic restoration) :D


    still not made my mind up whether to tow or put it on a flatbed, if i could get hold of a flatbed that would be the best solution but i don't know where to start looking is it possible to hire one, i have the my c+e so license not a problem. anyone got any idea's.


    cheers eddy

  6. thanks jack

    to be honest i'm a little disappointed that the seller shipped the container before i could chuck anything else in it, but to be fair i should have explained my intentions earlier, being laid back and easy going is not the ideal way to go about international shipping, next time i'll get something written down at the beginning but you learn from your mistakes, when it's all done and dusted i'll start a thread on shipping and the lessons i've learned so the next guy can maybe avoid a few pitfalls.

    this won't be my last import so if you could pass your freight forwarders detai's on i'd appreciate it.





  7. thanks for the reply robin


    cheap = money in my pocket, where it belongs


    i know what you're saying about weights but i believe the carrier in it's present condition ie stripped will be within the vw touaregs gtw.


    as for armchair trailering, i've towed everything from a motorbike to a t-55 and then some.

    there's another reason to go to southampton it's a great opportunity to visit the iow tank museum and find out where some of the range wrecks ended up. might be my only chance for a while.



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