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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. That small hole in the side what is there? Is it a power socket or for waveguide? If its waveguide I have some pics of Rovers with WG16 (=10Ghz) feeds at the side. NC may mean Non Census perhaps as the vehicle was used in trials but no census code was yet available as it was undergoing development & a census code had not been dreamed up/allocated??
  2. Not sure what R&R have but it probably isn't this. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Dscf3508d.jpg[/img]
  3. Nope, but Robert woa2 was very close in one of his earlier posts.
  4. Yes that's the sort of thing, but it's not a pig.
  5. Yes very good. This is the right way up now, somehow it must have got inverted ;-) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Dscf3508b.jpg[/img]
  6. Nope, it did have a kit but the frame was much shorter & less complcated.
  7. Yes I think the story goes that it was 7 takes!
  8. When Broadsword calls Dannyboy he pulls a chrome plated whip antenna from the side of his Wireless Set No.18. Chrome plating not very good for camouflage. The antenna was made from green painted plug together copper tubes about 12in long carried in a recess at the side of the case. The output valve in the set was an ATP4 which gave about 1 watt output, operating indoors he would have been lucky to have had a range of even a mile, let alone reach London. In the chase at the end I think I saw a FV610. In the early bit when Burton & Eastwood are in one of the huts, you can see in the window the reflection of the camera crew. But as always, if it's on the box, I end up watching it. :roll:
  9. Ooh no, no, no, jeep? whatever next? Robert, I thought you had almost got it in one of your earlier posts.
  10. Well for my 60th this is meant to be a difficult one, but who knows you are all getting far too good. So what is it? where was it used? and when? This is only part of it, I will reveal more as the days go by. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/NBC-carcass-incinerator.jpg[/img]
  11. Yes well done absolutely correct. It was seen at Middle Wallop in Sept 1993. I think these must be getting far too easy. The next one is a real stinker, I don't even know the answer myself & I set the questions! I know the general description so I'll settle for that.
  12. Oh ho yes, well that's the easy bit Neil (although I can't tell one Bedord of that era from another) So to rephrase the question what is this special apparatus? and where was it used? (apart from on the back of a Bedford)
  13. Yes well done very good. It is in fact the installation for Tabby Type "E" Mk II & Mk III. But anyone know for what vehicle?
  14. Frail yes but would be used on the move. Yes very good, the kit illustrated is for a particular model. Any guesses? Once adjusted is left fixed Nope
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