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Lauren Child

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Posts posted by Lauren Child

  1. Looking for a Tavern then? I know a year or so ago Withams had quite a few, but all the armour had to be removed. Were you thinking of re-creating that to some degree or going to use the chassis for something else?


    Ah, I hadn't realised Tavern was a type of vehicle. My mind jumped straight to the boozery.

  2. I'm not a radio HAM, but before you get to W&P is there anything that needs calibrating or investigating to make sure you are really transmitting on the frequency it says on the dial (and hence not about to get into trouble).


    Also, you may need to replace capacitors in kit that's getting old, both to make it work properly and avoid any nasty bangs.


    It's often said that the magic pixies that make elecronics work breath smoke, and they simply can't survive in open air. That is why these things stop working when the component pops and the magic smoke is let out.

  3. K-seal will work in both pressurised and non-pressurised. It will stay dormant in the system until a weep occurs. Not like the old time remedy of what looked like something a dog had left behind, for those not familiar, I mean Barseal. That stuff will block a radiator, i have seen where people have added a few more to try and cure a problem only to give themselves a bigger problem.


    Thanks Richard :)

  4. Ahhh! Longing for those summer days. Perhaps with the current weather I should try and get some tracks fitted like the one parked next to me waddyafink?


    It's much more difficult to get your knee down around a roundabout if you do.

  5. There are several different shades of Olive Drab, and there is considerable variety of shade in the supply of those, plus many change colour over time.


    Off the top of my head, you may be looking at US Olive Drab, British SCC15 olive drab (late war), BS381 Olive Drab (post war), Russian Forest Green, or NATO Green, or any of the other camo colours that are close to olive drab.


    What is the project/period?

  6. Lauren,

    Looking at other photos I have of that car, I can now see the upper one is not the same vehicle as the one with Grandfather driving, but does have the same registration number. If you look closely it has more louvres in the bonnet sides and looks to be larger.



    Ah OK. Interesting stuff. Looking through the register photo's it looks like the changed setup became standard across the board. An interesting snapshot of history though :)

  7. Lauren,

    I think there is no difference, it is down to the lower photo having 3 men on board and the suspension has levelled out. My grandfather drove this actual car from 1922 and I think it predates the military trials, will dig out the details when I can.


    The car's owner, William Robinson, was a landscape gardener, he became wheelchair bound and this car was a godsend in that he could be driven to all parts of his estate.


    I've zoomed in on the tracks so hopefully you can see what I mean. On the upper photo there is a metal bar that connects to the idler, bumps around the drive sprocket, pads on the track, and tongues rather than a solid ridge on the track interior.



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