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Posts posted by LoggyDriver

  1. You'd be hard pressed to get anything underneath it at the side and rear - it has a very different profile from the sides compared to, say, a Bedford. It's an excellent idea getting side and rear bars fitted to a Bedford (as otherwise you have pretty much unrestricted access to the propshafts from ground level to shoulder height!) but you'd struggle to physically fit them to an RB as the bodywork hangs down comparatively low and shields everything. I don't recall the exact requirements but I'd be amazed if you fell foul of the regs on this one!



    Yes please! :D Congrats on getting it through the MOT.
















    I ask because I was chatting to a guy who bought one and he told me VOSA told him he needed them fitting. I questioned this as I didn't think they needed them. He went ahead and fitted them anyway and they passed it no problem.

  2. The RB passed its MOT test today with no pronlems. :D

    The V55/5 form arrived in the post this morning. Hoping to go to Nottingham on Tuesday to get her registed.







    Excellent news, another MV on the road, and an RB44 at that. Did you need to fit side and rear impact protection and a tacho?


    Any pictures?

  3. This may happen

    A island of GB is invaded by a other nation we ask the US and french if we can use there aircraft on our carrier thay both say yes but we want all the rights to oil ect! This may/will happen! or the answer is we dont agree with your actions so no. You may as well name GB just Brition from now on because we will not be able to defiend it without any help like we have done in recent history.








    Your right there.


    Take the Falklands. If Argentina decides to launch another attack when we have no carrier force were stuffed. The Americans didn't even side with us when it happened the first time. And don't think that the French are going to come to our aid. I'd feel safer moving to Israel.

  4. The six way lighting switch has aproblem that is not found in cars and the like.


    In a car if you turn on the sidelights, then the headlamps, the sidelights remain continuously illuminated. On the Six way military switch, when you change from front side lights to front and rear sidelights or from this position to headlights/ sidelights, the sidelights are switched off when the switch is in an intermediate position.


    Maybe it is only a technicality, but unmodified I cannot park legally beside the road at night, since I will have my headlights on. By law I have to turn off my headlights when I park, but I have to keep my sidelights on. I cannot do this with the six way switch, since going from headlights and sidelights to sidelights only turns off the sidelights then turns them back on. That is not legal, and needs a switch change or a modification. The sidelights should be continuously illuminated when I switch of headlights.








    So are you saying that all vehicles fitted with a standard 6 way switch are on the roads illegaly? That's a hell of a lot of vehicles. When you operate the switch the lights go out for a split second. Unless you hold the switch between positions you can't notice this. I think hairs are being split here. Such zealous interpritation of the rules is exactly why this country has been flushed down the toilet.

  5. Trouble is JSF F35B which seems to be the prefered option is American.



    Sorry, I meant planes that are owned by the UK Government, not where they are manufactured. Making them compatible with US assets makes me think maybe they have offered to "carry" their planes on our carrier???

  6. As far as I know, it is, If you think it is not please PM me with details and I will see what can be done. At this point in time I am not aware of any issues. As far as I know all the units on the 101, have been used on other civilian vehicles, including the brakes. The I/R relays have been disabled, and the six way light switch has been reworked, so you cannot get just front markers or just rear markers. Convoy light positions are disabled....At 1977 light do not need approval marks....No not aware of any problem areas...




    What year did you say lights need approval markings? There are a lot of post 1986 (?) vehicles that still have the "Ruby" type light lenses and as far as I can remember these don't have approval marks on them.


    What's the 6 way switch got to do with anything? They are perfectly legal without modification. You can't have the front lights on their own. It's tail, side and tail, headlight side and tail. Being able to have the tail lights on only comes in handy if you need to pull over in the dark.







    As far as registering tracked armour goes, why not!!! As far as I'm concerned, if the Army are allowed to drive these vehicles on the road then so should the public. What about these massive Traction Engines that do 5 MPH? Why allow these on the road, but not a modern CVRT? As long as you have a licence to drive the vehicle, a Commander and the vehicle is safe then what's the problem? Why put these types of vehicles up for sale otherwise? If they are taking this stand then they should not be offering these vehicles for sale to private individuals. They are only too pleased to take your money, but then turn round and say "sorry old chap, thanks for giving us your hard earned cash in the financial crisis, but we couldn't possibly allow you to drive that on the road"! Obviously driving a Challenger II would be out of the question, but a CVRT??? There are plenty of these already registered. If they are not prepared to register them then they shouldn't be selling them. Do what the Americans do, scrap them. Only sell what can be used.

