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Posts posted by MVRT Del

  1. It was a pleasure to help Jordan achieve his goal, We had really the easy part of loading and unloading him from all the different vehicles. Again form the Arena Crew thanks to the Owners/Drivers for there help. more important Thank you you Jordan for his idea and for his efforts


    Whats Next???:-D:-D


    Arena Crew



    The Problem was due to the person connecting winch rope to the shock of the trailer:nono: :nono:and not the main chassis, Luckily no won hurt could have been a lot worse. the damage to the engine was minimal winch guide bent cable bent. :shocked::sweat:

  3. I think some people forget that the Hop farm is a show ground and have things on all year round and not just for the W&P. It could be very possible that the hop farm are responsible for all toilets and other things that could and would be used for other events. It makes comment sense from a business point of view to use the same people for all events so to achieve a better price?

  4. :stop:

    For all you men out there with partners being dragged from show to show the time for nagging is about to stop :nono::sweat::idea:

    At stall O20 at the War and Peace show there is the first Beauty and Hair Salon.:yay:


    Pamper and Style are offering a varied range of treatments which can be seen on http://http://www.warandpeaceshow.co.uk/News and go to latest news. :yay:


    :yay:Come and see Carli and Lianne at stall O20 :yay:

  5. Has to be Drive,you cant beat the smell and sound as you drive down the road.its also great to see people faces as you pass them in small towns in which some people wouldn't get to see the vehicles any other way. As for breakdowns it happens the only thing you can do is be as prepared as you can,I can see why Neil has asked these questions due to the amount of post with his stolly broken i would be concerned as well:shocked: i would get fully sorted and then road test many times on short runs with the assistance of help i it did break down

    Breakdown cover is good BUT remember the bigger the vehicle the harder it becomes i would recommend asking the following before taking out any policy:stop:

    What is the estimated time for recovery

    what the total weight that they can accommodate

    remember your only talking to a broker they wont know what your vehicle is no point paying to find that there not able to recover you:???

  6. Very enjoyable weekend good to meet up with fellow members must try and meet more,looking for to War & Peace lats see if Lees Fox will do a hole lap of the arena??? :cool2: unlike the half it managed at bunker :-D Thanks to Matt for food and entertainment:cool2::shocked: aprts from us Ian are we going to continue drink for drink bug for bug????:sweat::sweat:

  7. Looks good any picture of the inside hope you have fun with her


    Well lets hope Reverse works!!!!:rofl:only kidding going to have to think of new one now. Oh and please don't try getting in with your skit on not a pretty sight:nono::shocked:

  8. This post seems to cover a wide range of question/problems for owners. I have had personal experience in dealing with both VOSA and DVLA(some times very hard to get same answer???). Looking at the MPV in theory it seems THAT for some might be the way forward but mostly i think it would cause more problems?, MOT exempt This has been something i have looked into very closely, my father has a truck and living van and travels to stem shows all over, His truck comes under the MOT exempt rule due to age. he has been doing this on a car license since i was a small boy, his truck is inspected by myself a commercial mechanic. i look after a few vintage vehicles and steam engine low loaders purely from a safety point. Unfortunately due to the way the world is going regarding safety its going to be the shows that suffer. Unfortunately there are some that use the MOT exempt as a way of saving money i have seem vehicles at shows that don't get maintained. I have personal experience with shows that i am involved with, seeing vehicles that shouldn't move.

    This is a question to all


    If i own a Aec militant and wish to recover something can i do this on a classic military vehicle insurance policy???



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