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Everything posted by minn200

  1. Thanks Mash it is a hell of a relief to have it now
  2. [h=2]And it is complete.[/h]Land Rover RebuildPosted by min200 Thu, January 29, 2015 20:41:18 The paperwork for Mator's first registration has been back with the DVLA for the second time for two weeks now. I have been stressing worrying driving myself around in circles tying myself up in knots creating scenarios that it would be sent back to me rejected again even though I have done everything the DVLA has asked. I suppose I should explain what they did ask for after the first rejection. I was dumbfounded when it was returned rejected as I had sent everything that was requested but now the person dealing with my request had decided that I needed to send in the original MOD paperwork from when it was demobbed as well. 17 years have since passed since its demob so that paperwork doesn't exist any more so I called in a state of anxious worry the next morning to be told by the same team that this was not needed seeing as it had been sat around in a field for that time so could I send it all back with a covering letter and "whatever else you have for it". I explained I had the MERLIN report showing all relevant MOD details and they were over the moon about that so I dully sent it all off the very next morning. Well today the insurance company that gave me 60 days to get the registration sent a snotty email wanting it within 14 days so my worrying mind couldn't take the suspense any more so I called DVLA direct again today to see what was happening because the cheque we sent in to pay for the tax etc still had not been cashed. After being asked a minefield of questions determining the time and consistency of my last poo the lovely lady told me that yes it has all been approved and your Land Rover now has a registration number. I was over the moon and even better she gave me the Registration over the phone because they are now allowed to do that so I could tell the insurance company. I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders and my Land Rover is now mine because I can drive it around for at least five miles before it breaks down but I don't care because I will just fix it and do it all again! When I arrived home even more good news in that the V5 was sat there on the coffee table as well so I can go straight out on Saturday morning and get the number plates made up! This really is the point where it all feels complete that the months of hard work sorting out the MOT and then the worrying myself daft for a fortnight over something I could not control was really worth it. Don't get me wrong I don't recommend being a worrying pillock like me because it is pointless and I know that but it does not stop me from doing it though over the stupid things but the opposite side of it is the high you get when it all comes together. Man it feels so good to have built something like this and of course a logbook that states my Landy has had no previous keepers
  3. I will leave it until next week then before I start bugging them eh! I had heard back in days when they didn't want to register it the first time so no news is good news I suppose.
  4. Come on then folks how long did DVLA take to first register your vehicles? My Landy seems to be taking forever but they have only had the paperwork back for 7 working days and not even cashed the cheque yet (Not too concerned about that Wifey works for the NHS and they only send theirs off once a month!) Just want to get driving it now being teh impatient bugger I am
  5. Folks as per usual you are a mine of information and thank you! Mike I have a couple of friends that have done a similar conversion and if mine keeps playing up I may go that way. I have got this latest one to work but have ordered an expensive genuine one to keep on board as spare "just in case" Constant adjustment seems about right lol and at least I am not alone with the issue Thanks again folks
  6. Broken Babygrows & Blown Switches Land Rover Rebuild Posted by min200 Sat, January 24, 2015 19:09:20 No news on the registration but hopefully that's good in itself but the brake lights have been playing up again. They were sticking on then turning off then not working at all but after being parked up so long I have been lucky the rest of the electrics are playing nice. I checked connections all the way through the lines they were fine as well as the power from front to back so I thought it must be the relay then seeing as it looks a little rusty. I just happened to have one in a box at the back of the shed amongst a box full of 24v spares I got months ago so I took the light box apart and found that just popping the relay out was not going to be that straight forward...of course not it is my old landy... See that relay at the back the one that could not possibly be more awkward to get to to remove if it had two bolts on the inside among the wiring to remove to get it out...oh yea it did have two bolts on the inside among the wiring to get it off and I had to twist and bend to get my fat fingers in place then just as I was contorting in a position worthy of the karma sutra there was a rip as the backside of my babygrow gave out under the strain of my ass trying to escape from it. With a jump on my part at the noise the sudden cold and worry it was the seat I had broken my hand slipped and I jammed my fingers down onto the back of the six way switch stabbed myself in the hand with a screwdriver then sat down with a bump so as not to frighten any passing pedestrians. By now I was getting a bit peeved but I nearly had the bugger out, the relay not my ass, and it was soon swapped over with the replacement. This made no difference at all to the performance of the brake lights so I got out a replacement switch and popped it in place on the back of the servo. Now they worked again just fine but this is how the other two were and they didn't last long but upon advice from those who know better than me on such electrical matters I have ordered a decent make replacement switch ready for when this one burns out along with a new babygrow before I ruin all of my clothes again. http://www.nickysmith.me
  7. OK then at the risk of looking as stupid as usual I need to ask this question... I have replaced the brake relay in my 24v FFR and it made a bit of difference to the brake lights coming on when they were supposed to but they soon stopped working again only coming on intermittently. I then changed the brake switch for the third time and now they are working just fine not sticking on and coming on with every press of the pedal. Three switches in a month seems a bit much seeing as the landy has only done five miles in this time so I tested the voltage and it sits at 23.8v going to the switch itself. I know it is a 24v motor but should that much voltage be going to the switch itself? I have been told there are no 24v brake switches and the 12v should be just fine soooo is this right? Is the voltage ok and I have checked the brake system wiring form front to back and all seems well so if this is wrong voltage wise someone please help me before I go mad!!!
