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goldfinger R.I.P.

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Posts posted by goldfinger R.I.P.

  1. As a Committee member of the NLBA I answered some of the negative comments posted regarding our clubs behaviour at the War and Peace show. Yes our club is loud and brash and we also raise a lot of money for charity although this does not excuse the activities of a minority of our members. We held an emergency committee meeting a week after the show regarding incidents with a large water pistol and also a car being driven dangerously in the early hours and the member concerned has been excluded from the club permanatly, The show organisers also received complaints about the loud music from our Disco and most of these were found to be from other camps apart from our Tuesday night party and the Friday and Saturday nights. The other nights the power lead was removed at 11.30 by committee members. Incidently our party night raised £1400.00 for charity and we would like to thank everyone who attended.

  2. Great to see the video of the Scammell being winched out, my son Ben was there in his Berliet wrecker and he loved every second of it. He got stuck at the first section and had to go round it so he went back the next night and went straight through to prove he could do it.It seems he inadvertantly knocked the Diff lock lever out with his thigh the first time and he was gutted . I would like to thank all the Scammell boys for making him so welcome,.He grew up with a Scammell Pioneer and now wants an Explorer. Most 19 year olds want a hatchback !

  3. The NLBA has changed in the last couple of years with a new commitee and a new agenda, yes we are all a bit older and we have several new members however we still like to enjoy ourselves. I am the first to admit there were problems in the past and we have on the whole sorted out the club. We are very approachable if there are any issues or concerns with the behaviour of our members,the trouble is mud sticks and it is hard to shake off the old image of the North London Barmy Army.

  4. As The Chairman of the NLBA I read Keitos post with great interest and would like to comment about the parties the club had at the show.Our only planned party is on the Tuesday night and this is held purley for to raise money for charity,we hire entertainment at our cost and this year we had an Elvis Presley impersonator and a DJ. We charge £5.00 for a BBQ and a beer and everyone is welcome,we raised a lot of money this year for our 2009 charity Cosmic ( a childrens charity) and we also handed over a cheque for £3000 to Help for Heroes at the show. The other parties at the show were unplanned and started up as members returned from the beer tents and bars, I have spoken to the person who was asked to turn the music down by Keito and the music was turned DOWN not off, and the music did go on till 5.30am. None of our members can remember anyone threatening to turn our music off. I would welcome any comments and I can be contacted through our website. The debate about Loud music/parties at the show will go on and as far as any critisim levelled at our club I can only tell you that most weekends through the season we have3-4 invites to shows parties and all. I would like to add that I always camp at the end of the NLBA pitch nearest the showers and I sit watching a lot of very dangerous people letting thei kids run wild,speed aound on Quads ,run in front of heavy vehicles, themselves drunk in charge of all sorts of trucks,is this as bad as loud music ?

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