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Everything posted by RavingNoah

  1. Hey there, uh...lol. Just a heads up, there's some of us random internet people who love a certain game (Snowrunner) who were introduced to this model crane, and have been combing the internet for it. Does anyone here, obviously of those who actually worked with this model, and own one...of...what, 12 in existence or something it said above?? Does anyone have an expertise on what one of these sounded like, both the general engine sound, and the crane when operated, etc. We play the game, and was introduced to the notion of this model from a Twitter post, shared on Reddit in our game forum. https://x.com/thinkdefence/status/1728530233614053504?s=20 I don't know how many players have as voracious a curiosity as I have, but I would love to see a modder be able to, at least for us, eulogize this bad boy as a version in the game. We would be super excited, but have no idea what it sounded like, or what it's particular capabilities were. I doubt we are engineers or whatever, but maybe some of us are. Anyway...good day, and sorry to intrude. :: tips hat ::
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