  8. Droppers and Damp Land Rover Rebuild Posted by min200 Mon, January 19, 2015 16:12:33 Well I made right royal arse out of myself and it was online where everybody can now see for ever or until the human race dies out whichever comes first. Now you see I was clearing out my sheds and I cam e across an old 24v-12v dropper I forgot I had bought as part of a job lot and this is a good turn of events as I needed to buy one for my new CB that Wifey bought me for Christmas. I took a quick look at it and its three wires and wondered to myself what wire did what so a quick photo on my mobile and it was uploaded online with exactly that question..... But being a busy chap I failed to see what was right in front of my face that being the printed instructions on the sticker that is on the dropper that everyone and hos mate saw before me and quite rightly then proceeded to take the micheal out of my utter stupidity. I started to blame my eyesight but in writing the sentence started l laughing at myself and realised I wouldn't buy that so why would anyone else? Sometimes you just have to admit you are a tool it is just far easier than digging yourself a grave! Now then seeing as that embarrassment is done with I had a day off all to myself today and decided to change over the gearbox mounts because in all fairness the old ones were looking a little bit ropey at best. Shouldn't take long that eh? What an hour max just support the gearbox whip the old ones off one side at a time and drop in the new ones. Yea right why do I still think these things you would have thought I would have learnt better by now... The nearside first and as you can see once I jacked it up a touch the mount broke up so it really needed doing. Could I get a socket or a spanner in anywhere near the rubber mount nuts either end no no I could not so no worries I thought I will just drop off the whole bracket instead. The bottom one came off fine but the bracket attached to the gearbox fought me for nearly two hours with seized nuts locking nut flaps in unreachable spots and the exhaust thought it would be just a bot funny to be in the way as much as possible especially at the angle where I needed to put a spanner. I muttered and groaned swore under my breath and fought on...it fought back at every turn the fact it was freezing cold really helped out each time I slipped and banged a hand against metal but I won in the end. The rubber mount was now in two bits still attached to each bracket but I was done with being nice so out came my favourite bosh it tool the grinder. Within two minutes the brackets were clear and even though it was a bit of a pig to put back on it went on easily enough compared to getting it off. Now at this point I was thinking to myself that I was bloody cold and maybe the offside mount would be ok really and wouldn't need doing...obviously it did so with gusto I had to muster from the depths I set to getting the old one off. It came off easily on all bolts too easily I mean its an old Land Rover there was going to have to be a price because there always is... I looked around and was happy to find the new mount sat there with new bolts just wanting to be fitted. Nothing bad seemed to be lurking about I could even account for all of my tools so I set to apprehensively putting it back together...then the snow started. I kid you not whatever forces are at work in this world do like having a laugh with me I must be like their personal play thing and not in a good way! I lay there underneath the Landy wondering why my legs were starting to feel really cold then I looked outwards and started to chuckle to myself because there was nothing to be doe at this point at the blizzard that descended in a matter of minutes. Still the mount had to be fitted as I didn't want to leave the gearbox balancing on a jack all night so I spent ten more minutes with my legs sticking out from underneath the motor slowly turning white. Mounts done and me feeling happy it was all over I threw my tools in my shed noted to myself the damned white stuff really was settling and went on for some lunch. I came out an hour later after warming through to post some parcels and all of the snow had gone but after a cold morning lying on concrete I decided enough is enough for one day and I will tackle the electrical issue I have at the weekend.
