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About pontyslapper

  • Birthday 11/27/1976

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    Pontypridd, S. Wales
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  1. Had a response from Hendon yesterday evening - fair go, they provided me with a scanned copy of the vehicle record. Not a very exciting life from the record - but then who knows what it got up to on base. Rover Ltd -> Ashworth 6/6/73 Ashworth -> Aldergrove 12/8/73 Aldergrove -> Catterick 5/6/78 Ex Catterick 27/4/81
  2. Hi all, Just opened the plate from our very kind friend. The reg is actually 59 AM 44. I'd already enquired to RAF Hendon using 59 AM 11 - turns out that was a red Ford Escort. Hopefully we'll uncover a tranche of history with the right reg. Again, thanks to all involved in this history search.
  3. Had a squiz through some old online photo storage thingybobs and turned up the following photos of the old girl at various stages... Was green when purchased. Then the stripdown revealed a slightly unhealthy chassis. As she is now, well last Summer. I think that was before we popped a hardtop on just so we could store bits in there ready for the impending house move.
  4. This was some point in 2017 - it had got to the point of how much chassis is there to weld to. Decision was made to treat it to a shiny new Richards galvanised chassis. It has been ground up restored - its not a rivet counter project by any means. Its now a sort of cream colour and some alterations have been made so the father in law can use it - he's a tall big bugger, so obvious alteration had to be the seat area. He sometimes mentions selling it, then not. I think it's his age and health that put those evil thoughts in his head. I just have to get hold of him and give his head a wobble about what he has and the time and effort he's put into it.
  5. Hi all. Just had an email about this. This is amazing news and a chunk of history! I shall get onto the chap with the ID plate today to sort something to marry the bits together. It's not far from being on the road - currently on hold due to health issues and the father in law in the process of moving house. Next time I get chance I'll pop over to the storage unit and get some photos if I can.
  6. Holy thread...back from the dead! After periods of illness both for myself and the father in law... the lightweight is almost done - it starts/moves under its own steam. Just a few little bits and bobs left when the current lockdown eases and it'll be on the road. As its almost ready I stumbled across some 5 year old emails from my search for information on the old girl. I never did get to the bottom of things so I guess I'm going to restart the search. Hopefully, some archivist somewhere has digitised the bits and bobs.
  7. So far, I have done the following searches based on the advice here and on other forums. MOD FoI request - nothing as it was pre-MERLIN RAF Museum - pointed me at the forums as a possible source of help RAF - still waiting Heritage Museum, Gaydon - Heritage Certificate purchased, found out the colour and build date and first 'home' RLC Archive - card in the big 500k pile - next chassis along was in service in July 1973 and ended up with RAF. So, I am hoping that somebody might, just might be able to help me find the military number plate that was attached to chassis no. 951-01236A or its current civvy plate UCU971Y. It seems that the military number is the 'keys to the kingdom' with regards to information. UPDATE --- Turns out the original colour was RAF Blue Grey. Build date was 18th May 1973. Despatch date was 25th May 1973. Its destination was Central Army Vehicle Depot, Ashchurch. Label (line) number 3/786?? I guess, its time for the moths to again be released in order to elicit that elusive military number! Thanks to those who have added to my understanding so far. Its a really interesting thing to research. For any piece of info I've found, I've uncovered a host of 'side' information that is also really interesting.
  8. Hi All, I've stumbled on this fine website in my search, nay, quest for any snippets of military history relating to my father in law's retirement project - a 1973 S3 Lightweight. So far I've contacted/worked out the following :- Build date - 18th May 1973 Chassis No. 951-01236-A I've contacted RLC Archive who say they've yet to come across the cards for our Lightweight, but they did find info on 951-01235-A - the chassis number immediately before, and that entered service in July 1973 and eventually ended up with the RAF. The very helpful chap at RLC seemed to think that it was highly likely that ours ended up possibly doing similar and ending up with the RAF. I have also done the usual FoI requests for any Merlin info, but I didn't have any luck as it was pre-Merlin. Currently waiting on an FoI from the RAF and RAF Museum and also the heritage certificate from Gaydon. Any help or even little pointers would be gratefully received as I would dearly love to be able to glean some info about where the FiL's lightweight has been over its lifetime. Many Thanks Paul
  9. Hi all, I'm Paul from South Wales and I'm here to pick up tips and hopefully lots of useful info regarding the S3 Lightweight that my father in law has bought as his retirement project. I'm in the process of finding the history for him as he's still a few weeks away from retiring! The lightweight is a 1973 and I've found very little info on its military career so far. RLC Archive don't seem to have come across its cards yet, but they have found a card for the next chassis along. I'm hoping that maybe someone here is able and willing to help me fill in the gaps.
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