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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. YES well done GE I thought you'd given up & gone to bed! It is a loading coil that provides inductance to bring the aerial to resonance. At the time a transmitter's frequency was determined by the length of the aerial itself. On a shore station you could more or less have whatever length of aerial you like. On a ship (HMS Yarmouth) there was a limit to how long or convoluted your aerial was. Hence the need for the coil on the longest wavelength. Still not got a date:whistle:
  2. Nope, Richard think about a CB aerial.
  3. The WT equipment is a Type 36 operating on 1,100 metres, 2,600 metres & 4,000 metres. The 'thing' was only needed on the last band. It was not needed by a shore station. Think about the problems of operating on ship & why the 'thing' was needed.
  4. Yes Not really as it's shrouded in an iron chamber & in operation the door is closed, hence it getting hot. No its fixed
  5. It's connected to both Yes it is do with long wave ship communications. It's been established its not WW1 or WW2, but nobody has got the right era yet. You've done quite well
  6. Nearly but not for subs. Here is part of what was below deck. If this is below deck & the other thing is above deck what might it do?
  7. This equipment is not to do with ASDIC.
  8. Well it had that effect, but that was not its purpose. The extent of the heating took them by surprise judging by the comments in the report.
  9. Well at least you're still there Tony, I think everyone has assumed it's all over. But there is an interesting story to this 'thing'. Anyway it's not WW2. You are correct there is a lot of heat from the coil. But it's not microwaves, when consider the obvious inductance of that coil.
  10. Yes very good correct on both counts! But we're not finished yet though.
  11. Sorry missed that. It slipped in between me replying. Not a capacitor nor a scifi item. This was an advanced system for its time, undergoing trials.
  12. No it's not a Tesla coil. I don't know Oudin, is that the same thing? But you are on the right lines it is an electrical coil.
  13. OK clue time! There is now a clearer picture up & below is part of a report on the use of this apparatus.
  14. It certainly has that coily similarity but nope.
  15. Shown with the door open. I have posted a better picture now Nope Nope
  16. Looks like it could be either, but nope.
  17. No, no, no, getting warm(!) but see new clue in a few minutes.
  18. Tom as far as the fog lights go, trace back from: Both fog lights & warning light are Red/Brown where they join they are fed by Red go to fog switch which is fed by Blue/Red going to C2 on fog relay C1 is Blue/Red & joins with Blue/Red of LH & RH Dip headlight filaments W1 Blue/Orange goes to IR switch W2 is Earth (Obviously W=Windings C=Contacts)
  19. Tony, cdl? 1944/45 - not that era.
  20. If I didn't know the answer that's what I would have said, but it ain't I'm afraid
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