  9. Badges & Spares Land Rover Rebuild Posted by min200 Sat, January 17, 2015 16:40:54 You have got to love a long weekend off. Turn away now if you wish because I would just like to point out I am into day two of a four day weekend and boy do I need it! Nothing like some down time to kick back and relax... Yea right like I would ever just kick back and relax but I am enjoying just pottering around doing as I please more or less. After a lazy start with tea in bed then a big fat sausage cob Wifey and I pottered along a riverside before getting home and me deciding that now would be a good time to sort out the sheds and greenhouse seeing as I am getting to saturation point of junk spares and clutter that most of I don't really need. All I managed was the greenhouse and shed one before the light gave out but I am now the proud owner of one pile of junk to go to the dump and another pile to Ebay off so three guesses what I will be doing this evening! The best part of the day though was when my youngest daughter decided to tell me that a good friend had dropped me off an old Land Rover badge for Mator five hours after he had done so and three hours after I had got in. Bloody teenagers when I asked where it was she just looked at me like I was stupid and said "On the dining room table" as if this was the most obvious place for something to be left as well as the first and only place I would look when arriving home "just in case" something had arrived. Still I am pleased as punch with it and it looks like the old motor is properly dressed now it is on... Still a couple of bits I would like to fit in around everything else this weekend but whether I get the chance will be another thing....
  10. Dentists and Dial Tones Land Rover Rebuild Posted by min200 Fri, January 16, 2015 19:06:12 Well the day started off with a visit to the Dentists. I don't like Dentists I know they have a hard job staring into peoples sometimes stinky mouths all day but I am pretty sure mine is a bit of a sadist who enjoys inflicting pain in fact I am pretty sure the only reason he wears a mask is so you cannot see him smiling. He told me that "This might have a hot spot here and there" as it felt like he was cutting my gums off with a blunt knife...you have gotta love having a deep clean. I am not a small man and most of the time I face the worlds problems head on not fearlessly but with a determination to get through and past them but stick me in a Dentists chair and I am five year old who just wants his Mummy! Still that was soon over and the next problem of the day had to be sorted. First stop was the DVLA call about the rejected application for my Land Rover...Well all I am going to say at this point is always put a covering letter in with your application it just may save you some time worry and heartache. I have returned some forms to them and I will write up exactly what next week because I am doubtful that it is all they will want so watch this space. Then it was the turn of the Tax Man this was not a call I was looking forward to either because they wanted me to contact them about the monies owing on the Land Rover. How a Landy from the MOD could owe Import Duty and VAT was beyond me so I picked up the phone and with my stomach turning butterflies I dialled them. I would like to point out at this point I had spent most of the night tossing and turning had taken a visit to the dentist for some torture and just dealt with the DVLA my God I didn't want to make a call that would cost me more cash I didn't have for a car that I cannot drive but hell it just had to be done. So with a deep breath I gave the reference number and waited for my pants to be pulled down. Ever had one of those experiences that when they are over you blink to yourself in pleasant surprise and the day just feels a little better? Well I had that today with of all people the Tax Man. Turns out that they had entered the landy in as a brand new vehicle and had since realised their mistake and rectified it and another letter is in the post explaining this. They also apologised...yes that's right the Tax Man said sorry for the cock up and I hope it hasn't caused you too much worry! So fingers crossed as that bit is now done and dusted that the next DVLA instalment isn't too painful either. With all of that over I went out to potter around on Mator as there were a few little bits wanting doing. I started by fitting his new spare wheel cover... I am pretty sure they have sent the wrong size out as it seems a couple of inches too small so looks a bit rubbish really. It can stay on for now though to help keep the winter off of the padlock keeping the wheel in place. At the MOT I noticed the spring on the drivers side window wiper arm wasn't that good so I treated myself to a pair of new wiper arms... At least I should now be able to see out of a bit of the window in the rain! I then fired up the old boy so he could warm through a touch and to just hear the engine run while I tackled the steering wheel. It sat at the vertical instead of the horizontal to and from the MOT annoying the hell out of me so I popped off the center cap... Undid the nut and turned it around to sit the right way up... By now the engine had warmed up nicely so I thought I might have a bash at improving the carb mixture as it was running very lean on the MOT test and did feel a little underpowered while driving it. After asking some cleverer folk than me on the forums I was informed where the mixture screw was. In the picture below the mixture screw for the Zenith carb is at the seven o'clock position and you turn it anti clockwise to increase the fuel mix... As I turned it I could hear the engine pick up and it was nice to lose the "popping" noise when I took my foot off of the accelerator. Then with a smug feeling of accomplishment and the tension of the last 24 hours easing away I set to fitting the window locks onto the doors. This didn't take long which was good because I was starting to loose the feeling in my fingers to the cold. This was enough for the day I was getting really cold and tired and I decided that cooking dinner was a good option seeing as Wifey has a bloody awful cold and her coughing and sneezing over the food didn't seem like a particularly appetizing situation. http://www.justturned40.co.uk
  11. I have the merlin report I got from the freedom of information act. Do I call the DVLA and tell them that is the best that can be done? Its making me feel a bit sick if I am honest!