  7. Stormer has 2 braking systems same as all the cvrt's . Lights meet C&U except rear fog light which can easily be installed . Lighting regs is a very simply modification . This is just another DVLA dont want to register so wont . I have replied that this is not satisfactory and want to appeal the decision and the vehicle is available any time for dvla and vosa to complete a c&U inspection.





    Can't you book the Stormer into VOSA for an ISVA. They can then confirm the vehicle has the correct brake and light systems and confirm it's adherance to CU regs. I'd do this first, before making an appeal as if you exhaust that avenue then your stuffed.

  8. Another ill thought out Defence Review. At least the Air Force hasn't been scrapped like some rumours were saying.


    Scrapping tanks makes sense as i can't see us ever needing as many again. However scrapping Harrier before the new JSF is ready for the new carriers is unbelievable. So we are going to have a "new" carrier that will be 10 years old before it even gets to see a UK plane. They are going to make them compatible with the US and French Navy's planes. No prizes for guessing who is going to be begging the US to supply some planes for our new carriers.


    The most important thing for me is regarding Trident. I'm not too happy that they have postponed the decision until after the next election. I'm also not happy they have reduced the warheads from 160 to around 120. Not happy. With Iran and North Korea in this world, we need to be ready for anything.

  9. Saw a convoy of the new MAN cargo carriers (GS versions) while sat on the embankment of the M4 near Leigh Delamere waiting for the AA :blush: :cry:


    Does anyone else think having the ECU cut the fuel supply when it detects low oil pressure is a bad idea? In our case it happened at 70mph in lane 3 while overtaking two artics :shocked: To top it all it looks like it was just a dodgy sensor!







    What time was that Stone, as I went to Bristol and back today, I might of passed you. What were you driving?

  10. 14th saw a 8 wheel mercedes arctic unit bobtailing down the M6 ,+ a foden fitted with eka ,both in bronze shiny green ,Foden was more civvy spec these 8 wheelers with 4 axle trailers are used for moving missles if my memory serves me right ,all escort vehicles plus drivers are authorised to use deadly force as well :cheesy:





    I wish I could tell you more about these vehicles but I can't:cool2:. Some of your information is correct and some not.

  11. Besides, I haven't passed my test yet so I can't drive it! My licence only has B, B1 and H, RBs are C1.



    When I start my new job, they are putting me through my Cat D Coach licence (and no, I'm not going to be a coach driver, I will be driving "Green Kit" again:-D:-D) so I will have a Full House on my driving licence except Cat H...:cool2:



    Bet you the ones with no brakes are the ones with the master cylinder robbed to fix a better one!


    I've bribed one of the chaps here (TA, REME but deployed with a light gun reg



    Would that be 100 Field Regt, REME? My best mate was there for 12 years as a Gun Fitter.



  12. Very nice. I see they have a GS model for sale that looks as good. Maybe they have started re spraying them so that they can shift them? They have had them for a over a year now and odds are they haven't shifted many.


    Yours looks very nice Stone. Must be nice to have a company budget behind you?

  13. I have done some investigations on this issue. I had a Foden that was exempt from Tacho requirements for private use. When I took the truck for its yearly MOT I completed a tacho exemption form, available here: http://www.dft.gov.uk/vosa/repository/HGV%20Tachograph%20Exemption%20Declaration%20Form.pdf

    The exemption I had was the vehicle was over 25 years old and is not used commercially.

    The Fox is just under 7.5 tonnes, so if it is not over 25 years old it should fall under exemption 4 on the form.

    However I am now in the process of getting a 1992 drops ready for the same task. After several calls, including some to Vosa, I will have to use a tacho when driving this vehicle.

    This means I will have to have it installed, calibrated and routinely checked to satisfy the requirements.

    What is also of concern is that the working hours directive applies. This means that my normal daytime job has to be taken into account in the number of hours I can drive for, even though my normal daytime job is not driving HGV's.


    It is a bit of a minefield out there, at least you have some armour for protection!!





    Are they going to give that to you in writing? Are you carrying goods on the truck or is it empty?


