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Chris P

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  1. I emailed Jeff Hunter last weekend (mentioning your name Ron) and have not had a reply. I guess he is not interested. Tried speaking to a few companies from the internet and so far I haven’t found the right guys as they are talking about £2K to get it to the prototype stage! So unless you have any other companies in mind I’ll give up on that idea. I have been looking at the diy option and it looks pretty simple (I’m used to glass fibre mould making) and am happy to put a bit of time and money into this. The thing is I’ll need an original to make the first mould, which I don’t have of course, so will need someone to lend one to me! A bit of an ask I know but a broken one would do as long as it is all there.
  2. Ok I’ll send Jeff an email and suggest that I purchase 20 or so and see if he goes for it. Any more than that wouldn’t be wise. If he isn’t interested I’ll try elsewhere. Chris
  3. Thank you Lex. I think I might have a go at finding a company who are willing to make some up and if I do find one perhaps I can contact you again for some measurements. Chris
  4. May I pick your brains again, Ron and Lex? Lex, you may recall that I bought the last of your Lucas tail lamps and have made up one that is reasonable, thank you. I know that the late war lights didn’t have the rubber sleeve on them but as, due to corrosion, it does not hold together as firmly as I would like, for security I need to have a sleeve on it. I’ve put a bit of rubber on it for now but I was wondering if either of you know where I might be able to get a repro or usable NOS rubber. Thanks again Chris
  5. Ah thank you again Ron, I’m about to hide from the weather in my workshop and have a go at ‘dulling’ my chrome one. Chris
  6. Thank you Lex. I’ve actually got a couple of original buttons in chrome that look exactly the same as the one on the right so I’ll see what I can do with those. Thanks again all. Chris
  7. Thank you Ron, as ever. Chris
  8. Hi, I’m looking for a few small items including a horn button for my 1944 3HW (parts book says MT4/13917) and have realised I’m not 100% sure what it looks like! Does anybody have any photos of the right one? Many thanks
  9. Hello Fred, I’m in north Bristol and have a 3HW that is pretty well up together. I’m not an expert but have tackled quite a few jobs on it so if you would like to chat about anything or would find it useful to look at one, let me know. Chris email: chris.plunkett@hotmail.co.uk
  10. Hello Lex, That’s good and thanks for your reply. My email address is chris.plunkett@hotmail.co.uk so if you wouldn’t mind sending an email to me we can sort things out. Cheers Chris
  11. Hi Lex, I’m very interested so do you still have it? Chris
  12. I acquired the barrel below in a job lot of stuff and was wondering if anybody would find it useful. Ideally I’d like to swap it for any original Triumph 3HW parts but I’d consider anything of interest. There is one repaired fin but otherwise it is really good externally. It has been resleeved but again looks decent. If you would like more details my email address is chris.plunkett@hotmail.co.uk.
  13. Ah thank you and hopefully he is ok. I’ll try again in a month or two. Chris
  14. Ron, I was just wondering if the battery boxes were available now. Many thanks Chris
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