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Posts posted by volvoc303

  1. More thoughts on my milant near side number got bent up when I crossed a small stream and drop it a large rock it was made a short wheel base to pull the radar units to the top of the cliffs and be able to move in a very confined space Bedford rl was not up for the job when being us for this armoured plate was put on the back for ballast because it was built for a special purpose it was kept in service late seventies I last drove it in 1977 it was bronze green to start with then along with centurion range hulls tanks with out turrets to carry targets all were painted yellow it only ever did range duty so was kept in good condition never towed a trailer except a water bowser to keep the dust down on the tank crossings the body was a one off special flat back flat straight rear wings which got bent a few times when I got it stuck the near side front wing got bent as well that was all that got bent roof was stood on a lot to put red flags on the poles around the range any more thoughts I will let you no

  2. I asked the group,I'm with all been on the miltary scene a very long time no one would bother and I'm most cases felt very strongly if you want to sell it say how much you want for it or don't bother

  3. he is very busy still trading a very straight person to deal with i spoke to him with in the last three weeks i have a contact no but will have to asked if i can give it out he would not avoid you on purpose not that sought of person i do not work for him but trust him as a friend

  4. The offence using a motor veh with consideration for other road users for example a3 into London rush hour running out of fuel fine and three points double parking and causing a tail back same a convoy of ex military vets going along at 20 mph with a big tail back would be the same ,present day military all try to keep to UK rules but can under mod run long convoys but try not to THe Police will have to justify offence

  5. I understand people get up set about emails address being used as for the dates as there was not going to be a show at combine ops this year as they had no one to run it having read emails sent to Dave king from the board imps asking him to put a show on he has as for the dates there was not gong to be a show at head corn so they would not clash as I've said go to which show you like and have a. Good time and good luck to both shows

  6. its sad all the bitchy remarks so what about emails headcorn is not a imps show any more nor is war and peace or miltary world you can get into all three shows as imps members if you like a show go if you do not do not go go in the end it will be all about cost and profit as thats the way shows have to go i went to the first show at the hop farm as imps ans saw how big that got the first show at headcorn very good show that grew i wish all shows the best of luck and i will go to ones i like they may be not be your choice but i will not slag another person show. as a lot of hard work has gone into all these shows

  7. Why is imps supporting the combined ops show and not  the hop farm show as  they are  both being run as private shows not Imps shows.  why has imps given  the name combined ops to  the Headcorn show if its now  a privately  run show why was it not renamed? THE HOP FARM WAS ONE OF THE GREAT SHOWS run by Rex Cadman  so when D King was asked to put on  a show  I can understand him wanting to put it back at the hop farm as a lot of people would love to go back there.  There was no clash of dates as there was not going to be a show at Headcorn  and he did not try to put it to rival the war and peace show  

  8. Brilliant as my father was in the 17/21 lancers as a kid I rode on them in Aden and hong kong and Germany when I was old enough I join up got to drive at bovington Cyprus and Jordan what I love about the film is the Micky taking which I miss most after leaving the army thanks again brought back good times

  9. i would have a sign slow vehicle s ahead with flashing lights the word convoy means nothing to most people. hgv sit at 56 mph and most expect thats no body goes slower so anything that makes them notice you in advance so they can pull out and not leave it to the last moment, red flags do get notice as how many times do you see them makes people think whats that ahead have a save trip

  10. a workticket recorded every trip a veh did start with date time reason for trip area sign by nco and finnish time and date p.o.l was added on and at the end of the month milage and fuel added up for fuel average worktickets were saved and checked by snco a 562 doc was veh history service repair etc class 1class 2 and class 3 then sold could be ber or blr decided by reme

  11. you said the body was 7 feet 1 inch so you no its over size and so does your boss i dont think you would be stop by the police if you was involved in a rtc your veh would be checked for size as there must be a reason for the retriction on the road

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