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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. You're losing your touch, but who knows they may have been around then! But this model is for India 1940
  2. Yes it is indeed a steam disenfector. and the year anybody?
  3. Andy with your switching around of the tanks, is it possible that air is leaking in now round the tap? The other thing is, the good fuel is in both tanks in case there is some switching anomoly. I'm not sure whether you have an early model with a turn tap or pull out tap. (I had a problem on a pig that drove me mad for ages the fuel gauge measured the fuel in the tank you were not using. The Army upgraded my prototype to the pruduction plumbing arrangement but didn't changeover the wiring!)
  4. Well done Neil Mark, do you want to repeat your success with the date?
  5. Nope and you need to think large.
  6. Wow! Everyone is getting far too clever. It was a 1908 RAMC Screw Tourniquet.
  7. Yes well done Neil you are correct. Anyone care to venture a date?
  8. Any ideas for this British Army equipment?
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