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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. 24 volt electrics are easy to deal with.


    In all my experience people get themselves into more problems than is reasonable by trying to Mickey Mouse vehicles into partial 12 volt and partial 24 volt. I have been involved with two Land Rover 101 FCs that suffered that fate. In the end the cobbling of others had to be torn out and put back to original.


    You are best to leave it "as manufactured" and not try to re invent the wheel.


    My 2 cents worth



  2. Well,


    Where to start? The 90 is an ex RAF vehicle that has fallen on hard times. Yes I will post all it's info later.


    The injection pump is leaking, the gearbox has lost syncromesh on 2nd and 3rd, and in general the vehicle is undriveable for the most part. The degradation has been fueled by a multitude of drivers with a lack of skill on a manual gearbox and just a plain old tired engine.


    We took the vehicle off the road about 2 years ago and parked it awaiting time or the instruction to sort it. We have looked at putting a tdi in it but cooler heads have prevailed and the decision has been made to rebuild locally what we have.


    To put things in perspective for all of you, in case you have not noticed in the top right hand corner of this thread, we are in Canada. There is no product support for this vehicle from the Land Rover dealerships. This vehicle was never sold here in this configuration. All the parts will be sourced from the UK and sent air freight.


    The plan is to sub out the rebuild of the LT77 gearbox and the transfer case to a local shop that has engaged and partnered with us and is not afraid of something different. The engine is also going out to a diesel shop that is run and owned by a very smart gent who I totally trust.


    We at the Union Jack Collection are employees in the end and all of this work has to be slotted in between our regular work of being farmers and builders for the organisation that employs us. The MV work we do is such a small part of our jobs here, sadly.


    We have been struggling with the serviceability of our fleet and this is one that has been singled out for getting serviceable by management. I am aided by my trusty mate and mechanic Gerry who comes in on wednesday nights to help us, as I am mechanically inlined but no means a mechanic. I supply all the grunt power and organisation in the furnishing of manuals and parts to make the work happen smoothly.


    To help you get a flavour for the truck, it was purchased as shown from a wee company in Grantham UK a number of years ago and shipped to Canada. It has been used as a hack and daily driver on and about the property and done a lot of hard work.


    The yellow paint job has always been a bone of contention with some saying the inside and out paint was an RAF gig but somehow I suspect that it was gussied up to make it look pretty and make it sell, who knows!


    I will be dragging it on the A frame to the shop in the morning to get it ready for the work.


    Hopefully we can turn this truck around in reasonable short order and get it back into use again.


    The picture is from a few years ago when it was quite a lot tidier.


    If you have any comments don't be shy to chirp up and chime in, all comments welcome.



    Omva Kingston 08 017.jpg

  3. I do have some reference material on Belgian ones. I will have to go have a look and get back to you, expect about 6 months at the rate I move.


    We have a Belgian Spartan in the collection I manage, awaiting a new engine.



  4. Dear Troy,


    welcome in to a very friendly Forum. See you are in Alberta.


    We have a BV206 D6, have two friends with the V6 version, one just blew his engine and looking to repower.


    Use ours every winter.


    We are experimenting with eurethane roadwheels.


    Have a need for some parts from time to time.


    Here are a couple of random pictures of ours



    BV et alia 001.jpg

    BV et alia 038.jpg

    BV et alia 039.jpg

    Fox parts 085.jpg

  5. In the pictures attached there are two different materials tied onto the sides of these vehicles.


    The sand coloured vehicle has what appears to be a fairly fomal affair with straps and covered with cam netting.


    The other has what appears to be plain. Maybe the cam net has been rolled up inside?


    Can anyone tell me what the material is made of? I am getting ready for show season and would like to replicate the anti shadow material, because that is what it is really. Once drawn down and away from the vehicle it eliminates the shadow of the vehicle and turns it more into a blob.


    Any idea how wide it extends from the vehicle?



    stormer inser6.jpg

    stormer inser5batus.jpg

  6. Tim,


    Yes indeed I do feel good about it all, the other gent who popped up on this thread had already confirmed ther existence but I do like to prove a pint at times!


    Where it is now I don't know.


    I was spending some time online over the weekend and gleaned the fact that Jordan has slowly been acquiring CVRTs and some of them came from the ex Belgian vehicles, someone made more than a tenner on them me thinks;), nice little earner as Arthur would have said!


    I would love to see a ful list of all CVRT variants made and their ARNs as I have pictures of a whack of them archived from various places.



  7. I have been interested in what has happened to the Saxons since they left the UK.


    The KADB are in the process of making them left hand drive to comply with their local laws.


    Some info here




    and here




    according to their December 2011 newsletter located here





    a total of 68 have been converted and delivered. There is a photo shown but not very big





  8. The subject of the CVRTs used in the conflict has always been made difficult because none of the ARNs appear on the front of the vehicles having been painted over.


    I have spent quite a while trolling this forum to make sure I am not going to post something that is already known.


    So here I go, this picture is a hint at the identity of one of the vehicles used, shame the last digit isnt visible


    So it could be anything from 06 FD 90 to 99


    Hope you get something out of it.





  9. Mark,


    I am not a mechanic and so know little, at least that is my story.


    Tim is correct on the plug number, that is well documented.


    I'm surprised it doesn't have electronic ignition fitted.


    Has the vehicle been run low on fuel recently, has the filter been changed?



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