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Everything posted by Bonzer401

  1. Not sure if these pics have already appeared on this thread and my PC is too slow for me to work my way through the gallery again. Sorry if it's already there. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://data3.primeportal.net/transports/jon_arnold/diamond_t_model_t981/images/diamond_t_model_t981_18_of_34.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.primeportal.net/transports/jon_arnold/diamond_t_model_t981/&usg=__y5wtuj2TN_0pBuFbc7ySs9MpVmc=&h=2048&w=1536&sz=811&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=W2AdvfxRtgQNiM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddiamond%2Bt%2B981%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
  2. Thanks Mike. What a shame the series turned out to have so many problems as, along with the Antar I thought it was the best looking British truck the army ever had. Saw the REME version in action quite a few times and thought it was pretty effective. I've just retired so I'm set to visit as many shows as I can get to.
  3. Hi. I'm new to the site today and have been sitting here for ages going through these wonderful pictures. Shame about that burnt out one - the owner must be broken hearted. Just wonder if anyone could answer a question about the Martian I've often wondered about. When I was a kid in Liverpool in the 50s I lived virtually next door to a TA artillery regiment which was equipped with the Martian, and I was able to watch them go off each weekend past our front door towing their guns and radar trailers. As the Martian was only issued in the 50s, why did it quickly get relegated to the TA? I joined the army in the late 60s and the only Martians I ever saw were REME wreckers. My brother in-law was a reccy mech in the 70s and told me the one he had for a bit in BAOR broke down pretty regularly. What was the problem with them?
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