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Posts posted by LoggyDriver

  1. In reply to Big Als question, yes a Leyland Daf can be down rated to 7.5 tonnes GVW, Withams have the weight wrong on their website they actually weigh 5.2 tonnes, I have just had my Leyland Daf down rated & now have a comms body on it. P.M. me and I will give you more info






    How have you managed to downrate your DAF with a comms body? I ask because my Bedford MJ has a Radar Repair body that's more or less the same as a comms body and the truck weighs 7.9 tonnes and that's without the 12x12 tent, poles, bench seats and tables etc. I presume you have absolutely nothing in the box, just the shell, and even then I reckon you'll be tipping the scales as overweight.

  2. The standard American ones are the shape of two cuboids glued together so it's probably like that. Pics when I go :)



    My mate wants to go and look at the Desert coloured RB44, he might be interested. Is this the one your going to have a look at Stone?

  3. I usually managed to befriend a local german Girl over the weekend & was able to use her shower! VERY Civilised! & the amount of contacts I made for getting gear from WWII was fantastic! But thats another story! :cool2: Mike.





    Oh yes, the German Girls... VERY nice indeed...


    The last exercise I did in Germany was Rhino Replen in 1998. No driving through farmers barns then. I spent three months living in a tent at Guttersloh. Once we got our DROPS train stuck at Sennelager and had to be pulled out by a German Army MBT. Pulling 55 tonnes through the sand with the wheels acting as ploughs while the tank was on tickover was something to behold. Happy times.

  4. I think this one is just as nice and only half the price









    That picture has been on their site for ages. This ad is new and I've not seen one of these RB44's before. The hard top versions they already have for sale are radio type vehicles. I've not seen this configuration before and it looks like it was destined for the Iraq or Afghan theater. It's certainly the best I've seen going off the pictures.

  5. Hi Loggy Driver,I did two tours with EOD IN 1979 and1983,we used transits and pigs on our sections,could you please tell me the role of the land rover on your section.Cheers,Jasper.




    Hello mate.


    Where were you posted to in NI?


    The role of the Snatch that's in my picture was that of escort to the Tactica's with 321 EOD. I wasn't with EOD mate. My main job was with the Infantry on Patrols.


  6. Hi Andy

    Thank you for taking the time to reply - if nothing else the generated posts have certainly made for an interesting read - and YES - I will try to ensure that there is no confusion !

    Im at Dunsfold on Sunday...with my landrover - it would be great to meet up and shake hands and put this to bed once and for all - Appolagies if some of my return comments seemed a little angry or blunt - i was upset at the time but have put that behind me now.

    Thanks for your kind and positive comments regarding my efforts to replicate a Snatch - and appolagies again if you felt my info boards were misleading - i will in fact have the boards with me tomorrow so maybe we can see where it could be better worded?

    Anyway - no hard feelings - hopefully see you tomorrow?


    cheers- Andy






    Hi Andy.


    Thank you for your response. Like I said, I certainly don't harbour any malice towards you and am not offended by your reply. I would have probably been the same had I been on the receiving end and perhaps should have worded the post differently.


    I would like to congratulate you on your efforts. Your vehicle does look very good and you have made a good job of it. It was not my intention to upset you. I think the Snatch has an undeserved reputation (Afghanistan) which it doesn't deserve. The vehicle was designed for Northern Ireland and it's the Governments fault using it for a task it wasn't designed for. The Snatch has a special place in my heart (as does the APV and Saxon) as it has saved myself and my mates bacon on numerous occasions and never let us down when we needed it most. For that reason I feel it is important that there is no confusion to members of the public who don't know the difference and that's why I made the post.


    As far as I'm concerned this matter is closed. I will certainly like to meet you and shake your hand. Unfortunately I'm not attending the show as I never booked in and have got to work Monday. I'm sure you will be present at a future show that I will be at, and I will come over and introduce myself. Keep up the great work raising money for charity. I wish you all the best.





  7. Hello and welcome to the forum.


    Firstly, I am the guy who made the original post. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing and I'm glad you have come over to respond to my post.


    I would like to start by saying that I'm NOT having a go at your efforts to raise money for forces charities, which seems to be a recurring theme with this post. So again that's NOT what this was about.... I have served in the Army so I congratulate you on your efforts. I also am not having a go about the vehicle you have made to look like a Snatch. Like I said in my first post, each to his own. It's also got nothing to do with "rivit" counters as someone mentioned.


    When I was at Trucks and Troops I made a bee line for your vehicle. Having served in Northern Ireland and been a driver on Snatch (as well as Glover Webb APV and Saxon) when the "Troubles" were still the Troubles. I didn't know that any were released and so went to have a look at yours to satisfy my curiosity. When I got up close it confirmed to me that it was a Replica (maybe FAKE was too strong a word, but as it means "Not Genuine" I thought was appropriate). Again I say this isn't a problem, and I was in fact quite impressed with your efforts. I did hang around to speak with you as you wasn't present, but after 15 minutes or so decided to go back to where i was camped. I'm sorry that I said you had "gaffer" tape on the window when you said it was paint (I didn't want to get too close to the vehicle as you wasn't present).


    NO, what the post was about was the wording on your information board about your vehicle, all the other arguments are irrelivant. This implied that your vehicle was a Genuine Snatch that had served in Northern Ireland. I remember turning to a mate of mine who was there and discussed the fact that it wasn't a genuine vehicle. As I have driven these in Northern Ireland and know what they are, the information on your board got by back up. My reaction would have been totally different if it was clearly stated that it was a replica, and would have been one of "that's a really good effort this guy has made". The version of the information board I read has certainly not been posted on here. As I never took any pictures of the board it's my word against yours, but I know what I read. Your vehicle is popping up in publications (such as windscreen) and booked in at shows described as a Snatch Land Rover. To people who don't know the difference, they will just take this as gospel and think it's the genuine vehicle.


    So to recap, it's not about the vehicle being a replica. It's not about your efforts to raise money. It was about what you had written on your board, end of. It would be nice if you used the word "replica" in future to avoid any confusion.


    I would have spoke to you at the show about this matter had you been there when I was at your vehicle. When I saw your vehicle in Windscreen described as a Snatch and booked in at Wings and Wheels described as a Snatch, that's when I decided to make the post on here saying that it was a fake.


    The beauty of living in a Democracy is free speech and the right to an opinion. I have served in HM Forces to help protect this freedom. I'm glad you have responded and I have put forward how I feel about this matter. There is no malice on my part. It is of course down to you what you choose to call, describe and book in your vehicle. That is all I am going to say about it.





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