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robin craig

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Posts posted by robin craig

  1. Gents,


    Im posting this as a favour to our local museum that has a Link Trainer from WW2 on display.


    Does anyone have access to any manuals or paperwork to assist them in getting it running.


    It is complete but lacking the know how to make it run





  2. is the deletion of the registrations for "OPSEC" reasons?


    I think a compariosn between the two, The Foden and the MAN would be interesting as im sure the newer machine may be an all singing and dancing machine but I think that some jobs will be better with the Foden.


    I guess you are doing a one for one swap, out with the old and in with the new?



  3. Yee Gads another Fellow Ferret fanatic, grand.


    I'm kind of getting the feeling that Ferrets are becoming one the largest number in the clubhouse parking lot!


    Please post pictures when you can.


    Robin in Canada

  4. Dear Timbo,


    Shame you dont post your real name, first and last.


    I think you are very wise to get it tidy and running and then go at the major paint job.


    I see a Supacat lurking in the corner and a Fox to name a few, are they all yours?


    Do you need anything for your Supacat, we have tons of spares we wont use.


    What about Supacat manuals etc



  5. Welcome fellow Ferret owner Keith from another owner, but in Canada or kanader if I follow your spelling cue!


    Just a tip about your fuel tank, be sure to switch over to the reserve side on a regular basis so as not to develop crud over there and also to make sure you keep the tank full as the condensation factor can be great on such if left outside.


    I guess you must be employed as a civil servant or have won the National Lottery to be able to afford such long road trips based on UK fuel prices, or maybe you dont have kids!





  6. I know it might be a bit of work, but could you walk us through how you were contacted and what the arrangements where for having your vehicle used and what the upside and downside to the adventure were and would you do it again etc etc.


    Im sure many people here would enjoy and or benefit from your experience.


    Could I have my autographed picture with Marilyn Monroe drapped over the vehicle please?



  7. From what I can see in the detail pictures this is a Canadian Ferret. I would get rid of the Brit turret and clean her up and put her on the road.


    Im thinking that a cash on the nail offer would budge the asking price.


    Ferrets in my humble opinion are the best small wheeled armour to own as they can be road registered and driven to events.


    I would not touch the engine, you say you are on a budget.


    If you need a shovel I could help. . . .



  8. Ok, ive held off saying anything on this subject for a while but I cant hold back anymore.


    Please pardon me because im opionated.


    Your vehicles are becoming text book sealed glass case reference examples of the specimen.


    I would humbly suggest finding reference material, apart from stowage diagrams, and do your vehicles up with what was really used rather than what was supposed to be used.


    I know this post could almost be stuck into the "originality" thread but I digress.


    I'm closing the hatches now as the flames start




  9. If that was my house I would have people working for me as I do for them!


    This is the boathouse, there is a Shamrock trawler kept in a cradle ready for boating anytime.


    But back to MVs before we get blasted for getting off topic, the boom extension was such a good idea and has been used for many tasks since it was built. Simple to attach and no new holes and nothing welded on.



  10. Here is a picture of the Bedford with our boom extension in use rigging items off the deck of the boathouse at work. We are re working the deck and need it clear.


    For pity's sake dont flame me about the white wheel nuts, they will be changed for this season, I promise


    Sorry its not the best quality, taken using a phone.



    bedford rigging..jpg

  11. Alien FTM,


    Sir, you are missing the point, you are looking at a Canadian Ferret and such it has different markings to what you are used to seeing. The number 4 in the cirlce is actually the bridge classification done Canadian style not a call sign.


    It's call sign is actually on the vehicle's right side and I shall take a close up of it and post some day.


    Mike, re empty suitcase, I would love to buy tons of that stuff but just cant without seeing pictures or being there in person.



  12. Mike, yes those lights are what we call M series lights and were a Canadian modification, as were several other details, like the bars over top of the oil cooler to stop ham fisted galloots stepping on them and the gas cans mounted on the rear vertical armour to name but a few.



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