  12. I have a dating letter from the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust (Gaydon). It's the basic letter just stating VIN date of build and palce of build. The DVLA are stating that it's an ex MOD vehicle I have to have the info from them?
  13. NO GO ON REGISTRATION Land Rover Rebuild Posted by min200 Thu, January 15, 2015 20:17:13 Bugger. Just bugger. I arrived home this evening to find two brown envelopes waiting for me one form the tax man and one from the DVLA so I got a little excited that was until I opened them... The tax man wants more information and will I call them about the application for a NOVA number which I will do in the morning. Well that could swing either way I guess form good to bad but the letter form the DVLA is the real problem. The DVLA want me to send them either MOD papers MOD654 / MOD654B or a Certificate of Origin from the MOD. I don't have any of these forms as I explained when I first called them before I started out on this project and was told not to worry! Well now I am getting worried... I have had a dig around the tinterweb and can find no information on how I could obtain this sort of paperwork 17 years after the vehicle has been released from the MOD so if any of you good folk have experienced this and know the way forward it would be much appreciated. Everywhere is closed now so I cant talk directly to anyone until the morning so I suppose it will be a long night... http://www.justturned40.co.uk
  14. minn200

    My CV...

    Morning folks if you have enjoyed reading my rebuild thread "Series 3 FFR restoration" you might enjoy the next stage of my rambling drivel "My CV". This is something I started a while ago but didn't have the confidence to put out there if I am honest but after the response to the rebuild blog I figure what the hell I will see what folk think. So sit back grab a brew and see what you think as each entry is added then of course let me know either way best to be brutally honest you know! What's this about? My CV Posted by min200 Thu, January 15, 2015 07:50:39 My CV. Is a collection of the many colourful work positions I have held over my 41 years. I think you would struggle to find anyone else who has reinvented themselves as many times as I in the vain attempt to gain lawful employment! My CV’s have boarded on the completely fictional and have let’s say somewhat exaggerated my skill set in certain areas, normally the ones that are required for the role I am applying for. If it needed A levels I had them, excellent GCSE results...no problem. The only thing I have not had is a degree, I mean why would I want one? Have you seen the tools they kick out of University these days with a degree? They are ten a penny and now come in all colourful shapes and sizes such as the most coveted Degree in Popular music of the “noughties”...I mean what bloody use would that be to anyone? Nothing that’s what it’s just an excuse to have a three year piss up away from your parents chasing young women and hanging with your mates. Now don’t get me wrong because that is a bloody good plan but don’t insult the world by pretending it’s to gain a degree that’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. The government should re-class student loans for thesemickey mouse degrees to the “Take Three years out to get wasted and laid then do some real work to pay it back grants”. There have been times that I have made my CV look so good that I have effectively forced myself out of the running after the first hurdle for being “over qualified” which just goes to prove a bit of bull**** can get you a long way in this world! I mean what sort of plank writes a fictional CV so good that he takes himself out of the running before the race has started? That dear reader would be me and I will go into greater detail as we plod along in the book. Stick on a suit for any office or management role or a pair of work boots with a high viz and you can talk your way into any job from labourer to site foreman. It really isn’t that hard when you think about it as long as you do a bit of research on the role before you go in for an interview you can sound very convincing. Adding to that you make sure you are being perceived as confident and comfortable in what your chosen “profession” is and be armed with a few questions relating to the role that requires the information that would be seen as knowledgeable. But all that sounds like the start to a self help novel of which this book is NOT going to be. It’s all going to be about me. About the way that I get bored really quickly with whatever I’m doing work wise. I know I have a short attention span because when I started writing this intro page I was 40 years old but I am now 41 so if each page takes this long I wont be done with it until I am 20 years past dead. Anyway best get on with it so lets start with what was an acceptable practice back in the eighties (that’s the 1980’s for you young ones yes you lot that are currently pissed at Uni passing this around because buying one copy between 5 of you saved some beer tokens, most of the population were alive in the last century) child labour.