    If they are saying that you are subject to domestic and EU driving regulations then the driving time is the least of your worries. You will also be subject to Working Time and daily and weekly rest. You will need to keep a record of ALL your working time, even your day job. When you take your DROPS out at night you will be restricted severely. If you start work at 6am and finish at 18.00hrs then you will only be able to "work" until 21.00hrs and that can only be done 3 times a week. If you are going to drive in the evening then you will need to take a 30 minute break after 6 hours work and another 15 minutes after 9 hours work (if you work more than 9 hours). You will need to keep a minimum of 28 days records. It goes on, and on and on....

  14. I'm sorry to say it but Mikes right. You will be just banging your head against a brick wall.:banghead:


    They are going to do exactly what they like regardless of any number of good arguments to the contrary. These people need to justify their massive pay grades by inventing more and more rubbish laws. We all took the time to write our letters to the "Consultation" (should be renamed "lets make the public think we are living in a Democratic Country) but it wont make any difference. Once this has been brought in they will be looking for something else to justify their jobs, so don't think buying a pre 1960 truck will get you out of jail because they will be next.

  15. Microlights are not necessarliy the cheepest way to get a PPL its a myth, but they are cheeper once you have a licence.

    If you go the SLMG route at somewhere like OSF at Enstone airfield its about half the price of getting an SEP licence (the old A licence) then you do a few hours take a conversion that takes an hour or so and you have a full JAR SEP Licence, you can go almost anywhere with that.

    I did it that way and now have over 1,000 hours most of it in Europe, and checked out on 26 types in 16 years of flying.






    What's SLMG, SEP and JAR stand for?

  16. problem with contam is that it needs first clearing of any water, then it needs filtering to remove any other contamination...in the TK I would think as long as you ensure that you dont run on neat contam and always run a 50/50 mix you would always be fine..., even my zils will just about manage 50/50 and they are petrol engines...although they really only like about 10-15% maximum diesel in there...I always mix any contam with 50% petrol minimum, and if it is strongly diesel i will put that into the FV432...







    If you want an engine to run on contam then a Reo is the truck to have. My mate put gallons of contam in his for W&P. I had a look at it one day and it was yellow in colour. I said to my mate that I've never seen that colour before. We then drained the filters and there was what we thought was water coming out. All three filters were full with crystal clear liquid. We then had a go at the main fuel tank and that too gave up about two gallons of clear liquid. It couldn't have been water as the engine wouldn't have run, but I was amazed he drove all the way from Cornwall and back without any problems, and even more surprised that it didn't seem to effect the engine.


    He has since drained the whole system and is sticking to neat diesel from now on. I would have loved to have known what the clear liquid was, but the truck kept going none the less...:-D

  17. i used to go up often in a freinds microlite till he sold it , i loved it just been looking on ebay at prices of the paramotor wouldnt mind one myself :-)




    They are very reasonable in price aren't they. I reckon if you bought new you'd be looking at about £6,000 for a complete rig.




    What have you got and how much did it cost you to do your training? I looked into doing my PPL on microlights at Popham airfield. The trouble is there they make you do your first 10 hours or so in a SIMULATOR. Is this normal? I don't want to be paying about £125 per hour to be flying a simulator! The other downside is that you have to buy a microlight or buy shares in one to complete your training.


    If you saw a Bedford and Land Rover then yes, they were my vehicles.

  18. Hi Loggy,

    I fly microlights and all I can say is, go and have a good look at paramotors first! Watching them take off is a real eye-opener! :nut:. I don't think you need a licence so there's an advantage, probably better off buying a good second-hand wing, a chap I know who used to do paramotoring said he's often known people to buy cheap, brand new wings and they're rubbish. Even then it's still fairly expensive :-)






    Hello mate,


    Ideally I'd love to get a weightshift Microlight, but I can't be bothered doing thousands of pounds worth of training for a PPL. Also they need an airworthy ticket too (I think)


    Your right, you don't need a licence and it doesn't have to be on the CAA list. I'm a qualified Skydiver, but the funs over in 10 minutes and your £40 worse off per jump. I was thinking of getting a Paramotor as they look real fun without all the hassle. You can transport them in your car. There is a place in Oxford that does a BHPA course leading to a Pilot Qualification on PPG's. Have you ever fancied it?

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