  15. [h=2]Forms and Frustration[/h]Land Rover RebuildPosted by min200 Wed, January 14, 2015 20:32:22 When I say "Forms and Frustration" as the title of this entry (there's a good word it always makes me think of the old paper diaries we all said we didn't write as kids) it's really me just being an impatient bugger. I see the weather forecasters are predicting doom and gloom with high winds more snow than on the set of game of thrones and then the inevitable flooding when it all melts away again and what would the ideal motor for this be I hear you ask? Well a newly rebuilt Land Rover should do the job nicely I would think! Listen to me moaning I do apologise folks it's not like I would even take it out if the registration turned up in the morning there are a couple of bits I want to sort first including changing over the gearbox mounts as they are past there best and after all this time and effort I have put into the old boy a little more wont hurt. The steering wheel needs to be set straight instead of 90 degrees out as it will drive me insane each time I touch it! Oh I need to sort out a 24v to 12v dropper for the CB and there is a Land Rover badge on the way too...bloody hell it's turning into a shopping list on here now! So each evening when I return from work and look with hope at my coffee table where the post gets dumped I feel a little disappointed there's no registration for me but I know it's too soon the DVLA have probably only just opened the letter from me if I am lucky so expecting to see what wont be there is daft...or maybe it's just a little bit of hope.
  16. Stop driving it...nah lol where would the fun be in that!?
  17. :D Nah just saying it's great to have an expansive feedback group to tell me how stupid I have been at times! And because everyone has been so good you are all getting free plugs in each others houses
  18. [h=2]Feedback & Shameless Plugs[/h]MainPosted by min200 Sun, January 11, 2015 21:46:29 I received today THE best feedback I have ever had about the drivel on my blog. Now where is this feedback I hear you ask I can't see any comments here on the main original blog well quite frankly you wont because I have been lucky enough to share my blog across a few different forums and Facewipe so there are lots of comments in different places giving me a great balance of the true depths of my stupidity. First things first here is the feedback I got today from "Dan"... "How I hadn't seen this thread before I do not know, but I did on Friday night and since then I have been reading it post by post between getting nagged at to do house related chores and getting a sneaky bit of time in the shed on my own projects. It has been amazing to see the transformation and how it has been written in such an entertaining style! I felt like I was riding the emotional roller coaster with you on the build up to and during the MOT then I actually got goose bumps as I read the part where the tester declared it had passed! Hope you get the rest of the paperwork tied up and you finally get to enjoy the results of your hard work!" Superb chap and thanks again. And now here are the links to the different places the blog has been posted so feel free to have a look at the good and the bad feedback I have got along with my personal favourites which are the posts pointing out I am wrong about something http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f16/project-has-landed-255123.html http://landrover-owners-club.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=698 http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?44267-Land-Rover-Series-3-Restoration https://www.facebook.com/groups/396056643881797/
  19. Quick fix. Main Posted by min200 Sun, January 11, 2015 15:46:19 Now the MOT is done I popped on the light protectors...
  20. [h=2]Mail and Money[/h]MainPosted by min200 Sat, January 10, 2015 19:56:32 Now the initial elation of getting Mator's MOT has passed I looked into the final steps of the registration forms and total costs of the project. I sat last night going over the DVLA forms making sure all the correct boxes were ticked that the paperwork they require was copied and in order then that the cheque had been written for the correct amount and made out to them along with the precious MOT certificate all was put into an envelope which was duly taped shut just to make sure it all stayed in there until it arrived in Swansea. This precious cargo was then posted this morning at 8am so it would catch the Saturday post and arrive hopefully at the mercy of those registration gods that will grant me a magic number to allow me to start playing on and off road in my painstakingly rebuilt motor. Wifey has already asked what I am going to build next because "you will finish the last bits off quick then start moping around annoying me because you have nothing else to distract you"...ain't love grand eh! She is right though I will have to source something else and I have a couple of ideas in the pipeline so watch this space. Now onto the final figures of the build. I have scratched my head and looked at a couple of receipts so I am pretty sure everything I have spent is included. The final price is what it cost not only to rebuild the Land Rover but what it cost to get it onto the road legally including insurance for the year and six months tax which are a big chunk of change. Landy Project Costs Land Rover £375 Sanding Discs £11.70 Ignition Barrel £20 Heritage letter £21.75 2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35 Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99 Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50 Grinding disc £2.25 Under Seal £8.99 Complete set of lights £85 5 Litres Primer £24.99 4 Discovery Wheels £10.20 Rear Door £21.00 Front Door £20.00 Handbrake spring £1.50 2 Discovery wheels Two seatbelts Wing Mirror 2 Headlight surrounds 2 headlight frames £60 2 Front Doors £60 Nato Green Paint £36 Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99 Wiring connectors £3.00 2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00 Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50 5x tins black spray £5.00 5x more tins black spray £5.00 Clutch fluid Exhaust putty WD40 £8.49 Car Boot Bits £13 Front & rear shocks £59.45 Front & rear brake rebuild kits £81.62 Fuel tank & filler £40 Wheels complete with tyres £250 Fuel pump Fuel hose Indicator stalk Bonnet strap Brake switch Fuel pump gasket Fuel line clips £67.74 24v Wiper motor 24v flasher relay 24v heater 24v front loom oil cooler Door tops x2 Rear bench seat £67.50 Roof rack £100 Wheel nuts £8 Brake pipe kit £39 Wheels & Tyres £250 Exhaust System & Flexi hose pipes £66 Number plate light £5 Seat set £90 Fuel tank and service parts £136 Seat belts £61 Rear seat brackets £10 Spark plugs £30 Brake switch £17 MOT £30 CREDIT FOR BITS SOLD OFF OF PROJECT £502 TOTAL REBUILD COST £1708.16 Insurance £150 6 Months Tax £126.50 DVLA Registration fee £55 TOTAL ON THE ROAD PRICE...... £2039.66 So the total "Rebuild" cost was £1708.16 and the "On the Road" price worked out as a whopping £2039.66! Now folks that is seriously not a bad price for a "rebuilt" Land Rover that is now worth a bit more than that if you wanted to buy it finished off of the shelf. OK I admit it doesn't include all of the what probably would work out at a 100 hours plus that I have put into it but as a home grown rebuild project that has kept me off of the cigs and using the cash I would have spent on those cigs instead of smoking it it really is a good price! The bill will now increase a little as it is personalised by me but that's by the by because the aim at the start of the rebuild if you can remember that far back was to see if I could make something half decent on a tight budget and well even if I say so myself whilst blowing my own trumpet a bit I have done exactly that! I didn't start with a pile of cash in the bank or bottom drawer I used my "Pocket money" that I used to spend on cigs each month and quite often ran short of money and had to wait to buy bits. The project itself gave back in the form of military bits removed and sold on to enthusiasts that want to keep certain models "original" and good luck to them but this project was mine and I have made it unique to me in small but important to me ways. I have heard folk say that the Land Rover prices are rising especially on Defenders and Series models and I have to admit I have seen these jump in the nine months of this build. BUT there are still bargains to be had if you are lucky to stumble across one as I did so if you want one keep looking because they are snapped up pretty damned quick! So in short folks I have succeeded in getting a knackered old Landy rebuilt and back on the road for about two grand. This is no mean feet as I didn't have the cash when I started and I didn't know what I was doing really as I had never had a Land Rover before! If a plank like me can do it and if you are sat reading this thinking I couldn't do that just buy a book, join the forums so you can get valuable advice and jump right in. There will be times you doubt yourself then times when you hurt yourself you will want to cry you will laugh out loudly but you will end up feeling good about yourself when you look upon that little job that you thought was beyond your remit but it sits there in front of you fixed anyway! Upon reflection I have loved every high and low of this rebuild I have loved the comments on the forums of encouragement and the micky taking when I have assumed or written something wrong. Thanks folks for coming along on this journey with me you have kept me focused on the right road and kept me writing. All the best Nick. http://www.justturned40.co.uk
  21. I know what you mean chap and FOUR wheels in the snow would be nice
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